Judah Brandt

50 articles

Judah has been going hard at RPGs for nearing 25 years. From the honest days of the Sega Genesis to the current generation, their lust for experience points is all-consuming. They've been battling the forces of evil in both Vana'diel and Eorzea ceaselessly since those worlds were created, making them an expert on all things Final Fantasy XI & XIV. When not taking long walks on the beaches of Costa del Sol, a real one works just fine. Also loves dogs.

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Guides from Judah Brandt

Portly Porxie in the skies of Il Mheg (FFXIV)

How To Get The Portly Porxie Mount (FFXIV)

Final Fantasy XIV
Eldthurs roaming the Firing Chamber of Eureka Pyros (FFXIV)

How To Get The Eldthurs Mount in FFXIV

Final Fantasy XIV
Flying Chair Mount in FFXIV (HD Screenshot)

How To Get The Flying Chair Mount in FFXIV

Final Fantasy XIV
Direwolf stalking Fallgourd Float in Northern Shroud (FFXIV)

How To Get The Direwolf Mount in FFXIV

Final Fantasy XIV
The Grani mount roaming the Thavnair settlement of Yedlihmad (FFXIV)

How Do You Get The Grani Mount in FFXIV?

Final Fantasy XIV
Xanthos mount riding the winds of Natalan (FFXIV)

How To Get The Xanthos Mount in FFXIV

Final Fantasy XIV
Jibanyan Couch floating in the Ultima Thule (FFXIV)

How To Get The Jibanyan Couch Mount in FFXIV

Final Fantasy XIV
Albino Karakul Mount in Meadows of Dhon Mheg (FFXIV)

How To Get The Albino Kararkul Mount in FFXIV

Final Fantasy XIV