Amsterdam Palace Unlock Guide for Cities: Skylines

The Amsterdam Palace Unique Building (Cities: Skylines)
Amsterdam Palace
DLC none
Building Type Unique Building
Level/Category Landmarks
Build Cost ₡350,000
Upkeep Cost ₡2,400/week
Milestone Required Worthy Village
Entertainment Value 90
Noise Pollution 20
Visitor Capacity 360

The Amsterdam Palace is a Landmark unique building in Cities: Skylines. To unlock it, you need to do two things:

  • Construct 600 city service buildings
  • Reach the Worthy Village milestone (240 – 950 population, depending on the map)

Once you meet these requirements, you’ll be able to build the Amsterdam Palace from the Landmarks tab of the Unique Buildings menu for ₡350,000.

Until then, hovering over its silhouette in the menu will show you a counter of how many city service buildings you currently have in the city.

The silhouette of Amsterdam Palace in the Unique Buildings menu. / Cities: Skylines
The silhouette of Amsterdam Palace in the Unique Buildings menu.

Although the Landmarks tab is unlocked very early, expect to be much farther in the game by the time you unlock this, due to the sheer amount of money required to build 600 service buildings.

Note: By default, the Amsterdam Palace is only available on European themed maps. However, you can enable it on all maps by going to Content Manager > Styles, and enabling the “European/Vanilla” style.

What are City Service Buildings?

City service buildings are ploppable buildings (i.e., you have to spend money and place them down individually) that provide your citizens access to utilities, safety, healthcare, and comforts.

Below are the various buildings you can construct towards unlocking the Amsterdam Palace.


The Power menu. / Cities: Skylines
The Power menu.
Building Unlocked At DLC Build Cost (₡)
Wind Turbine start none 6,000
Coal Power Plant start none 19,000
Advanced Wind Turbine Boom Town none 12,000
Wave Power Plant Boom Town High Tech Buildings 14,000
Geothermal Power Plant Busy Town Green Cities 65,000
Oil Power Plant Busy Town none 50,000
Solar Updraft Tower Big Town Green Cities 90,000
Hydro Power Plant Small City none (varies)
Solar Power Plant Grand City none 80,000
Nuclear Power Plant Colossal City none 200,000
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant Colossal City Green Cities 250,000
Fusion Power Plant Megalopolis none 1,000,000

Water and Sewage

The Water and Sewage menu. / Cities: Skylines
The Water and Sewage menu.
Building Unlocked At DLC Build Cost (₡)
Water Pumping Station start none 2,500
Water Tower start none 3,500
Water Drain Pipe start none 2,500
Eco Water Outlet start Green Cities 4,000
Inland Water Treatment Plant start Sunset Harbor 2,500
Eco Inland Water Treatment Plant start Sunset Harbor 4,000
Fresh Water Outlet Tiny Town Natural Disasters 2,500
Tank Reservoir Boom Town Natural Disasters 25,000
Pumping Service Busy Town Natural Disasters 100,000
Large Water Tower Big City Sunset Harbor 9,000
Water Treatment Plant Big City 15,000
Advanced Inland Water Treatment Plant Big City Sunset Harbor 15,000
Eco Water Treatment Plant Capital City Green Cities 25,000
Eco Advanced Inland Water Treatment Plant Capital City Sunset Harbor 25,000


The Healthcare menu. / Cities: Skylines
The Healthcare menu.
Building Unlocked At DLC Build Cost (₡)
Medical Clinic Little Hamlet 10,000
Sports Hall and Gymnasium Tiny Town Green Cities 120,000
Cemetery Boom Town 8,000
Child Health Center Boom Town Green Cities 18,000
Eldercare Boom Town Green Cities 22,000
Medical Helicopter Depot Boom Town Natural Disasters 50,000
Community Pool Busy Town Green Cities 75,000
General Hospital Busy Town Modern Japan 65,000
Hospital/ European Hospital Busy Town 65,000
Medical Laboratory Busy Town High-Tech Buildings 42,000
High-Capacity Hospital Big Town Plazas & Promenades 95,000
Sauna Big Town Snowfall 25,000
Yoga Garden Small City Green Cities 90,,000
Crematorium Big City 25,000
Cryopreservatory Big City High-Tech Buildings 32,000
Medical Center (Monument) Megalopolis 650,000


The Education menu. / Cities: Skylines
The Education menu.
Building Unlocked at DLC Cost (₡)
Elementary School/European Elementary School Little Hamlet none 10,000
High-Capacity Elementary School Worthy Village Plazas & Promenades 26,000
High School/European High School Tiny Town none 24,000
High-Capacity High School Boom Town Plazas & Promenades 58,000
University/ European University Big Town none 75,000
Community School Little Hamlet Green Cities 12,000
Institute of Creative Arts Tiny Town Green Cities 30,000
Modern Technology Institute Big Town Green Cities 90,000


The Fire menu. (Labeled ‘Emergency Services’ if you play with the Natural Disasters DLC.) / Cities: Skylines
The Fire menu. (Labeled ‘Emergency Services’ if you play with the Natural Disasters DLC.)
Building Unlocked At DLC Build Cost (₡)
Fire House/European Fire House Worthy Village none 12,000
Fire Station/European Fire Station Busy Town none 60,000
High-Capacity Fire Station Big Town Plazas & Promenades 95,000
Fire Helicopter Depot Busy Town Natural Disasters 55,000
Fire Watch Tower Big Town Natural Disasters 9,000


The Police Department menu. / Cities: Skylines
The Police Department menu.
Building Unlocked At DLC Build Cost (₡)
Police Station /European Police Station Worthy Village none 12,000
Intelligence Agency Busy Town High Tech Buildings 60,000
Police Headquarters/ European Police Headquarters Busy Town none 60,000
High-Capacity Police Headquarters Big Town Plazas & Promenades 95,000
Police Helicopter Depot Busy Town Natural Disasters 60,000
Prison Big Town After Dark 120,000


The Garbage and Industry menu. The garbage disposal facilities are on the first tab. / Cities: Skylines
The Garbage and Industry menu. The garbage disposal facilities are on the first tab.
Building Unlocked at Cost (₡) DLC
Landfill site Little Hamlet 4,000 none
Incineration Plant Big Town 30,000 none
Recycling Center Little Hamlet 16,000 Green cities


The Transport tab. / Cities: Skylines
The Transport tab.
Building Unlocked at DLC Cost (₡)
Bus Depot Boom Town none 30,000
Taxi Depot Boom Town After Dark 15,000
Taxi Stand Boom Town After Dark 1,000
Tram Depot Boom Town Snowfall 40,000
Metro Station Big Town none 10,000
Underground Metro Station Big Town none 15,000
Elevated Metro Station Big Town none 30,000
Elevated Metro Station with Shops Big Town Plazas & Promenades 35,000
Train Station Small City none 45,000
Cargo Train Station Small City none 60,000
Passenger Harbor Capital City none 80,000
Cargo Harbor Capital City none 60,000
Airport Metropolis none 150,000

Tip: Using the Infinite Money Mod

600 is a lot of city service buildings — it’ll take a pretty massive city to need that many.

If you’d like to unlock the Amsterdam Palace much sooner, and if you don’t mind using mods, you can use the Unlimited Money mod and a save point.

Here’s how:

Step 1: From the game’s main menu, go to Content Manager > Mods and then enable “Unlimited Money”.

Step 2: Load into your game, and create a save point. Name it “before 600 buildings” or similar so you know which one it is. Make sure that autosave is off.

Step 3: Spam building any city service buildings until you reach 600 and unlock the Amsterdam Palace.

Step 4: Close the game without saving.

After doing this, you’ll still be able to build the Amsterdam Palace in any of your games. (Once unlocked, a unique building will stay unlocked across saves.)

Bear in mind that using any mods will disable Steam Achievements.

Liz Villegas

174 articles

Liz is a writer and photographer with a love for building and strategy games. Her spare time is often split between lifting, reading, drawing, annoying her dog Mr. Porky Butt, and squinting at stat tables on the wiki pages of whatever game she's currently playing.

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