Cities: Skylines Arc de Triomphe Unlock Guide

The Arc de Triomphe in Cities: Skylines
Arc de Triomphe
DLC Deluxe Upgrade Pack (or Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition)
Building Type Unique Building
Level/Category Landmarks
Build Cost ₡160,000
Upkeep Cost ₡800/week
Milestone Required Worthy Village
Entertainment Value 100
Noise Pollution 50
Visitor Capacity 300

The Arc de Triomphe is a Landmark unique building that comes with the Deluxe Version of Cities: Skylines (or the Deluxe Upgrade Pack DLC for the standard version of the game).

To unlock the Arc de Triomphe, you need to have 7,500 children in elementary schools in total. You’ll also need to reach the Worthy Village milestone (240 – 950 population, depending on the map)

Once these are accomplished, you can build the Arc de Triomphe from the Landmarks tab of the Unique Buildings menu for ₡160,000.

Until then, you can hover over its silhouette in the menu to check your progress towards unlocking it.

The silhouette of the Arc de Triomphe in the menu / Cities: Skylines
The silhouette of the Arc de Triomphe in the menu.

Placing Elementary Schools

In the base game, your only option is the standard Elementary School (which has vanilla and “European” assets; these differ only in appearance).

Green Cities and Plazas & Promenades gives you more options for elementary schools.

Building Build Cost Unlocked At DLC Required Student Capacity
Elementary School 10,000 Little Hamlet none 300
Community School 12,000 Little Hamlet Green Cities 250
High-Capacity Elementary School 26,000 Worthy Village Plazas & Promenades 800
Depending on the map you’re on, you may see the vanilla (left) and European (right) models of the elementary school / Cities: Skylines
Depending on the map you’re on, you may see the vanilla (left) and European (right) models of the elementary school.

How To Get 7,500 Students into Elementary Schools

The only thing you really have to do for this unlock is to grow your population, while making sure you have enough elementary school capacity for all the eligible students.

You can check your capacity versus eligible students by clicking on the Education info view.

Don’t forget—only children can go to elementary school. This means only a small fraction of your population will be eligible.

The Education info view. In this city of 26,000, only around 2,200 are children eligible to go to elementary school / Cities: Skylines
The Education info view. In this city of 26,000, only around 2,200 are children eligible to go to elementary school.

This also means that even if you’ve recently experienced a population surge due to people (i.e., adults) moving in, you’ll likely have to wait until those adults have kids that can go to school.

Boosting Birth Rate with the Child Health Center

Another thing that can help you out slightly is to build a Child Health Center.

It’s a building that, apart from improving the health of kids and teens, also boosts the birth rate within its radius.

This eventually leads to more children that can go to your elementary schools.

The Child Health Center can be built from the Healthcare menu for ₡18,000 / Cities: Skylines
The Child Health Center can be built from the Healthcare menu for ₡18,000.

Liz Villegas

174 articles

Liz is a writer and photographer with a love for building and strategy games. Her spare time is often split between lifting, reading, drawing, annoying her dog Mr. Porky Butt, and squinting at stat tables on the wiki pages of whatever game she's currently playing.

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