Cities: Skylines Brandenburg Gate (How To Unlock + Building Details)

The Brandenburg Gate building in Cities: Skylines
Brandenburg Gate
DLC Deluxe Upgrade Pack (or Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition)
Building Type Unique Building
Level/Category Landmarks
Build Cost ₡195,000
Upkeep Cost ₡1,600/week
Milestone Required Worthy Village
Entertainment Value 100
Noise Pollution 50
Visitor Capacity 300

To unlock the Brandenburg Gate unique building, you’ll need to do 2 things:

  • Have 10,000 full lifespans lived in the game
  • And reach the Worthy Village milestone (240-950 population, depending on the map)

Once these requirements are met, you’ll be able to build the Brandenburg Gate from the Landmarks tab of the Unique Buildings menu for ₡195,000.

Until then, hovering over its silhouette in the menu will show you your progress towards unlocking it.

Hovering over its silhouette in the menu will show you your progress / Cities: Skylines

Although the Worthy Village milestone unlocks the Landmark Unique Buildings tab, you will be much farther in the game by the time you unlock this building.

Note: You’ll need to have 10,000 citizens to have been born in your city and then grown old and died there. Each citizen has a “lifespan” of approximately 6 in-game years.

Tip #1: Avoid Getting Homes Abandoned

Since you want as many citizens as possible to live their whole lives in your city, you want to avoid the conditions that may cause them to pack up and leave.

Be attentive to any citizen complaints, and try to resolve their issues as quickly as possible.

These can include:

  • Lack of power or water
  • Contaminated water supply
  • Ground and noise pollution
  • Garbage piling up (inadequate garbage collection)
  • Dead persons not picked up in a timely manner
  • High crime rate
  • Taxes too high
  • Land value too low*

*This can happen if a residence has upgraded to a higher level, but for some reason the land value in the neighborhood drops (e.g., if a noisy or polluting building is built nearby) and is now lower than what that level needs.

This building was abandoned because a dead person was not collected in a timely manner / Cities: Skylines
This building was abandoned because a dead person was not collected in a timely manner.

Tip #2: Keep Your Citizens Healthy

Citizens dying prematurely because of illness won’t add to your progress, and will in fact slow you down.

You want your citizens to stay as healthy as possible and die of old age.

Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Make sure their water is clean (keep any drain pipes downstream of water intakes, and any water towers away from polluted soil)
  • Keep ground and noise pollution away from homes
  • Provide sufficient healthcare access (clinics and hospitals) for any citizens who do get sick

There are also certain buildings from DLCs that provide a health bonus to citizens within their radius.

Building Build Cost Unlocked At DLC Required Effect
Child Health Center 18,000 Boom Town none Health bonus to children and teens in the area; boosts birth rate
Community Pool 75,000 Busy Town Green Cities Health bonus to area
Eldercare 22,000 Boom Town none Health bonus to seniors in the area
Sauna 25,000 Big Town Snowfall Health and happiness bonus to area
Sports Hall and Gymnasium 120,000 Tiny Town Green Cities Health bonus to area
Yoga Garden 90,000 Small City Green Cities Health bonus to area
Citizens here are getting ill and dying because of contaminated water / Cities: Skylines
Citizens here are getting ill and dying because of contaminated water.

Tip #3: Use the Child Health Center to Boost Birth Rate

Apart from the health bonus to children and teens in the neighborhood around it, the Child Health Center also provides a boost to birth rate within its radius.

Since you’ll want as many babies being born in your city as possible for this unlock, it won’t hurt to add a few child health centers near your residential zones.

The Child Health Center / Cities: Skylines
The Child Health Center

Tip #4: Don’t Enable Random Disasters (Natural Disasters DLC)

Of course, you also want to make sure your citizens aren’t dying prematurely from disasters!

If you’re playing with the Natural Disasters DLC, make sure random disasters are turned off.

Also, be sure to have sufficient fire safety coverage, to prevent the loss of homes to fire.

Liz Villegas

174 articles

Liz is a writer and photographer with a love for building and strategy games. Her spare time is often split between lifting, reading, drawing, annoying her dog Mr. Porky Butt, and squinting at stat tables on the wiki pages of whatever game she's currently playing.

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