Complete Farm Industry Area Guide for Cities: Skylines

Main building and animal pasture on farmland (Cities: Skylines)

Farming is one of the earliest industry area types you unlock in the Cities: Skylines Industries DLC.

The basic steps for getting a farming industry area going are:

  1. Getting ready (prepping & saving enough money)
  2. Creating an industry area
  3. Producing and storing crops
  4. Producing animal products
  5. Leveling up your industry area
  6. Producing flour

It’s a great way to boost your economy in the early game, so here’s how!

Step 1: Getting Ready to Create Your Industry Area

To be able to create industry areas, you’ll need to have hit the Tiny Town milestone. Depending on the map, this can be anywhere from 360 to 1,500 citizens.

Both farming and forestry are unlocked upon reaching Tiny Town.

In terms of cash, you’ll need a minimum of 32,500 to build one of each of the farm area buildings available to you at the first level.

Building Cost
Farm Main Building 15,000
Small crop field or small fruit field 4,000
Small animal pasture 7,500
Small grain silo 6,000

Step 2: Creating a Farming Industry Area

Start out by finding the fertile land on your map.

Click on the Natural Resources info view, and look for the bright yellow-green spots on your map.

The more intense the shade of yellow-green, the more fertile the land is. / Cities: Skylines
The more intense the shade of yellow-green, the more fertile the land is.

Go to Districts and Areas, then select Paint Industry Area. Use that brush to paint over the fertile land where you want to build your farming industry.

Go to Districts & Areas (1),  then Districts Painting Tools (2), and select Paint Industry Area. / Cities: Skylines
Go to Districts & Areas (1), then Districts Painting Tools (2), and select Paint Industry Area.

Build the roads, water pipes, and power lines leading into the area.

Once all that’s ready, go to the Farming Industry tab of the Garbage and Industry menu, and build the Farm Main Building.

Go to Farming and Industry (1), then click on the Farming Industry tab (2) to build the Farm Main  Building. / Cities: Skylines
Go to Farming and Industry (1), then click on the Farming Industry tab (2) to build the Farm Main Building.

Placing this main building will automatically designate that area as a farming industry area.

You’ll also get a notification saying this farming industry area has reached Level 1, and informing you of the farm buildings you now have access to. / Cities: Skylines
You’ll also get a notification saying this farming industry area has reached Level 1, and informing you of the farm buildings you now have access to.

Step 3: Producing and Storing Crops

With your farming industry area now ready, it’s time to build your first extractor buildings.

Extractor buildings are the buildings that produce raw goods out of natural resources.

For the farming industry, your raw resource is crops. The extractor buildings available to you at level 1 are the small crop field and small fruit field, which are identical in function and stats.

You’ll find them by clicking on the single gear icon on the Farming Industry tab. Select either one and build one on top of fertile land, and provide water and power to it.

The small crop field and small fruit field in the extractor buildings tab. / Cities: Skylines
The small crop field and small fruit field in the extractor buildings tab.

As you place the field, the tooltip will tell you how productive the building will be in that spot. Aim for 4,800 units for max productivity.

More extractor buildings will be available to you as you level up.

Extractor Building Level Unlocked Build Cost (₡) Productivity (units of crops/week)
Small Crop Field 1 4,000 4,800
Small Fruit Field 1 4,000 4,800
Medium Crop Field 3 8,000 8,000
Medium Fruit Field 3 8,000 8,000
Large Crop Field 5 12,000 11,200
Large Fruit Field 5 12,000 11,200

Soon enough your extractor building will start producing crops.

It will also automatically load up its trucks to try to sell its products.

For the next steps in the farm area supply chain, however, you’ll want to keep most of these crops, as they are the raw material for animal products and flour. To do that, build a storage facility.

At level 1, the crops storage building available to you is the small grain silo.

Click on the storage buildings tab (warehouse icon) to find the small grain silo. / Cities: Skylines
Click on the storage buildings tab (warehouse icon) to find the small grain silo.

Your extractor buildings’ trucks will prioritize this silo before trying to export the crops, allowing you to stock up.

Each storage facility also has its own trucks that will deliver the raw material to your production buildings later as needed.

Building Level Unlocked Build Cost (₡) Capacity (units of crops) Trucks
Small Grain Silo 1 6,000 300,000 12
Small Barn 2 12,000 400,000 15
Large Barn 4 18,000 500,000 20
Large Grain Silo 5 22,000 600,000 15

Step 4: Producing Animal Products

Before long you should have a steady supply of crops being produced.

You can now go on to produce your first processed material (a.k.a. special goods) from the farm industry: animal products.

The first processing building you have at level 1 is the small animal pasture. You’ll find it in the farm industry tab by clicking on the processing buildings icon (the two gears).

Click on the processing buildings tab (2 gears icon) to find the small animal pasture. / Cities: Skylines
Click on the processing buildings tab (2 gears icon) to find the small animal pasture.

Note that processor buildings don’t need to be built on top of fertile land (only extractor buildings do).

It may take a while, but eventually you should see the trucks from either the grain silo or one of your extractor buildings deliver crops to your animal pasture. The latter will then start producing animal products.

As you level up, more productive processing buildings will become available.

Processing Building Level Unlocked Build Cost (₡) Productivity (units of animal products/week)
Small Animal Pasture 1 7,500 2,400
Cattle Shed 2 12,000 3,200
Milking Parlor 3 14,000 4,000
Slaughterhouse 4 16,000 4,800
Large Animal Pasture 5 20,000 5,600

Step 5: Leveling Up Your Farm Industry Area

To gain access to the rest of the farm industry buildings, you’ll need to level up your industry area.

This requires hitting various milestones in terms of resource units produced, and workers hired.

Hitting the first milestone is as simple as making sure your extractor and processing buildings are working properly, and waiting until they produce enough over time.

The second milestone, however, will generally mean adding more buildings — such as more crop fields, silos, and animal pastures. This will create and fill more workspaces within your industry area, increasing the number of workers and helping you reach higher levels.

Clicking on the name of your industry area on the map will bring up its info panel, where you can see your progress towards these milestones. / Cities: Skylines
Clicking on the name of your industry area on the map will bring up its info panel, where you can see your progress towards these milestones.

Step 6: Producing Flour

Once your farm hits level 2, you’ll be able to start producing the second processed material from the farming industry: flour.

Simply build a flour mill from the farm industry tab. Provided you have crops in your storage facilities, the trucks will automatically start delivering crops to your flour mill for processing.

You’ll find the flour mill in the same tab as the animal pasture. / Cities: Skylines
You’ll find the flour mill in the same tab as the animal pasture.

Auxiliary Buildings

Auxiliary buildings are optional buildings that make your industry area more efficient.

The farm industry workers’ barracks increase the productivity of your farm area. Meanwhile, the maintenance building increases the storage capacity of your ore storage facilities (e.g., silos and barns).

Building Unlocked at Level Cost Effect
Farm Worker’s Barracks 2 10,000 Increases production rate by 5% per building, capped at 100%
Farm Maintenance Building 4 25,000 Increases storage capacity by 5% per building
The Farm Maintenance Building (left) and the Farm Workers’ Barracks, both of which can be found in the same tab as the Main Building. / Cities: Skylines
The Farm Maintenance Building (left) and the Farm Workers’ Barracks, both of which can be found in the same tab as the Main Building.

Using Farm Area Products in Factories

All of the products from your farm area — crops, animal products, and flour — can be exported as-is for profit.

However, you can get even better profits if you deliver them to your unique factories.

Unique factories turn these different materials (often from multiple industry area types) into luxury goods to be sold in your commercial areas or to other cities.

The materials for luxury goods may not be imported; they must be produced locally.

Below are the unique factories that use products from your farm industry:

Unique Factory Industry Types Required Materials Required
Bakery Farm Crops, animal products, flour
Lemonade Factory Farm, Ore Crops, glass
Clothing Factory Farm, Oil Crops, animal products, plastic
Soft Paper Factory Farm, Forestry, Oil Crops, paper, petroleum, plastic
Sneaker Factory Farm, Forestry, Oil Crops, paper petroleum, plastic
Car Factory Farm, Ore, Oil Animal products, metal, glass, plastic
Food Factory Farm, Forestry, Oil Animal products, flour, paper, plastic
The bakery uses only products from the farm industry (crops, animal products, and flour), so you can have it operating even without other industry area types. / Cities: Skylines
The bakery uses only products from the farm industry (crops, animal products, and flour), so you can have it operating even without other industry area types.

Liz Villegas

174 articles

Liz is a writer and photographer with a love for building and strategy games. Her spare time is often split between lifting, reading, drawing, annoying her dog Mr. Porky Butt, and squinting at stat tables on the wiki pages of whatever game she's currently playing.

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