How To Get More Workers in Cities: Skylines

Industrial buildings complaining about a lack of workers (Cities: Skylines)

If your industrial or commercial buildings are complaining about a shortage of workers, then it’s either because you don’t have a large enough population, or not enough citizens of the appropriate education level to fill the jobs.

Generic industry buildings (especially of lower levels) tend to employ mostly uneducated workers. So any staff shortages are often simply due to not having enough people in your city. In this case, the solution is simply zoning more residences.

As people move in, they’ll fill the jobs and the shortage should resolve itself over a short period.

You’ll often find that a worker shortage in generic industry zones will coincide with a high demand for residential zoning.

Generic industry buildings complaining about a lack of workers, while the demand bars indicate demand for residential zoning. / Cities: Skylines
Generic industry buildings complaining about a lack of workers, while the demand bars indicate demand for residential zoning.

Getting Educated Workers

On the other hand, if your building is complaining that there are “Not Enough Educated Workers!” then you should see if you’re providing adequate facilities.

There are four different education levels in the game:

Education level Required Educational Building DLC Build Cost (₡)
Uneducated none none none
Educated Elementary school none 10,000
Community School Green Cities 12,000
Well Educated High School none 24,000
Institute of Creative Arts Green Cities 30,000
Highly Educated University none 75,000
Modern Technological Institute Green Cities 90,000
Faculty High Tech 24,000

The workforce of each industrial, commercial, or industrial building can be made up of a combination of the different educational levels.

Inspecting each building will tell you how many filled and unfilled positions they have, and the education level required. / Cities: Skylines
Inspecting each building will tell you how many filled and unfilled positions they have, and the education level required.

A mix of different educational levels will be required across the different zones.

However, generic industry buildings (especially at lower levels) will tend to require more uneducated workers, while higher-level office buildings will require more highly educated ones.

An industry building’s info panel showing that it requires only uneducated workers. / Cities: Skylines
An industry building’s info panel showing that it requires only uneducated workers.
This office building requires educated, well-educated, and highly educated workers. / Cities: Skylines
This office building requires educated, well-educated, and highly educated workers.

So getting workers for the various jobs will mean making sure you have the right educational facilities in place, and with enough capacity.

You can check your city-wide capacity for each education level by opening the Education info view. / Cities: Skylines
You can check your city-wide capacity for each education level by opening the Education info view.

Do take note that your citizens will need time to go through the education system.

So if, for example, you’ve just placed your city’s first university, you may have to wait a while before it starts supplying you with the educated workers you need.

Liz Villegas

174 articles

Liz is a writer and photographer with a love for building and strategy games. Her spare time is often split between lifting, reading, drawing, annoying her dog Mr. Porky Butt, and squinting at stat tables on the wiki pages of whatever game she's currently playing.

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