Cities: Skylines Luxury Hotel Unlock Guide

Luxury Hotel Building in Cities: Skylines
Luxury Hotel Details
Cost to Build ₡200,000
Upkeep ₡3,200/week
Entertainment Value 75
Noise Pollution 25

The Luxury Hotel is a unique building that you can build with the Cities: Skylines After Dark DLC. To unlock it, you’ll just need to build an International Airport. Easy!

Although it’s worth noting that this will also require you to reach the Megalopolis population milestone (which can happen anywhere from 20,000 to 90,000 citizens, depending on the map).

Note: The Unique Building menu’s Tourism & Leisure tab, where you’ll find the Luxury Hotel, is unlocked at a much earlier milestone (Busy Town). However, you’ll need to reach Megalopolis to build the International Airport.

Building the International Airport

The International Airport also requires the After Dark DLC. You can find it in the Public Transport Hubs tab of the Transport menu.

It costs ₡250,000 to build and ₡8,000/week in upkeep.

You’ll find the International Airport by going to the Transportation menu (1) and then to the Public Transport Hubs tab (2). / Cities: Skylines
You’ll find the International Airport by going to the Transportation menu (1) and then to the Public Transport Hubs tab (2).

Here’s a couple tips to help you get this airport up & running in your city.

Tip #1: Plan The Location Ahead of Time

By the time you reach Megalopolis, the ₡250,000 build cost should be no big problem.

However, depending on the map you’re playing on and how much buildable space you have left that late in the game, you might struggle to find space for it due to its size.

A view of the international airport showing its size relative to one tile. / Cities: Skylines
A view of the international airport showing its size relative to one tile.

Unsurprisingly, it’s also really noisy (175 noise pollution). So it won’t be a good idea to stick it too close to your residential zoning.

All of these factors mean that you’ll have to plan ahead and set aside space for your International Airport, even as you approach the Megalopolis milestone.

If you’re really short on space towards the late game and don’t mind using mods, consider using one that lets you expand beyond the default 9 tiles. A popular one is Big City, which lets you purchase 25 tiles once you reach Megalopolis.

Tip #2: Use the Level Terrain Tool to Create a Flat Area

You might find the International Airport to be a little finicky to place.

Not only does the space for it need to be big—it also needs to be flat.

Trying to place it on uneven terrain will get you the “Slope too steep!” error.

Use the Level Terrain tool to create a flat area. (Bear in mind that this will cost you money as well, especially if you have to move a lot of soil.)

Use the Level Terrain tool from the Landscaping menu to even out the area. / Cities: Skylines
Use the Level Terrain tool from the Landscaping menu to even out the area.

Liz Villegas

174 articles

Liz is a writer and photographer with a love for building and strategy games. Her spare time is often split between lifting, reading, drawing, annoying her dog Mr. Porky Butt, and squinting at stat tables on the wiki pages of whatever game she's currently playing.

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