Cities: Skylines Official Park Unlock Guide

The Official Park unique building in Cities: Skylines
Official Park
Building Type Unique Building
Level/Category 3
Build Cost ₡45,000
Upkeep Cost ₡128/week
Milestone Required Big Town
Entertainment Value 90
Attractiveness 8
Noise Pollution 25
Visitor Capacity 150

The Official Park is a level 3 unique building in Cities: Skylines.

To unlock it, you must have 10,000 squares of office zone. You’ll also need to reach the Big Town milestone (1,800 to 7,500 total population, depending on the map).

When these requirements are fulfilled, you’ll be able to build the Official Park from the level 3 tab of the Unique Buildings menu.

Until then, you can hover over the silhouette to see your progress towards unlocking it. / Cities: Skylines
Until then, you can hover over the silhouette to see your progress towards unlocking it.

Although the level 3 Unique Buildings menu is available from the Boom Town milestone, you’ll need to reach Big Town to start zoning offices (as well as build a university, which is crucial to office zones).

The Official Park is one of the requirements for the Eden Project monument.

Creating Office Zones

Offices are created by painting the office (cyan) zoning tool from the Districts and Areas menu. This tool is unlocked at the Big Town milestone.

The Office Zone tool. / Cities: Skylines
The Office Zone tool.

Getting Demand for Office

In order to count towards the unlock progress, the 10,000 squares of office zone will need to be built upon (not empty zoning).

This means you’ll need to have actual demand for offices in your city.

The demand for office zoning is indicated by the orange demand bar (which it shares with industrial zoning). / Cities: Skylines
The demand for office zoning is indicated by the orange demand bar (which it shares with industrial zoning).

Similar to industrial demand, the demand for office zoning goes hand in hand with growing your population. In other words, you get demand for workplaces when there are people in your city that need jobs.

This means you should expect to grow your city in general as you work towards this unlock.

Educating Your Citizens

In contrast to generic industry, which employs a lot of uneducated workers, office zones need educated employees, including a lot of highly-educated ones.

This means you’ll have to make sure your city has enough educational facilities—for all three levels—to generate the workers for your office zones.

Building a university (or any of its DLC equivalent buildings) will be key to growing your office zones.

Tip: Office zones that lack educated workers for too long will eventually get abandoned.

Education Level Building DLC Build Cost (₡)
Educated Elementary School none 10,000
Community School Green Cities 12,000
High-Capacity Elementary School Plazas & Promenades 26,000
Well Educated High School none 24,000
Institute of Creative Arts Green Cities 30,000
High-Capacity High School Plazas & Promenades 58,000
Highly Educated University none 75,000
Modern Technology Institute Green Cities 90,000
Faculty High-Tech Buildings 24,000
Campus Areas (Liberal Arts College, Trade School, University) Campus varies

Liz Villegas

174 articles

Liz is a writer and photographer with a love for building and strategy games. Her spare time is often split between lifting, reading, drawing, annoying her dog Mr. Porky Butt, and squinting at stat tables on the wiki pages of whatever game she's currently playing.

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