Cities: Skylines Snowboard Arena Unlock Guide

The Snowboard Arena in Cities: Skylines
Snowboard Arena
DLC Snowfall
Building Type Unique Building
Level/Category Winter Unique Building
Build Cost ₡400,000
Upkeep Cost ₡2,880/week
Milestone Required Worthy Village
Entertainment Value 120
Noise Pollution 35
Visitor Capacity 360

The Snowboard Arena is a unique building from the Cities: Skylines Snowfall DLC.

To unlock it, you have to:

  • Play on a winter map
  • Spend ₡30,000 per week for education expenses, for three total weeks
  • Reach the Worthy Village milestone (240 – 950 population, depending on the map)

Until you reach ₡30,000, hovering over the Snowboard Arena’s silhouette in the menu will show your current education spending.

The Snowboard Arena’s silhouette in the menu / Cities: Skylines
The Snowboard Arena’s silhouette in the menu

Once you do reach the ₡30,000 of expenses, the progress bar will change into a 3-week counter.

When the three weeks are over you’ll be able to build the Snowboard Arena from the Winter tab of the Unique Buildings menu for ₡400,000.

Note: The Snowboard Arena has the same unlock requirements as the Sports Arena, a Landmark unique building from the base game. So unlocking the Snowboard Arena will give you access to that as well.

All Winter Maps

The following are the official winter maps, all of which come from the Snowfall DLC.

  • Frosty Rivers
  • Icy Islands
  • Winter Hills
  • Frozenshire
  • Snowy Coast

You can also get user-made winter maps from the Steam Workshop.

The Snowfall maps in the New Game screen / Cities: Skylines
The Snowfall maps in the New Game screen

How To Increase Education Spending Fast

In the Upkeep Cost column of the table below, you can see how much each education facility will add to your weekly spending.

Building Unlocked at Cost (₡) Upkeep Cost (₡/week) DLC
Elementary School/European Elementary School Little Hamlet 10,000 160 none
High School/European High School Tiny Town 24,000 560 none
University/ European University Big Town 75,000 1,920 none
High-Capacity Elementary School Worthy Village 26,000 416 Plazas & Promenades
High-Capacity High School Boom Town 58,000 928 Plazas & Promenades
Community School Little Hamlet 12,000 240 Green Cities
Institute of Creative Arts Tiny Town 30,000 720 Green Cities
Modern Technology Institute Big Town 90,000 2,400 Green Cities
Faculty Big Town 24,000 640 High-Tech Buildings

As you can see, the tertiary buildings will be vital to spending a large amount for education.

You can expect to be somewhat late into the game, with a large population, by the time you need ₡30,000.

Of course, if you have plenty of cash to spare and really just want the Snowboarding Resort, you can just go ahead and build the educational facilities you don’t need.

You could then switch your extra school buildings off (so you don’t keep spending needlessly on upkeep) after you’ve unlocked the Snowboard Arena.

Liz Villegas

174 articles

Liz is a writer and photographer with a love for building and strategy games. Her spare time is often split between lifting, reading, drawing, annoying her dog Mr. Porky Butt, and squinting at stat tables on the wiki pages of whatever game she's currently playing.

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