Cities: Skylines Stadium Unlock Guide

The facade of the Stadium unique building in Cities: Skylines
Cost to Build ₡200,000
Upkeep ₡4,000/week
Entertainment Value 150
Noise Pollution 100

To unlock the Stadium, you must have your city produce at least 1,000 units of goods. You’ll also need to reach the Small City milestone (can be anywhere from 2,600 to 11,000 population, depending on the map).

Note: The Stadium building is different from the Football Stadium, which is a different unique building from the Match Day DLC – the Football Stadium gives your city its own football team and features a football match animation.

Once the above unlock conditions are met, you’ll be able to build the Stadium from the level 6 tab of the Unique Buildings menu; until then, you can hover over its silhouette in the menu to check your progress.

Building the Stadium from the Unique Buildings menu. / Cities: Skylines
Building the Stadium from the Unique Buildings menu.

Since this building produces 100 noise pollution, it’s a good idea to make sure you don’t put it too close to your residential zones.

Note that unlocking the Stadium is a requirement for the Space Elevator monument.

Producing 1,000 Units of Goods

Goods in this game are produced by:

  • Zoned industry (generic and specialized)
  • Industry areas (Industries DLC)
  • Fishing industry (Sunset Harbor DLC)
  • IT Cluster (Green Cities DLC)

Chances are, by the time you reach the Small City milestone, you’re likely near the 1,000 unit target already (if not already past it), simply by fulfilling your city’s industrial demand.

Otherwise, the simplest way to go about producing more goods is to zone some more industry (orange zoning). You’ll reach the target eventually.

Producing goods in the game simply requires you to zone industry. / Cities: Skylines
Producing goods in the game simply requires you to zone industry.

Another easy option, if you have the Green Cities DLC, is to zone offices with the IT Cluster specialization.

IT Cluster offices produce goods, but do not cause ground pollution or traffic (presumably because the goods are digital).

To do this, draw a district, then go to the Office Specializations tab of the Districts and Areas menu. There you’ll find the IT Cluster specialization.

Zoning ‘IT Cluster’ offices is a cleaner option for producing goods. / Cities: Skylines
Zoning ‘IT Cluster’ offices is a cleaner option for producing goods.

Liz Villegas

174 articles

Liz is a writer and photographer with a love for building and strategy games. Her spare time is often split between lifting, reading, drawing, annoying her dog Mr. Porky Butt, and squinting at stat tables on the wiki pages of whatever game she's currently playing.

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