FFCC Remastered: Getting Started + Dungeon List

FFCC Remastered Edition title screen

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered is an updated version of Square Enix’s 2004 GameCube classic, with new features, new dungeons, and upgraded visuals.

It follows a group of warriors heading out to collect Myrrh, a precious resource needed to keep their village and families safe from monsters and noxious Miasma.

This guide will take you through the main campaign from the beginning. We’ll cover all the essential topics, including:

  • Character creation
  • How to collect Myrrh from dungeons
  • How to advance the storyline
  • Post-game dungeons

You’ll also find a complete dungeon list detailing when you can access them and whether there are any special requirements.

Setting Out (Character Creation)

Set Out in the overworld menu / FFCC Remastered
Set Out in the overworld menu.

FFCC doesn’t have a pre-set main character. Instead you’ll be prompted to create your own before leaving your hometown.

Players can choose between four different races with special attributes.

Race Playstyle Strengths
Clavats Balanced, magic-leaning. Beginner-friendly.
Lilties Melee focus. Adorable. Doesn’t depend on magicite.
Selkies Balanced, melee-leaning. Fast charge attacks. Able to dodge.
Yukes Magic focus. Invulnerable when blocking.

You also get to choose your gender, appearance, and your family’s trade.

Different family trades offer different benefits. Choose wisely because you can’t change these later on.

Job Benefits
Alchemist Grants yearly gear recipes.
Blacksmith Creates armor and weapons.
Farmer Provides Wheat.
Fisherman Provides Fish.
Merchant Sells items.
Miller Creates Flour from Wheat.
Rancher Provides Meat and dairy products.
Tailor Creates accessories.

Starting with a Blacksmith family is ideal for beginner solo players, as it provides more weapon and armor variety.

An ideal beginner’s character / FFCC Remastered
An ideal beginner’s character.

Four specific professions are needed to craft some of the strongest equipment in the game.

Making one character for each of these professions is recommended if you want to achieve a high level of completion.

Alchemist Creates Greatest Weapon & Force Ring recipes.
Blacksmith Crafts the Greatest Weapon.
Merchant Sells items needed to craft Greatest Weapon & Force Ring.
Tailor Crafts the Force Ring.

The game becomes progressively harder the more dungeons you clear, so try to strengthen your characters simultaneously by repeating dungeons after collecting their Myrrh.

Navigating the World Map

Once you’ve created your character and watched the opening cinematic, you’ll gain access to the world map.

(Click for full-size)
Complete map of the world of FFCC.

The map is divided into several different regions separated by Miasma Streams.

These Miasma Streams won’t let you pass unless you’ve infused your Crystal Chalice with the right element. This can be done at elemental Hot Spots inside dungeons.

Tip: Clearing a dungeon will let you change your Chalice’s element directly from the world map without having to physically enter the dungeon.

Collecting Myrrh

Collecting Myrrh drops from Myrrh Trees is your caravan’s main objective.

A Myrrh Tree / FFCC Remastered
A Myrrh Tree.

Myrrh Trees are found deep within dungeons, protected by a mighty boss monster.

Once you’ve successfully cleared three dungeons and collected three Myrrh drops, the year ends, and you’re sent back to your hometown for a celebration.

Tip: Dungeons can be repeated even if their Myrrh has run out. This can be useful to strengthen your character without advancing the year.

New dungeons become available every year, along with new side-quests and events.

How Dungeon Cycles Work

Caravaner collects the first Myrrh drop / FFCC Remastered
Caravaner collects the first Myrrh drop.

A dungeon’s Myrrh Tree will produce another drop once a year has passed (meaning you’ve collected three more Myrrh drops from other dungeons).

When you return, you’ll notice stronger monsters and more valuable treasures. Sometimes, you might also find some changes to the terrain.

Every dungeon has a second and third difficulty, maxing out at Cycle 3.

All Main Dungeons List

Here’s a list of every dungeon you’ll gain access to each year in order of appearance. Click on a dungeon’s name to bring up the corresponding guide.

Year 1 River Belle Path, Mushroom Forest, Mine of Cathuriges
Year 2 Goblin Wall, Tida, Moschet Manor, Veo Lu Sluice
Year 3* Selepation Cave, Daemon’s Court
Year 4 Mount Kilanda, Conall Curach, Rebena Te Ra
Year 5** Lynari Desert, Mount Vellenge, Nest of Memories
*Crossing the Jegon River becomes possible from the port west of Marr’s Pass.
**A drought will make the Jegon River dry up and cut you off from the western part of the map at the beginning of Year 5. It’ll resolve by itself by Year 8, but you can reverse it as early as Year 5 by heading into Veo Lu Sluice and casting Raise on every Pumpflower Plant in the dungeon.

Clearing the Main Campaign

Collecting Myrrh drops is not enough to reach the credits roll.

Villagers welcome the Caravan after a successful year / FFCC Remastered
Villagers welcome the Caravan after a successful year.

To solve the mystery behind the Miasma and clear the game, you also need to:

  1. Make it to Year 5+
  2. Unlock the Unknown Element in the Lynari Desert
  3. Cross into The Abyss region west of Rebena Plains
  4. Enter Mount Vellenge and clear the dungeon
  5. Defeat the final boss(es)

Bonus Dungeons in FFCC Remastered (Post-Game)

Contrary to the FFCC GameCube original, which ended after defeating Memiroa, the Remastered edition on the Nintendo Switch features some bonus post-game dungeons.

New Falling Leaves Path option next to the usual River Belle Path / FFCC Remastered
New Falling Leaves Path option next to the usual River Belle Path.

These dungeons are high-difficulty versions of the main game dungeons, featuring all-new monsters and powerful rewards. They also look very different.

New Bonus Dungeon World Map Location Difficulty
Falling Leaves Path River Belle Path
Toadstool Forest Mushroom Forest
Miasma Pit Mine of Cathuriges ★★★
Goblin Festival Goblin Wall ★★★★
Oblivion Village Tida
Dinner Party Moschet Manor ★★
Frozen Sluice Veo Lu Sluice ★★
Pale Cave Selepation Cave ★★
Afternoon Fort Daemon’s Court ★★
Misty Mount Kilanda Mount Kilanda ★★★
Foggy Swamp Conall Curach ★★★
Rainy Ruins Rebena Te Ra ★★★★
Moonlit Desert Lynari Desert ★★★

Playing with Online Multiplayer

Bonus Dungeons present an intense challenge that can feel overwhelming by yourself. It’s always more efficient to challenge these dungeons with a full party.

You can jump into regular and bonus dungeons with other players through the “Set Out Together” option in the overworld menu.

Online multiplayer menu / FFCC Remastered
Online multiplayer menu.

It’s possible to Host a dungeon raiding session, choose one to Join, or just hit Quickmatch to let the server’s matchmaking system pair you with someone.

There’s also a different set of bonus dungeons to tackle online every day of the week. It goes like this:

Day of the Week Available Bonus Dungeons (Online)
Monday Falling Leaves Path, Dinner Party, Misty Mount Kilanda
Tuesday Falling Leaves Path, Toadstool Forest, Frozen Sluice, Foggy Swamp
Wednesday Toadstool Forest, Oblivion Village, Pale Cave, Moonlit Desert
Thursday Oblivion Village, Afternoon Fort, Miasma Pit
Fri/Sat/Sun All dungeons available.

So make sure to consider this when planning your multiplayer sessions.

Nelson Chitty

171 articles

Nelson Chitty is a Venezuelan expat living in Argentina. He’s a writer and translator passionate about history and foreign cultures. His ideal weekend is spent between leisurely playing games of Civilization VI and looking for the next seinen anime to marathon.

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