This guide will walk you through the entire Djose cloister puzzle step-by-step, including where you’ll find the Destruction Sphere & how to use it to get the hidden treasure (a Magic Sphere).
Step-By-Step Walkthrough
Step 1: In the first room, you’ll find two Djose spheres – one on each of the walls to your left and right. Take them both and place them on the door directly across the entrance.

Step 2: In the next room, take the Djose Sphere from the pedestal.

Step 3: Go to the right side of the room and place the Djose Sphere on either of the two recesses on the wall.

Step 4: Next, take the Djose Sphere that is seemingly connected to the glyph on the center wall.

Step 5: Place this sphere on the vacant recess to the right. After doing this, a contraption on the ceiling will start to crackle with electricity.

Step 6: Return to the pedestal and push it to the right so that it lines up with the device hanging from the ceiling.

Step 7: Take the third Djose Sphere in this room and place it on the pedestal. After doing this, the Djose Sphere used in this step will glow brighter than the others.

Step 8: Take this sphere and place it on the recess that connects to the center wall with the glyph.
This will open a passage to a new room, so go through the passage after you place the sphere.

Step 9: Go to the left side of the room and step on the shining tile to reset the pedestal’s position.

Step 10: Return to the two Djose Spheres you used to activate the device on the ceiling.

Step 11: Take them (one at a time) and place them both on the pedestal.

Step 12: Push the pedestal into the newly opened room until it falls into the gap filled with electricity.

Step 13: You can now jump onto the pedestal to reach a ledge across the gap.

Step 14: On this ledge, you’ll find another pedestal with a sphere. Push it towards the wall until it activates.

Step 15: Return to the previous room by jumping onto the first pedestal again.

Step 16: Go to the shining tile to reset the pedestal one more time.

Step 17: Take the Djose Sphere you used to open door to the third room, and place it on the recess on the other side of the door.

Step 18: Take the two spheres on the pedestal (again, one at a time) and place them on the walls in the first room.

Step 19: Once all the Djose Spheres are in place, a lift in the middle of the second room will activate.

Step 20: Before using the lift, return to the shining tile and you’ll notice a nearby wall will have a faintly glowing glyph. Touch it to reveal the Destruction Sphere.

Step 21: Take the Destruction Sphere and use the lift to get to the next area.

Step 22: Here you’ll find 5 pedestals that need to be pushed in place to continue. Simply interact with them and they will automatically fall into position.

Step 23: Once all pedestals are in place, a flight of stairs will be revealed, along with yet another pedestal.

Step 24: Place the Destruction Sphere on the pedestal to reveal the temple’s hidden treasure – a Magic Sphere.

Step 25: Once you get the Magic Sphere from the treasure chest, you can go up the stairs to complete the trial.

Additional Notes + Tips

Keep in mind that if you mess up with the pedestal in the second room, or it becomes stuck for any reason, you can use the shining tile to the left to reset it.
Also, the hidden treasure in Djose Temple is a Magic Sphere. This can be used on your Sphere Grid to convert an empty node into a “+4 Magic” node. If you forget to obtain the treasure with the Destruction Sphere then you can return to Djose Temple later on in the game to retrieve it.
Although there are other ways to get magic spheres in FFX, so if you don’t get the treasure from the Djose Cloister then it’s not a huge loss.
Final Fantasy X
- Djose Cloister of Trials Guide + Destruction Sphere (FFX)