Zanarkand Cloister of Trials Guide + Destruction Sphere (FFX)

Standing Outside the Zanarkand Dome in FFX HD

The Zanarkand Cloister of Trials sets itself apart from the previous trials since it does not involve placing certain spheres in specifics spots inside a temple. Instead, you will do a series of puzzles that will have you stepping on tiles to find the right combination of Tetris-like shapes in order to proceed.

There are two rooms in this trial, and both rooms have grids on the floor that you need to step on to solve the puzzles.

To better navigate these rooms, we’ll plot out each grid and label the correct panels similar to an Excel spreadsheet. Then after the diagrams, we’ll take you through an exact step-by-step guide.

Room 1 Map

The First Room in the Trial / Final Fantasy X
The First Room in the Trial
(Click for full-size)
Zanarkand Trial First Room Map

Room 2 Map

The Second Room in the Trial / Final Fantasy X
The Second Room in the Trial
(Click for full-size)
Zanarkand Trial Second Room Map

Note: Each cell marked with an “O” represents a panel you can step on to light up a shape

Step-By-Step Walkthrough

Step 1: Step on the green panel at the edge of the grid to activate the monitor on the other side of the room.

Stepping on the Green Panel / Final Fantasy X
Stepping on the Green Panel

Step 2: You will need to look for the tiles on the grid that activate the same shapes displayed on the monitor. You can start with the panel D10 which is directly in front of you.

Activating the tile at D10 / Final Fantasy X
Activating the tile at D10

Step 3: Step on the next tile at F7.

Activating Tile F7 / Final Fantasy X
Activating Tile F7

Step 4: Step on tile G5.

Stepping on Tile G5 / Final Fantasy X
Stepping on Tile G5

Step 5: Go ahead and activate tile B3.

Activating Panel B3 / Final Fantasy X
Activating Panel B3

Step 6: Step on tile A4, which is basically right next to your current position.

Activating Tile A4 / Final Fantasy X
Activating Tile A4

Step 7: Pedestals will emerge from the left and right sides of the room, 3 on each side for a total of six. And the door next to the monitor will open.

Push the pedestal in the northeast corner of the room, and a pattern of shapes will be displayed on the monitor in the second room.

Pattern For the Second Room / Final Fantasy X
Pattern For the Second Room

Step 8: You will once again be looking to activate the tiles that light up shapes that coincide with the pattern displayed on the monitor.

For this first one, start with panel P2 since it is closest to the 2nd room entrance.

Activating P2 in Room 2 / Final Fantasy X
Activating P2 in Room 2

Step 9: Then activate panel N5.

Panel N5 in Room 2 / Final Fantasy X
Panel N5 in Room 2

Step 10: Activate panel K3.

Activating the Panel for Step 10 / Final Fantasy X
Activating the Panel for Step 10

Step 11: Next, go to tile G1.

Tile G1 in Room 2 / Final Fantasy X
Tile G1 in Room 2

Step 12: The closest tile you’ll need to activate from here is at F3.

Activating Panel F3 for Step 12 / Final Fantasy X
Activating Panel F3 for Step 12

Step 13: Next, go and step on panel D9.

Panel D9 in Room 2 / Final Fantasy X
Panel D9 in Room 2

Step 14: Make your way over to panel F16 and activate it that (it’s all the way across the room).

Tile F16 / Final Fantasy X
Tile F16

Step 15: Proceed to panel N17 near the right-hand side of the room.

Tile N17 for Step 15 / Final Fantasy X
Tile N17 for Step 15

Step 16: Activate panel O14, which should be only a few steps away.

Activating Panel O14 / Final Fantasy X
Activating Panel O14

Step 17: At this point the initial puzzle for room #2 will be complete.

Now you can head back to the first room and push the pedestal in the northwest corner of the room.

Returning to Room 1 for Step 17 / Final Fantasy X
Returning to Room 1 for Step 17

Step 18: Another pattern will be displayed on the monitor in the second room.

Head back in there and activate tile G1 (pictured below).

Stepping on Tile G1 for Step 18 / Final Fantasy X
Stepping on Tile G1 for Step 18

Step 19: Then activate panel F3, which is just a couple of steps away.

Activating Tile F3 / Final Fantasy X
Activating Tile F3

Step 20: Next, step on tile K3.

Panel K3 for Step 20 / Final Fantasy X
Panel K3 for Step 20

Step 21: Make your way to tile N12 and activate it.

Activating Panel N12 in Room 2 / Final Fantasy X
Activating Panel N12 in Room 2

Step 22: Go over to panel D9 and step on that next.

Panel D9 in Room 2 / Final Fantasy X
Panel D9 in Room 2

Step 23: Activate panel A5 to solve this current puzzle.

Activating Panel A5 in Room 2 / Final Fantasy X
Activating Panel A5 in Room 2

Step 24: With the second puzzle solved, backtrack to the first room again. This time, push the pedestal in the southwest corner of the room.

Pushing the 3rd Pedestal in Room 1 / Final Fantasy X
Pushing the 3rd Pedestal in Room 1

Step 25: Return to the second room and get started on the next puzzle by activating panel P2.

Starting the Next Puzzle for Step 25 / Final Fantasy X
Starting the Next Puzzle for Step 25

Step 26: Next, step on tile N5.

Activating Tile N5 / Final Fantasy X
Activating Tile N5

Step 27: Then you’ll want to activate tile K3.

Tile K3 in Room 2 / Final Fantasy X
Tile K3 in Room 2

Step 28: Make your way to panel G1 and activate it.

Activating G1 in Room 2 / Final Fantasy X
Activating G1 in Room 2

Step 29: Then proceed to F6 and step on that tile.

Stepping on Tile F6, Room 2 / Final Fantasy X
Stepping on Tile F6, Room 2

Step 30: Head on over to A15 to activate it next.

Activating A15 for Step 30 / Final Fantasy X
Activating A15 for Step 30

Step 31: And finally, step on tile H17 to complete the third puzzle.

Activating Tile H17 in Room 2 / Final Fantasy X
Activating Tile H17 in Room 2

Step 32: Go back to the first room and push the pedestal in the southeast corner. This will reveal the fourth and final puzzle.

Returning to Room 1 for Step 32 / Final Fantasy X
Returning to Room 1 for Step 32

Step 33: You can start this puzzle with the tile at P2.

Beginning the Final Puzzle for Step 33 / Final Fantasy X
Beginning the Final Puzzle for Step 33

Step 34: Next, activate panel N5.

Activating Panel N5 / Final Fantasy X
Activating Panel N5

Step 35: The next tile to step on is at O14.

Stepping on Tile O14 / Final Fantasy X
Stepping on Tile O14

Step 36: Just a couple steps south is the next tile to activate at N17.

Activating N17 for Step 36 / Final Fantasy X
Activating N17 for Step 36

Step 37: Staying on the same row, head west and step on panel H17.

Stepping on Panel H17 / Final Fantasy X
Stepping on Panel H17

Step 38: Right next to that is the next panel to activate at F16.

Activating Tile F16 / Final Fantasy X
Activating Tile F16

Step 39: Go to the western edge of the grid and step on tile A5. This will complete the fourth puzzle.

Tile A5, Room 2 / Final Fantasy X
Tile A5, Room 2

Step 40: With the Tetris shape puzzles done, you will now have access to two spheres.

First, take out the Kilika Sphere (on the left) that’s on the recess next to the monitor in the second room. This will kill the lights, causing both rooms to get darker.

Taking the Kilika Sphere / Final Fantasy X
Taking the Kilika Sphere

Step 41: Go back to the first room and place the Kilika Sphere on the remaining pedestal on the west wall.

Placing the Kilika Sphere / Final Fantasy X
Placing the Kilika Sphere

Step 42: Return to the second room again, and this time take the Besaid Sphere on the other side of the monitor.

Taking the Besaid Sphere / Final Fantasy X
Taking the Besaid Sphere

Step 43: Go back to the first room once more and place the Besaid Sphere on the last remaining pedestal on the east wall.

This is the final step for the trial, spawning a Save Sphere in the first room and activating a lift in the second room.

With the trial complete you can now save your game, and then once you’re ready to move forward you can step on the lift.

Save Sphere in First Room / Final Fantasy X
Save Sphere in First Room

The Zanarkand Trial’s Hidden Treasure

Obtaining the Magsitral Rod / Final Fantasy X
Obtaining the Magsitral Rod

You may have noticed that at this point you haven’t gotten the opportunity to get a Destruction Sphere for Zanarkand’s hidden treasure – a Magistral Rod.

That’s because you can’t actually get it yet during your first visit to the Dome.

You can get the Destruction Sphere after you gain control of the airship, which happens soon after completing this Cloister of Trials and after defeating the next couple of bosses.

When you return to the Zanarkand Trial, you’ll find that the puzzle will be active again. This time, your goal will be to look for the panels that light up the white squares in both rooms.

Activating the White Squares / Final Fantasy X
Activating the White Squares
  • In the first room, you can find these panels on F2, D4, and A7
  • For the second room, the panels you’ll need to step on are N4, O9, G5, and C11

Once you’ve found all the white squares, a pedestal containing the Destruction Sphere will appear in the first room.

Take the Destruction Sphere and place it on the recess to the right of the monitor in the second room. The monitor will break and reveal the treasure chest with the Magistral Rod. This is a weapon for Yuna that comes with the Half MP Cost auto-ability + two vacant ability slots.

Additional Notes + Tips

Glyphs in the Second Room / Final Fantasy X
Glyphs in the Second Room
  1. Follow any order you want: Activating tiles for all the puzzles in both rooms can be done in any order, as long as you step on the correct ones. Stepping on an incorrect tile will reset all active tiles, forcing you to go back to the start of your current puzzle.
  2. Puzzles can be in any order too: The four different puzzles for the second room can also be done in any order.
  3. Spectral Keeper battle: Entering the second room after solving all puzzles & finishing the Zanarkand Cloister of Trials will immediately trigger the fight with the Spectral Keeper. Since this boss fight can be a bit tricky, be sure to save your game when the Save Sphere spawns in the first room.

Marco Cadayona

19 articles

Shower singer by day, bard main by night. Gamer since 1992.

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