Where To Get TM61 Will-O-Wisp in Pokémon Black & White

Using Will-o-wisp in battle in Pokémon Black

TM61 Will-O-Wisp is found at the Celestial Tower, specifically in the southwest corner of the Tower’s second floor.

Celestial Tower is located off of Route 7 North of Mistralton City. Before you’re able to reach Mistralton City and subsequently the Celestial Tower, you’ll need to defeat Gym Leader Clay in Driftveil City and also make it through Chargestone Cave.

TM61 Will-O-Wisp Location (Step-by-Step)

Step 1: Starting at the Mistralton City Pokémon Center, head North on the path.

Head North on the path next to the Pokémon Center / Pokémon BW
Head North on the path next to the Pokémon Center.

Step 2: At the top of the path, take a right to go behind the Center.

Take the path right / Pokémon BW
Take the path right.

Step 3: Follow this briefly and then at end of the path, head north towards Route 7.

Head North towards Route 7 / Pokémon BW
Head North towards Route 7.

Step 4: Step onto the elevated beam path above the grass and walk along this beam.

Step onto the elevated beam path / Pokémon BW
Step onto the elevated beam path.

Step 5: Continue on the beam path and keep going north.

Head North on the beam path / Pokémon BW
Head North on the beam path.

Step 6: Near the end, take a right turn and step off of the beam path.

Turn right and step off of the beam path / Pokémon BW
Turn right and step off of the beam path.

Step 7: Continue North on Route 7.

Continue North on Route 7 / Pokémon BW
Continue North on Route 7.

Step 8: Keep north on the path and at the end you can enter the Celestial Tower.

Keep North until you reach the Celestial Tower / Pokémon BW
Keep North until you reach the Celestial Tower.

Step 9: After entering the Tower, take the staircase to the second floor.

Take the staircase to the second floor / Pokémon BW
Take the staircase to the second floor.

Step 10: Once on the second floor, maneuver around the gravestones to reach the third row.

Head North across the room to reach the third row of gravestones / Pokémon BW
Head North across the room to reach the third row of gravestones.

Step 11: Once you’re in the third row of gravestones, go left towards the southwest corner of the floor.

Turn left towards the Southwest corner of the floor / Pokémon BW
Turn left towards the Southwest corner of the floor.

Step 12: TM61 Will-O-Wisp will be found in a Poké Ball on the ground in the Southwest corner of the floor.

TM61 Will-O-Wisp is located in the Southwest corner of the floor / Pokémon BW
TM61 Will-O-Wisp is located in the Southwest corner of the floor.

Will-O-Wisp Details + Uses

In-game details for TM61 Will-O-Wisp / Pokémon BW
In-game details for TM61 Will-O-Wisp.
Will-O-Wisp Move Details
Type Fire
Category Status
Accuracy 75
PP 15

TM61 Will-O-Wisp is a Status Fire-type move that inflicts a burn on the target. The move will cause a burn on any target except for Fire-type Pokémon.

Will-O-Wisp is fairly inaccurate and misses 1 out of every 4 attempts. It is much more powerful in recent Pokémon games, as the move was boosted to 85% accuracy from Generation VI onward.

But for Generation V games, this move is arguably not as useful and may not be as practical in a playthrough of Pokémon Black/White.

Bobby Agnese

166 articles

Bobby is an experienced writer who is passionate about video games, fantasy books, and anything Star Wars-related. His first Pokémon game was FireRed which he still plays today. When he isn’t writing or gaming, Bobby can be found at his local brewery or Mexican food spot.

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