You can find TM85 Dream Eater in the northwest corner of the Dreamyard basement. The Dreamyard is located directly east of Striaton City.
But the Dreamyard’s basement isn’t accessible until after you defeat the Elite Four and N, which means this TM is only available in the post-game.
Until you complete the main story, an orange traffic cone will block the path to the basement.
TM85 Dream Eater Location (Step-by-Step)
Step 1: Starting at the Striaton City Pokémon Center, head east through the city.

Step 2: Continue walking east past the city’s Gym. After passing the Gym, turn to head northeast onto the grass path.

Step 3: At the end of the grass is a tunnel. Enter this tunnel to reach the Dreamyard.

Step 4: After reaching the Dreamyard, continue walking east alongside the lattice fence.

Step 5: Keep going east, walking past the tree that can be cut.

Step 6: Once you pass a trainer with an orange baseball hat, you’ll find a gap in the fence.
Go through this gap and follow the path behind the gap.

Step 7: North of the gap in the fence are three barrels. Maneuver in-between the barrels and turn east to go through the tall grass nearby.

Step 8: Continue through the tall grass and you’ll come across a staircase leading down below ground.
Head down the stairs to reach the Dreamyard basement.

Step 9: Once you’re in the basement, keep walking to the left and pass through the gap in the wall.

Step 10: Walk around the trashed cabinet on the ground, and then head south past the scientist NPC.

Step 11: Continue working your way south past the trash on the basement floor.
You should eventually see another gap in the wall below you – head through this gap as well.

Step 12: After walking through the gap, pass the scientist here and head east in-between the pacing trainers.

Step 13: Continue east through yet another gap in the wall. Then turn south and climb the stairs directly ahead.

Step 14: These stairs will lead back up to the Dreamyard.
From the top of these stairs, head south and go around the wall.

Step 15: Once you’re past the tall walls, turn west and continue that way (moving west on the grass).

Step 16: Directly ahead is more tall grass. Keep west through the tall grass.

Step 17: At the end of the tall grass here, turn northwest to go through another gap in a wall.

Step 18: In this section you should see another set of stairs. Take these stairs to go back down to the basement.

Step 19: Now back in the basement, turn and go north to head up the only available passageway.

Step 20: Continue north all the way up. You’ll eventually see TM85 Dream Eater as a Poké Ball item on the ground, sitting just above a small patch of tall grass in the northwest corner of this room.

Dream Eater Details + Uses

Dream Eater Move Details | |
Type | Psychic |
Category | Special |
Power | 100 |
Accuracy | 100 |
PP | 15 |
Dream Eater is a Special Psychic-type move that only deals damage when its target is asleep.
When used, the attack can deal significant damage at 100 base Power. It also has the added benefit of restoring the HP of its user by +50% of the damage inflicted.
In a typical single-player playthrough of Black & White, this is a practical move that you can build a strategy around.
But in competitive play, Dream Eater isn’t viable. This is because it’s fairly easy to cure a Pokémon’s sleep status, or simply switch them out of play. But NPCs are rarely prepared for negating sleep status.
Dream Eater is commonly used with Hypnosis, since this move is the most reliable way to inflict the Sleep status onto enemies as needed.
With that being said, Hypnosis is still inconsistent – because it’s held back by 60% accuracy.
Who To Teach Dream Eater
Many players like to use Dream Eater and Hypnosis together with Haunter or Gengar, since they’re able to learn both moves. However, Gengar is a Ghost/Poison type and may not be the best fit for a Psychic-type move like Dream Eater.
Musharna is also able to learn both moves, and it further boosts the power of Dream Eater with its Psychic-typing via STAB (same-type attack bonus).
Pokémon BW
- Where To Get TM85 Dream Eater in Pokémon Black & White