Where To Get the Silk Scarf in Pokémon FRLG

Outside Lady Selphys House on Resort Gorgeous (FireRed)

In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, the Silk Scarf can only be found in Lost Cave. This cave is located north-east of Five Island.

To find the Silk Scarf, you must climb down the ladder in the entrance of Lost Cave, and then proceed through the doorways in the following order:

  1. East
  2. North
  3. South
  4. South
  5. East
  6. West
  7. South
  8. East
  9. North

This sequence will lead to Lady Selphy, and she will challenge you to a battle. After defeating Selphy, you’ll escort her back to Resort Gorgeous. After that, you’ll need to walk back to Lost Cave and follow that same sequence of doorways again to find the Silk Scarf.


You really can’t get the Silk Scarf until the late game, unfortunately.

It’s found in Lost Cave by Five Island, so the prerequisites involve being able to reach Five Island. Specifically you need to:

  • Have the National Pokédex (defeat the Elite Four and capture 60+ Pokémon.)
  • Help Celio find the Sapphire and receive the Rainbow Pass
  • Have a Pokémon that knows Surf (to reach Lost Cave from Five Island.)

Once you can reach Five Island and use Surf, you’re pretty much good to go.

How To Get The Silk Scarf

Part 1: Getting To Lost Cave

Once you have the Rainbow Pass, head to Vermilion City and make your way to the docks (where the S.S. Anne used to be located.)

Simply walk down the docks like you did when you boarded the S.S. Anne earlier in the game.

Sailing from Vermilion City to Five Island / Pokemon FRLG
Sailing from Vermilion City to Five Island

The sailor will see your Rainbow Pass and ask where you would like to go.

Select Five Island and sail away!

Once you’re on Five Island, head to the northwest part of the island by following along the sandy edge once you leave the shipyard.

Surf north from here on Five Island then head east to reach Lost Cave / Pokemon FRLG
Surf north from here on Five Island then head east to reach Lost Cave

Sail immediately north from here until you reach a corner created by rocks and a small island (see the pictured below).

From here, you can start sailing east.

Surf east from here to reach Resort Gorgeous (and then continue east for Lost Cave.) / Pokemon FRLG
Surf east from here to reach Resort Gorgeous (and then continue east for Lost Cave.)

You’ll very quickly find another larger island with a fancy building on it. This is Resort Gorgeous.

There’s not much here, but there are plenty of trainers to battle.

To reach Lost Cave, head to the east side of the island and start sailing on the water there (moving towards the east).

Surf east from Resort Gorgeous to find Lost Cave / Pokemon FRLG
Surf east from Resort Gorgeous to find Lost Cave

There are rocks immediately to the right of the island, but we can surf through them.

Just on the other side of those rocks, you’ll find Lost Cave.

Outside of Lost Cave / Pokemon FRLG
Outside of Lost Cave

Part 2: Finding the Silk Scarf in Lost Cave

Once you’re inside Lost Cave, there will be a ladder going down.

Take this ladder to enter the “puzzle” that is Lost Cave.

Climb down the ladder to actually enter Lost Cave / Pokemon FRLG
Climb down the ladder to actually enter Lost Cave

Once you head down, you’ll see four “doorways” in the cave wall. There’s one doorway on each wall (so north, east, south, and west). These each lead to different rooms that also mostly have their own doorways.

You need to walk through these doorways in a specific order to find the Silk Scarf.

The doorways that we will use to find the Silk Scarf / Pokemon FRLG
The doorways that we will use to find the Silk Scarf

So once you’ve gone down the ladder & you’re standing in the first room, walk through doorways in the following order:

  1. East
  2. North
  3. South
  4. South
  5. East
  6. West
  7. South
  8. East
  9. North

After you walk through the final northern doorway, you will encounter a woman (Lady Selphy) and she will walk up and challenge you to a battle.

Lady Selphy challenging us to a battle in Lost Cave / Pokemon FRLG
Lady Selphy challenging us to a battle in Lost Cave

After you defeat Selphy, you’ll be teleported back to her home at Resort Gorgeous.

She’ll thank you and then she’ll walk inside of her house.

Escorting Lady Selphy back to her home on Resort Gorgeous / Pokemon FRLG
Escorting Lady Selphy back to her home on Resort Gorgeous

After that happens, you’ll need to head back to Lost Cave (just surf east of Resort Gorgeous after threading the rocks) and you’ll need to go through the same sequence again:

  1. East
  2. North
  3. South
  4. South
  5. East
  6. West
  7. South
  8. East
  9. North

This time, instead of Selphy, there will be a Poké Ball lying against the back wall of the cave.

The Silk Scarf at the bottom of Lost Cave / Pokemon FRLG
The Silk Scarf at the bottom of Lost Cave

This Poké Ball contains the Silk Scarf.

Picking up the Silk Scarf in the Lost Cave / Pokemon FRLG
Picking up the Silk Scarf in the Lost Cave

What Does the Silk Scarf Do?

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen’s description of the Silk Scarf / Pokemon FRLG
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen’s description of the Silk Scarf

The Silk Scarf is a rare held item that boosts the power of Normal-type moves by 10% (it also raises confusion damage by 10%).

The Silk Scarf can’t be obtained until late game, unfortunately. This will only be available after you’ve defeated the Elite Four and have gotten the National Dex and the Rainbow Pass.

So it can’t really help much in the actual storyline, but it can be one of the better items for any Normal-Type attackers on your team.

Even putting the Scarf on a Pokémon like Snorlax can reap a lot of benefits, because the 10% increase in power makes up for Normal Types’ usual lackluster damage. Moves like Takedown or Body Slam are going to immediately hit much harder than usual, turning your Normal-type attacks into devastating onslaughts.


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A jack of all trades when it comes to gaming. I can sit down for hours in a casual playthrough of Pokémon, or I can spend months trying to hit Diamond in League of Legends. I love and appreciate everything about games, and love sharing that passion with my readers.

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