Where To Get The Super Rod in Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen

The Super Rod Fishing Guru's House on Route 12 (Pokémon FireRed)

In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, you’ll get the Super Rod from the Fishing Guru’s Younger Brother. He is located in a house on Route 12 just below Lavender Town.

But there will initially be a sleeping Snorlax on Route 12 which blocks you from accessing the Fishing Guru’s house. To get past the Snorlax, you’ll have to use the Poke Flute to wake it up & battle it.

Once you have the Super Rod, the game’s best Water Pokémon will become available for you to catch!

Getting to Lavender Town

Lavender Town on the Kanto Map / Pokemon FRLG
Lavender Town on the Kanto Map

If you have a Pokémon with Fly, then go ahead and fly to Lavender Town and start heading South.

If you’ve yet to obtain Fly or are still in the early game, then here’s how you can reach Lavender Town for the first time:

  1. Head East from Cerulean City on Route 9 until you find the Rock Tunnel Cave
  2. Make your way through Rock Tunnel
    • Having HM05 Flash here helps but is not required. Flash can be found south of Diglett’s Cave (Professor Oak’s Aid)
  3. Head South from the exit of Rock Tunnel, and voila! You’re in spooky little Lavender Town

Finding the Fishing Guru’s Brother on Route 12

Getting to the Fishing Guru’s Younger Brother from Lavender Town (Animation) / Pokemon FRLG
Getting to the Fishing Guru’s Younger Brother from Lavender Town

The docks on Route 12 are fairly straightforward to navigate. A few Fishermen will be waiting to battle you, so be ready for some inconvenience.

Just follow the docks until you reach a tiny home with a blue roof. Head inside, and talk to the Fisherman NPC sitting at the table.

He’ll ask if you like fishing. Say yes (of course!) and he’ll give you the Super Rod for free.

Home of Fishing Guru’s Younger Brother with the Super Rod / Pokemon FRLG
Home of Fishing Guru’s Younger Brother with the Super Rod

If Snorlax is in your Way

Snorlax Blocking Route 12 on the way to the Fishing Guru’s Brother / Pokemon FRLG
Snorlax Blocking Route 12 on the way to the Fishing Guru’s Brother

If you’re still early in the game, then there will be a Snorlax blocking Route 12. To move Snorlax you’re going to need to do the following:

  1. Get the Silph Scope from beating Team Rocket’s Hideout in the Celadon Game Corner
    • Examine the poster on the back wall to find the hideout
  2. Head back to Lavender Town and enter the Pokémon Tower
  3. Head to the top of the Pokémon Tower, defeat Team Rocket, and get the Poke Flute from Mr. Fuji
  4. Finally, just talk to Snorlax again and defeat or catch it in battle.

Now you can go collect your Super Rod!

Best Super Rod Fishing Spots in Pokémon FRLG

Finding a Gyarados in Pallet Town (Animation) in FRLG
Finding a Gyarados in Pallet Town with the Super Rod

Once you have your Super Rod, where should you go fishing?

I’ve organized some tables below listing the top spots for Super Rod fishing in FireRed and LeafGreen.

I tried to find diverse spots that cover the strongest and rarest Pokémon in the game, so you can enjoy filling out your Pokedex and building a strong party.

Pallet Town

Pokémon Rod Required Encounter Rate
Gyarados Super Rod 15%
Horsea (FireRed) Super Rod / Good Rod 40%
Shellder (FireRed) Super Rod 40%
Seadra (FireRed) Super Rod 4%
Psyduck (FireRed) Super Rod 40%
Krabby (LeafGreen) Super Rod 40%
Staryu (LeafGreen) Super Rod 40%
Kingler (LeafGreen) Super Rod 4%
Slowpoke (LeafGreen) Super Rod 1%
Magikarp Good Rod / Old Rod 20%

Note: Encounter Chances use the stronger Rod’s %

I’m showing you Pallet Town first because it isn’t actually all that special. These Pokémon and Encounter Rates are pretty much the default throughout Kanto when you use the Super Rod.

Celadon City

Pokémon Rod Required Encounter Rate
Grimer Super Rod 1%
Magikarp Good Rod / Old Rod 99%

Note: Encounter Chances use the stronger Rod’s %

Other than Cinnabar Mansion, Celadon City is the only place you can find a Grimer in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.

As you can see, there is only a 1% chance of fishing up Grimer, and you’re more than likely to pull a few Magikarp on your search.

Safari Zone

Pokemon Rod Required Encounter Rate
Goldeen Super Rod / Good Rod 4%
Seaking Super Rod 40%
Dratini Super Rod 15%
Dragonair Super Rod 1%
Slowpoke Super Rod 4%
Psyduck Super Rod 4%
Poliwag Good Rod 20%
Magikarp Good Rod / Old Rod 20%

Note: Encounter Chances use the stronger Rod’s %

The Safari Zone is the only place to find Dratini and Dragonair in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.

You’ll need a Super Rod to catch them, but they can be found in all four areas of the Safari Zone.

If you’re as big of a fan of Dragonite as I am, then this will probably be your first stop.


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A jack of all trades when it comes to gaming. I can sit down for hours in a casual playthrough of Pokémon, or I can spend months trying to hit Diamond in League of Legends. I love and appreciate everything about games, and love sharing that passion with my readers.

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