Cerulean City & Route 25 (Bill): Pokémon FRLG Walkthrough Part 5

Standing in front of Misty in the Cerulean City Gym (Pokémon FireRed)

Quick Guide

  1. Defeat Misty in the Cerulean City Gym and earn the Cascade Badge
  2. Walk north of town, battle your Rival, and cross the bridge to Route 24
  3. Follow Route 24 / 25 until you reach Bill’s house
  4. Turn Bill back into a human and head back to Cerulean City
  5. Walk through the Burglarized house, defeat the Rocket Grunt, and then make your way south to the Underground Path
  6. Follow the Underground Path, exit onto Route 6 and continue South to Vermilion City

The Cerulean City Gym

Outside of the Cerulean City Gym / Pokemon FRLG
Outside of the Cerulean City Gym

There are a few neat places to visit in Cerulean City, but we’ll get to those later. Right now, our priority is to defeat Misty and get the Cascade Badge.


Before fighting Misty, I highly recommend stocking up on some items at the Poké Mart and leveling up your Pokémon.

The Poké Mart in Cerulean City will have Super Potions, which restore a lot more health than regular Potions. They also cost a lot more, though, so be ready to pay up.

Buying Super Potions in Cerulean City / Pokemon FRLG
Buying Super Potions in Cerulean City

I recommend picking up a healthy mix of Potions and Super Potions. Your Pokémon are probably still low enough level where a Potion will heal around 50% of their HP.

There’s no reason to go overboard with the Super Potions but having a couple may come in handy during intense battles.

Defeating Misty

Challenging Misty in the Cerulean City Gym / Pokemon FRLG
Challenging Misty in the Cerulean City Gym

Misty is the Cerulean City Gym leader and she specializes in Water type Pokémon. Every trainer in her gym is going to have Water type Pokémon, so arrange your party accordingly.

Misty’s Team
Pokémon Level Type
Staryu 18 Water
Starmie 21 Water / Psychic

How hard Misty is to defeat will depend a lot on which Pokémon you chose as your starter:

  • If you chose Bulbasaur, its Grass type moves will make the battle very easy
  • If you chose Squirtle, it will learn Bite at Level 18, which is super effective against Starmie
  • If you chose Charmander, it will be very weak against Misty. I suggest using the Pikachu that you (hopefully) caught in Viridian Forest, and/or picking up an Oddish or Bellsprout on Route 24 or 25

No matter which Pokémon you choose to use, you’ll probably want them to be level 18+. Even if you use Pikachu, which is strong against Water types, it’ll struggle against Starmie if it isn’t strong enough.

She’ll spam Water Pulse and KO every Pokémon in your party before you know what hit you (Speaking from experience).

Note: if Misty is just too difficult for you to defeat first, you can always complete the rest of this walkthrough to gain some levels. Then you can return back here and try fighting Misty at the end of our Cerulean walkthrough.

Battling Misty’s Staryu / Pokemon FRLG
Battling Misty’s Staryu

After you defeat Misty, she’ll give you the Cascade Badge, the TM for Water Pulse, a nice chunk of change, and the ability to use Cut outside of battle.

Now that you’ve defeated Misty, we can continue checking out Cerulean and prepare to beat our Rival.

Exploring Cerulean City

There’s not much to check out in Cerulean City at the moment, but there are a few places to keep note of for later.

Spot #1: Gym Badge and Berry Man

In the north-west of the city, there’s two buildings to check out.

Outside of the Gym Badge Man and the Berry Man’s homes / Pokemon FRLG
Outside of the Gym Badge Man and the Berry Man’s homes
  • The left building has an NPC that will tell you about the “secret” buff each Gym Badge gives and which HM they allow you to use. For example, the Boulder Badge raises the Attack Stat of all of your Pokémon.
  • The man in the right building will give you the Powder Jar, which is used for the Berry Crush minigame later in the game. Note that if you’re playing on an Emulator, you can just ignore this because it requires a wireless Gameboy adapter.

Spot #2: Bike Shop

There is a Bike Shop in Cerulean City as well, which will come in handy later once we pick up the Bike Voucher.

Outside of the Bike Shop in Cerulean City / Pokemon FRLG
Outside of the Bike Shop in Cerulean City

Right now, a Bike costs 1,000,000 Pokédollars, so we can’t afford it. Don’t bother trying to grind out the cash – you can get a free Bike Voucher in Vermilion City to get the bike for free later on.

Spot #3: Burglarized House

There is a house on the east side of the city that has recently been robbed. You’ll see a police officer standing outside.

Officer preventing us from entering the Burglarized house / Pokemon FRLG
Officer preventing us from entering the Burglarized house

This house is actually important, so remember where it’s at.

We can’t get in now, but after we defeat our Rival and rescue Bill, we’ll be able to get in.

Nugget Bridge & Saving Bill

As I mentioned above, we have to “save” Bill so that we can walk through the burglarized house and continue our adventure.

Nugget Bridge Rival Fight

To get to Bill, we have to walk north of Cerulean City and cross the big golden bridge and get through Route 25.

Right when you attempt to cross the bridge though, your Rival will stop you and challenge you to a battle.

Rival challenging us to a battle above Cerulean City / Pokemon FRLG
Rival challenging us to a battle above Cerulean City

This fight can actually be pretty tough.

Your Rival has been training quite a bit and has 5 strong Pokémon.

If you defeated Misty, though, then chances are your Pokémon are pretty tough as well.

Rival’s Team
Pokémon Level
Pidgeotto 17
Rattata 15
Abra 16
Squirtle / Charmander / Bulbasaur 18

Route 24 to Route 25

After you defeat your Rival, you can continue across the bridge onto Route 24. There are 5 trainers on the bridge for you to defeat and afterwards you’ll be stopped and awarded a Nugget.

Getting the Nugget after defeating the Bridge Trainers / Pokemon FRLG
Getting the Nugget after defeating the Bridge Trainers

You can sell the Nugget at a Poké Mart for quite a bit of cash, so it’s actually a super sick prize.

You’ll also have to defeat this final trainer in battle after he asks you to join Team Rocket.

Tip: If you purposefully lose to this last Rocket Grunt on Nugget bridge, you’ll still keep the Nugget. This is one way to farm money early in the game: purposefully have 1 weak Pokémon in your party and keep losing the Nugget Bridge Rocket battle repeatedly. You’ll acquire x1 Nugget every time before the fight starts, and you’ll get to keep each Nugget after you lose. So even though you’ll lose money every time you lose this battle, you should be able to stack up a lot of Nuggets to sell later & recoup all of your losses (along with a hefty profit).

Defeat the Team Rocket member and continue along the path.

There are a lot of trainers on this next Route, but many of them can be dodged. I do recommend battling them though, because training is always fun.

Finding Bill’s House

Make your way east until you reach the end of Route 25 and come across a house (Bill’s house).

Standing outside of Bill’s House / Pokemon FRLG
Standing outside of Bill’s House

Walk inside and talk to the pink “Pokémon” in the middle of the room.

It will walk into one of the machines in the top of the room. After this, interact with the computer and you’ll turn Bill back into a human.

Turning Bill back into a human with the Teleporter’s Cell Separator / Pokemon FRLG
Turning Bill back into a human with the Teleporter’s Cell Separator

Talk to Bill afterwards and he’ll give you the S.S. Anne Ticket, which we’ll use later.

If you head back to Cerulean City now, you’ll also notice that the officer near that house has stepped aside. And we can now continue through the burglarized home.

Officer stepped aside so that we can enter the burglarized house from before / Pokemon FRLG
Officer stepped aside so that we can enter the burglarized house from before

So we want to go through the house, exit the back, and make our way to the port town of Vermilion City.

Getting To The Underground Path

When you enter the house, there will be a hole in the back wall.

Walk through that hole and out the back, where you’ll be challenged by a Team Rocket Grunt.

Team Rocket Grunt challenging us to a battle / Pokemon FRLG
Team Rocket Grunt challenging us to a battle

Defeat the grunt and continue south on the path. He’s pretty easy to take out so you should have no problem.

As you’re walking, you’ll come across a bunch of hills with a tiny little shack at the end. This is one of the Pokémon Daycares in FR/LG.

Pokémon Daycare under Cerulean City / Pokemon FRLG
Pokémon Daycare under Cerulean City

You can drop off a Pokémon here if you want. As you walk, it will level up automatically in the Daycare, but be warned you’ll have to pay to get them back.

Just below the Daycare is the Underground Path that leads from Cerulean City to Vermilion City.

The Underground Path from Cerulean City to Vermilion City / Pokemon FRLG
The Underground Path from Cerulean City to Vermilion City

There’s also a building to the south that crosses into Saffron City. The guard is very thirsty, though, so we can’t cross through until we get some Tea later.

Guard stopping us from entering Saffron City / Pokemon FRLG
Guard stopping us from entering Saffron City

So we’re left with no choice. We need to take the Underground Path and make our way to Vermilion City.

Luckily, the path is very straightforward.

Just enter the building, walk down the stairs, and continue until you reach the end.

You’ll come out on Route 6. From here, just walk south, battle a couple of trainers, and you’ll enter Vermilion City. And now we can adventure onto the S.S. Anne!

Bonus: We Found a Shiny!

If this is your first time really playing through a Pokémon game, then you may not know what a Shiny Pokémon is. In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, every wild Pokémon you encounter has a very slim (1/8192) chance of being “Shiny”.

Shiny Pokémon have no special abilities or anything like that, but their color pallets are swapped around so that they look unique and awesome!

Finding (and catching) a shiny Ekans in the wild / Pokemon FRLG
Finding (and catching) a shiny Ekans in the wild

I happened to run into a Shiny Ekans on Route 4 while playing through the game for this walkthrough. And as you can see, it’s not its usual pink self.

I managed to get lucky as I was grinding levels for Misty, but some players will spend hours upon hours “Shiny hunting” their favorite Pokémon.

This is just one example of the fun you can have outside of the main game’s storyline.


114 articles

A jack of all trades when it comes to gaming. I can sit down for hours in a casual playthrough of Pokémon, or I can spend months trying to hit Diamond in League of Legends. I love and appreciate everything about games, and love sharing that passion with my readers.

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