All Dawn Stone Locations | ||
Method | How Often? | |
1 | On sale for 3,000 points at the Pokéathlon Dome on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays after unlocking the National Pokédex | Repeatable |
2 | A possible first place prize for winning the Bug-Catching Contest in Johto’s National Park, after unlocking the National Pokédex | Repeatable |
3 | A phone call gift from Biker Aiden on Route 17 | Repeatable |
4 | Held by the Beldum you can get from Steven as an in-game trade in Saffron City’s Silph Co. building. You’ll need to trade a Forretress for the Beldum. | Once-only |
5 | On the ground high up on Mt. Silver. | Once-only |
There are 5 ways to get your hands on Dawn Stones in HeartGold/SoulSilver, although every method requires you to be in the late-game. The earliest method is simply to farm Athlete Points and then buy Dawn Stones from the Pokéathlon Dome after you get the National Pokédex.
In the table above we’ve listed every method of getting Dawn Stones, organized by distance through the game (early-to-late game).
You’ll need a Dawn Stone to evolve a male Kirlia into Gallade and Snorunt into Froslass.
Neither of these evolved forms appear in the wild, so you’ll need at least two Dawn Stones to fill your Pokédex. Finding them can be tricky, so this guide will break down the methods for getting each one.
Method 1: Buying Dawn Stones At The Pokéathlon Dome
Once you’ve defeated the Elite Four for the first time and received the National Pokédex upgrade from Professor Oak in Olivine City’s port, the Pokéathlon Dome will begin to stock new and exciting items.
Amongst these items is the elusive Dawn Stone.
To get to the Pokéathlon Dome, head to the top of Route 35, to the north of Goldenrod City.

Enter the building shown above and go through the exit to the left. A path will take you to the Pokéathlon Dome.

You can play minigames with your Pokémon here to earn points. You’ll need 3,000 to buy a Dawn Stone.
There are some games that might be easier to help you farm Athlete Points faster, but there’s really no set quickest-earning game. It will depend on your skills, preferences, and which Pokémon you use.
Try them all to find your best match.
Once you’ve won 3,000 points, come back on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday. The Athlete Shop in the top-right corner of the building sells Dawn Stones on these days.

There’s no limit to the number of Dawn Stones you can purchase this way.
If you enjoy the Pokéathlon minigames, this is the most reliable way to farm them. The rest of the methods are much further into the game and/or require much more luck.
Method 2: Winning The Bug-Catching Contest After Unlocking The National Pokédex
The second-easiest way to farm Dawn Stones also becomes available immediately after beating the Elite Four for the first time and picking up your National Pokédex from Professor Oak in Olivine City.
Once your Pokédex has been upgraded, the Bug-Catching Contest will award a random evolution stone to the highest-scoring contestant.
Dawn Stones are among the possible prizes.
Tip: We also created a full guide to the Bug-Catching Contest if you’re interested in more detailed information on how the mechanics work.
To compete, head to the National Park at the top of Route 35 on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. The entrance is the same building as the Pokéathlon Dome, pictured in Method 1.
Once inside, speak to the attendant to the left of the door.

Accept his invitation to join the contest.
You now have 20 minutes to catch the most impressive Bug-type Pokémon and earn the most points to win.
Points are calculated by looking at:
- The rarity of the Pokémon
- The Pokémon’s level
- The percentage of HP the Pokémon has left when caught (the higher, the better)
- The Pokémon’s hidden IV stats
Scyther and Pinsir are the rarest Pokémon, worth the most points. To stand the best chance of winning, aim to catch one of the two at Level 28 while dealing the lowest possible amount of damage to it first.
Bring a Pokémon that can inflict a non-damaging status condition (Paralysis or Sleep) to make things easier.

Once you’ve caught an impressive specimen, talk to the attendant again. The judging will now begin.

If you succeeded in coming 1st, you’ll receive a random evolution stone as your reward.
The possible rewards include:
- Dawn Stones
- Dusk Stones
- Thunderstones
- Leaf Stones
- Water Stones
- Fire Stones
- Sun Stones
- Moon Stones
- Shiny Stones
- Oval Stones
So, you may have to win a few contests before getting the prize you seek.
Luckily, you can play three times each week.
Method 3: As a Gift From Biker Aiden
Your next chance to get a Dawn Stone may require a lot of waiting/good fortune.
First, you need to battle Biker Aiden on Route 17 and register his phone number in your Pokégear.
To find Aiden, start at Celadon City’s west gate.

Pass through the gate and follow the one-way route through Route 16.
Before long, you’ll come to Route 17. Cycle south until you come to the bridge, then cycle down the left side.

You’ll see Biker Aiden on the left side of the bridge.
Battle and defeat him. His Tentacruel shouldn’t even register as a challenge at this point.
Once you’ve beaten him, register his number in your Pokégear.

Now it’s just a matter of waiting.
Keep an eye on your Pokégear and accept whenever he calls you. Sometimes he’ll just call to shoot the breeze – but eventually he’ll summon you to pick up a Dawn Stone he’s found.
You can receive multiple Dawn Stones this way, so keep an eye on that Pokégear!
Method 4: Trading a Forretress For Steven’s Beldum
The next method for getting a Dawn Stone is very elaborate.
First, you need to turn the power back on in Kanto’s Powerplant. Here’s how to do that:
Begin in Cerulean City, with a Pokémon that knows Surf in your party.
Take the exit heading east to Route 9.

Keep heading all the way to the east along Route 9 until you come to a place with Cut-able trees and steps leading down to a river.

Surf on the river and head south down Route 10.
Before long, you’ll see the Power Plant to your left.

Enter the Power Plant and find the manager toward the back of the room.
Talk to him, and he’ll angrily threaten whichever thief stole the Power Plant’s essential part.

Now, as you try to leave, the security guard will get word there’s a shady character hanging around Cerulean Gym. He’ll ask you to investigate.
Fly back to Cerulean City and go inside the gym, which is immediately to the right of the Pokémon Center.

Immediately after entering, you’ll be confronted by a Team Rocket Grunt who speaks to you in broken English before running away.

To find him, take the city’s north exit onto the golden bridge of Route 24. He’ll be in the middle.
Upon confronting him again, he’ll try to hide between a couple gazing out over the water. Talk to him again and he’ll challenge you to a battle.

After defeating him, he’ll admit that he hid the machine part near some rubber rings inside Cerulean Gym.
Fly back to the city and head back inside the gym. The machine part is hidden in the back left pile of rubber rings. You’ll need Surf to reach it.

Now it’s back to the Power Plant to talk to the manager again. He will thank you for your help and reward you with the TM57 Charge Beam.
Next, you need to head to Saffron City and return a Poké Doll to its owner, Copycat.
Start by flying to Vermilion City and heading to the Pokémon Fan Club. It’s on the left side of town by the sea, on the street below the Pokémon Center.

Go inside and talk to the man standing next to what appears to be a Clefairy. He’ll reveal that it’s actually a doll.
Now, Fly to Saffron City.
In the top-left corner of the city, there’s a large building housing the Magnet Train. Immediately to the south of this building, there’s a small house.

Go inside the house and head up to the second floor.
There you’ll find a girl who is an expert impersonator. She’s lost her Poké Doll – luckily, we know where to find it.
Head back to Vermillion City’s Pokémon Fan Club again. Talk to the man with the Clefairy a second time. This time he’ll give it to you to return to its rightful owner.
As you step out of the Pokémon Fan Club, Hoenn’s Champion Steven will appear and tell you about the legendary Pokémon Latias or Latios, depending on your version. This Pokémon will now appear in the wild, roaming and fleeing like the legendary dogs earlier in the game.
Next, you’ll need to find yourself a Forretress.
To find one, you’ll need to catch a Pineco and evolve it at level 31.
You can find Pineco by using Headbutt on trees located in these areas:
- Routes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 47, and 48
- New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Violet City, Ecruteak City, Viridian City, Cerulean City, Pewter City, and Pallet Town
- Ilex Forest, the National Park, the Lake of Rage, and the Safari Zone Gate

Once you’ve evolved your Pineco into a Forretress, head back to Saffron City.
This time you’re heading to the Silph Co. building, on the street above the Pokémon Center.

On the right-hand side of the lobby, you’ll find Steven again.
He’ll trade your Forretress for a Beldum. Once your new Beldum arrives, it will be holding a Dawn Stone.
Method 5: The Dawn Stone High Up On Mt. Silver
The final way to get your hands on a Dawn Stone is maybe the most straightforward.
It involves no convoluted tasks, minigames, or sheer luck.
You just need to make your way through a long cave and mountain climb. However, you’ll need to have collected all 16 Gym Badges first, and have a Pokémon with Rock Climb in your party.
Start by flying to Mt. Silver.
If you’ve not been there before, you can access it by taking the left-hand path in the building before Victory Road’s cave.
The wild Pokémon in and around Mt. Silver are some of the strongest in the game, and the Dawn Stone is quite a journey away – so you’ll be battling a lot of them.
Bring a strong team and plenty of healing items, or some repels (or both).

Once you’ve arrived at the Pokémon Center, enter the cave in the top-left corner of the picture above.
Inside the cave, use Rock Climb on the spot immediately to the right of the entrance.

At the top of the rocks, go to the top-left corner of the room.
You’ll see a cave exit, go through it.

You’ll emerge onto the mountainside.
Immediately to your south, there will be a set of stairs leading upwards, climb them.

Climb the next set of stairs going upward you see too.
Then, head north until you reach another set of stairs. Climb these as well.

From here, head north again and then descend the next set of stairs you see.

Keep descending flights of stairs until you reach the side of the mountain and can go no further, to the spot pictured below.

Walk south from this point until you reach yet another set of stairs.
Climb these and head inside the cave entrance in front of you.

Back inside the cave, head along the raised platform to the west.
You’ll soon come to a T junction, keep going west here too.

Keep following the path round until you come to a very steep set of stairs, pictured below. Climb them.

Once you reach the top of the stairs, keep heading north and eventually you’ll reach an entrance that takes you deeper into the cave.

Okay, so this next room is a bit of a nightmare.
You’ll need to keep running around increasingly large squares and climbing stairs to reach the next level. There’s a lot of ground to cover here, so expect your team to get worn down by repeated wild Pokémon battles (unless you packed repels).

After a good slog, you’ll finally reach the outer layer and the cave exit pictured below. Leave the cave here.

From here, you’ll emerge into the snowy section of Mt. Silver.
Follow the one-way path round to the right until you reach another cave entrance. That’s right, you’re going back inside the previous frustrating room.

Head south for a short while and before long you’ll see another cave exit. Go through it.

Once you’re outside again, head south and turn left. You’ll see yet another cave entrance. Go back inside here.

Okay, you’re getting closer.
Run to the left and head back outside using the next cave exit you see.

Now you’re back outside, you should see a Rock Climb spot immediately to the right of the cave entrance. Climb it.

On the next layer of the mountainside, you’ll see three different Rock Climb opportunities. Climb the one to the far left.

At the top of this one, there’s another Rock Climb spot. Climb it once again.
You’ll see a Pokéball at the top.
Congratulations, it contains your Dawn Stone.

Pokémon HGSS
- Where To Get Dawn Stones in Pokémon HGSS