How To Learn Headbutt + Special Tree Locations (Pokémon HGSS)

Pikachu using headbutt on a tree in Ilex Forest (HeartGold)

In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Headbutt is a field move that you can teach to any eligible Pokémon by speaking with a Trainer in Ilex Forest. This can be done multiple times, so you can have multiple Pokémon learn Headbutt via the same NPC.

Headbutt can be used in battle, but it can also be used on trees in the overworld, which will often initiate a battle with wild Pokémon residing in the tree.

In this guide we’ll show you how to learn Headbutt, how to use it, and we’ll show you the exact location of every special Headbutt tree in the game.

How To Teach a Pokémon Headbutt

The Headbutt Tutor in Ilex Forest / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
The Headbutt Tutor in Ilex Forest

The Trainer who teaches Headbutt is located in Ilex Forest, some steps to the right of the small body of water. You can reach him quicker when you enter Ilex Forest coming down from Goldenrod City.

He will teach any eligible Pokémon in your party how to use Headbutt, totally free of charge.

And this can be repeated as many times as you’d like.

Not all Pokémon are capable of learning Headbutt. And some Pokémon, such as Slowpoke, are capable of learning Headbutt naturally through leveling up. Others need to be taught the move via the NPC mentioned above – but this doesn’t require a TM.

Which Wild Pokémon Are in Trees?

Battling a wild Hoothoot in Ilex Forest / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
Battling a wild Hoothoot in Ilex Forest

Some trees in HeartGold and SoulSilver do not yield any wild Pokémon, no matter how often Headbutt is used. Others will yield one of several Headbutt Pokémon.

Note: There are certain Pokémon that are exclusive to each version of the game, only appearing in either HeartGold or SoulSilver.

All Headbutt Pokémon












HeartGold-Exclusive Headbutt Pokémon





SoulSilver-Exclusive Headbutt Pokémon






Interestingly, there are also a few secret trees in the overworld that are somewhat difficult to reach.

When Headbutt is used on one of these trees, they yield specific wild Pokémon that aren’t usually found anywhere else.

All Special Trees (Locations + Wild Pokémon)

Special Trees (sometimes also known as Specific Trees or Secret Trees) are trees found in the overworld that you can use Headbutt on. These will yield Pokémon that aren’t found elsewhere.

The field move Rock Climb is often required to reach these trees.

Special Tree Headbutt Pokémon






Below we’ll cover every special tree location & how to get there.

Cherrygrove City – Taillow

The Special Tree at Cherrygrove City / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
The Special Tree at Cherrygrove City

To reach the Special Tree in Cherrygrove City, you’ll need to have obtained the field moves Surf and Rock Climb.

Surf on the body of water to the left of the city. Follow along the cliff face at the top until you find a sandbank.

About to use Surf in Cherrygrove City / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
About to use Surf in Cherrygrove City

You’ll be able to use Rock Climb here to scale the cliff and reach the Special Tree located to the left.

Trail to the Special Tree in Cherrygrove City / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
Trail to the Special Tree in Cherrygrove City

Once you use Headbutt on this tree, it should yield a wild Taillow about 35% of the time.

Route 25 – Slakoth

The Special Tree on Route 25 / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
The Special Tree on Route 25

The Special Tree on Route 25 yields a wild Slakoth when Headbutt is used on it.

To the right of the Pokémon Gym in Cerulean City / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
To the right of the Pokémon Gym in Cerulean City

This one is not as difficult to reach as some of the other trees. But it is a bit later into the game.

Start by flying to Cerulean City. Then take the bridge north to Route 25, and just keep walking north.

At the bridge that leads to Route 25 / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
At the bridge that leads to Route 25

At the end of the bridge you’ll see a few trees on the top right corner.

On Route 25, with the Special Tree in the left-hand corner / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
On Route 25, with the Special Tree in the left-hand corner

The Special Tree is the second tree from the left-hand side. This is the only location to get a Slakoth in the game, and you’ll find one in this tree about 35% of the time.

Pewter City – Starly

The Special Tree in Pewter City / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
The Special Tree in Pewter City

The Special Tree in Pewter City also isn’t difficult to reach. When Headbutt is used on this tree, it usually yields a wild Starly.

On Route 2, about to walk behind the fence / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
On Route 2, about to walk behind the fence

To reach this tree, simply walk down to Route 2 from Pewter City, then cross to the other side of the small white fence on the left, and walk back up.

The Special Tree is at the very top of the row.

Route 38 – Burmy

The Special Tree on Route 38 / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
The Special Tree on Route 38

The Special Tree on Route 38 yields a Burmy when Headbutt is used on it.

To reach it, you’ll need Rock Climb. Here’s how to get there:

Heading past the Moomoo Farm on Route 39 / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
Heading past the Moomoo Farm on Route 39

Go to Route 39, moving south past the Moomoo Farm and towards Olivine City.

About to use Rock Climb to scale the hillside / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
About to use Rock Climb to scale the hillside

Eventually on the right-hand side of the path, you’ll see the area where you’ll be able to use Rock Climb to scale the hillside.

Once atop the hill, continue walking right onto Route 38 until you hit the very last tree. This is the Special Tree to encounter Burmy about 35% of the time.

National Park – Cherubi

The Special Tree at the National Park / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
The Special Tree at the National Park

The Special Tree in the National Park is located behind the fence on the northeastern side of the area.

To reach it, you’ll need to find the opening in the fence. This is also located on the northeastern side of the National Park, next to the Trainer trying to charge his Pokéwalker.

Behind the fence in the National Park / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
Behind the fence in the National Park

You should see the opening if you keep following the path in a clockwise direction.

Walk behind the fence and then continue east. You’ll quickly see a spot where you’ll be able to use Rock Climb.

About to use Rock Climb in the National Park / Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
About to use Rock Climb in the National Park

Once you’ve scaled this spot, the Special Tree is at the very top of this area (it’s the tree directly behind the overworld item on the ground).

If you use Headbutt on this tree, it’ll yield a wild Cherubi about 35% of the time.

Shaun van Rensburg

13 articles

Shaun van Rensburg lives in South Africa and holds a BA in creative writing. He primarily writes fiction, but when he was a child, he wanted to be a cryptozoologist--hence his fondness for the monster-taming genre. Equine-inspired Pokémon are his favourite.

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