When you provide Kurt with Blue Apricorns at his house in Azalea Town, he will craft Lure Balls for you. These special Poké Balls have an increased catch rate on any wild Pokémon you encounter while fishing.
In HeartGold/SoulSilver, you can only collect Blue Apricorns by:
- Picking them from special trees on Route 36, Route 37, Route 26, and Pewter City
- Buying them for 200 points at the Pokéathlon Dome on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays
The following guide will explain how Lure Balls work, how to make them, and show you the precise location of each Blue Apricorn tree in the wild.
How To Get Lure Balls
You can get your hands on a Lure Ball once you’ve collected the first Blue Apricorn on Route 36.
Once you have it, return to Kurt’s house in the top right corner of Azalea Town and he will turn it into a Lure Ball.
The process will take a day and he’ll give you a call on your Pokégear when he’s finished.
He’s only able to craft one type of ball at any time, but you can give him multiple of the same type of Apricorns at once.

If you’re lacking an Apricorn Case, it’s possible you missed it early in the game.
Return to the house just above Cherrygrove City on Route 30. The man inside will give you one.
The tree outside his house provides a handy example of what an Apricorn tree looks like, too.

All Blue Apricorn Tree Locations
The following sections contain the exact locations of each Blue Apricorn tree, plus step-by-step instructions on how to find them if they’re tricky.
Apricorn Trees bear fruit daily, so you can always return again tomorrow.
Route 36
The earliest Blue Apricorn tree in the game is north of Goldenrod City.
You’ll need a Pokémon with Cut to reach it.
Start by leaving Goldenrod City via the north gate onto Route 35.

Follow the path further north until you get to the entrance to the National Park/Pokéathlon dome.

Take the right turn at this point, through the long grass.
Before long you’ll come to a Cut-able tree. Chop it down.

Carry on walking further north onto Route 36.
You’ll soon see the Blue Apricorn tree.

Route 37
The next Blue Apricorn tree is just a little further along.
It’s most easily accessed from Ecruteak City’s south exit.

At the point pictured above, simply take the right path and jump down over the ledge.
You’ll find a few Apricorn trees here, a blue one amongst them.

Route 26
The third Blue Apricorn tree is quite a bit further through the game.
The quickest way to reach it is by flying to Victory Road.

From the entrance to Victory Road, simply follow the winding path down south.
Partway down, you’ll find a house with a Blue Apricorn tree outside.

Pewter City
The final Blue Apricorn tree is quite a bit further along in the game again.
However, once you’ve reached Pewter City, it’s easy to find.
Simply make your way to the top right-hand corner of the town.

Alternate Method: Winning Apricorns At The Pokéathlon Dome
If you’re a fan of the Pokéathlon Dome minigames, you can spend the points you win on Apricorns.
If you don’t find the minigames easy or enjoyable though, it’s probably quicker to pick your Apricorns in the wild.
You can find the Pokéathlon Dome at the top of Route 35. It shares an entrance with the National Park.

You’ll find Blue Apricorns on sale at the Athlete Shop for 200 points each on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays.
The shop is in the top right corner inside.

Lure Ball Mechanics
You can use Lure Balls in any wild Pokémon encounter with the same effectiveness as a regular Pokéball.
However, if you encounter the wild Pokémon while fishing, they become x3 more effective. For reference, Ultra Balls are x2 effective.
Note: This only works on Pokémon actually fished up with an Old Rod, Good Rod, or Super Rod, not specific Pokémon species.

Pokémon HGSS
- Where To Find Lure Balls & Blue Apricorns (Pokémon HGSS)