All Sun Stone Locations | ||
Method | How Often? | |
1 | The first place prize for winning the Bug-Catching Contest in the National Park | Repeatable |
2 | Buy for 2,500 points at the Pokéathlon Dome on Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays after unlocking the National Pokédex | Repeatable |
3 | A phone call gift from Camper Tanner on Route 13 | Repeatable |
4 | Held item you can steal from wild Solrock (5% chance) | Repeatable |
There are 4 ways to get Sun Stones in Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver, and each method is repeatable as many times as you’d like. The earliest possible way to get a Sun Stone is by coming in first place in the Bug-Catching Contest.
The table above lists every possible acquisition method for Sun Stones in HG/SS, organized from early-game to late-game.
In HGSS, you’ll need a Sun Stone for each of the following evolutions:
- Gloom into Bellossom
- Sunkern into Sunflora
Neither of these evolved forms appear in the wild, so you’ll need at least two Sun Stones to fill up your Pokédex.
Ironically, it’s much easier to get Sun Stones prior to unlocking the National Pokédex. This is because winning the Bug-Catching Contest before that point guarantees a Sun Stone as a prize. Afterwards, getting a Sun Stone only becomes a 1-in-10 chance.
So if you haven’t upgraded to the National Pokédex yet, consider winning that contest twice before progressing the game. You’ll save a lot of time in the long run.
Method 1: Winning The Bug-Catching Contest
Once you reach Goldenrod City, you’re able to farm Sun Stones in the easiest way possible.
Note: This guide assumes you’re competing in the Bug-Catching Contest prior to unlocking the National Pokédex. If you’ve already unlocked it, the method is the same, but the chances of receiving a Sun Stone as your prize plummet from 100% to 10%.
First, you’ll need to be playing on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday, as these are the only days the Bug-Catching Contest runs.
When the correct day arrives, head to the entrance of the National Park at the top of Route 35. You can get to Route 35 by leaving Goldenrod City through its north gate.

Go inside the building at the top of the screenshot above.
Once you’re inside, talk to the attendant standing to the left of the door.

Accept his invitation to compete in the contest. You’ll now have 20 minutes to capture the best Bug-Type Pokémon and earn the top score to win.
Your score is calculated by looking at:
- The rarity of the captured Pokémon
- The captured Pokémon’s level
- How much HP the captured Pokémon has left (the more, the better)
- The captured Pokémon’s hidden IV stats (there is no way to check these, so don’t worry about them)
Pinsir and Scyther are the rarest possible Pokémon. To get the best score, focus on catching one of these at level 14 (or level 28, if you’ve unlocked the National Pokédex).
You’ll also want to avoid dealing much damage to them, as this lowers your score. Bring a Pokémon capable of inflicting Paralysis or Sleep to make this easier.
Note: You can only bring one Pokémon into the Bug-Catching Contest, and you cannot use healing items. Make sure the Pokémon you bring is strong enough to survive.

Once you’ve caught a prize-worthy Pokémon, speak to the attendant again to trigger the judging.

If you managed to come in first and haven’t yet unlocked the National Pokédex, you’ll win a Sun Stone for your troubles.
If you have already unlocked the National Pokédex, there is a 10% chance of winning a Sun Stone, alongside many other evolution stones.
You can compete in the Bug-Catching Contest three times per week. This gives you ample opportunity to get a couple of Sun Stones before unlocking the National Pokédex, or more attempts at scoring a Sun Stone if you’ve already unlocked it.
Note: We also have a dedicated guide to the Bug-Catching Contest. So if you’re looking for a breakdown of the mechanics and some tips to help you win, be sure to check that out.
Method 2: Buying Sun Stones at The Pokéathlon Dome
After beating the Elite Four and receiving the National Pokédex from Professor Oak in Olivine City, the Athlete Shop in the Pokéathlon Dome will begin to sell Sun Stones.
To get to the Pokéathlon Dome, head to the same building at the top of Route 35 that houses the Bug-Catching Contest described above.
Go inside and go through the left door.
Then, follow the path up to the Pokéathlon Dome.

Here you can play minigames with your Pokémon to earn Athlete Points. You’ll need 2,500 AP to purchase a Sun Stone.
Although the quickest earning game isn’t set in stone; it will depend on your skills, available Pokémon, and preferences.
Try out different games to find your best fit & just grind your favorites for points.
Once you’ve accumulated 2,500 points, come back on a Monday, Friday, or Sunday. The Athlete Shop in the top right corner of the Pokéathlon Dome will sell Sun Stones on these days.

Method 3: Receiving A Gift From Camper Tanner
Your next opportunity to get a Sun Stone comes after discovering Lavender Town in the Kanto region. However, it will still require some patience and good fortune.
First, you’ll need to find and defeat Camper Tanner and register his phone number in your Pokégear.
Start by heading south out of Lavender Town onto Route 12.

Keep going south down these boardwalks.
If you’ve not already explored this area, there will be plenty of trainers to battle, so bring a strong team!
Keep pushing southward until you can go no further, then take the left turn onto Route 13.

Not far to go from here.
Simply keep walking to the left until you find Camper Tanner, pictured below.

Defeat him in battle and register his number in your Pokégear.
Now the waiting game begins.
Keep a careful eye on your Pokégear from now on and pick up whenever he calls you. Sometimes, he’ll just call to chat, but eventually he’ll tell you to come and pick up an item he’s found. That item is a Sun Stone!
Method 4: Stealing from Wild Solrocks
This last method is by far the most difficult.
You’ll only want to attempt it if you’re having no luck with the others.
Wild Solrock have a 5% chance of carrying a Sun Stone as their held item.
Sounds easy enough, right?
Well, Solrock are only found in the Wasteland Area of the Safari Zone after placing 42 Peak Blocks.
That means you’ll have to complete both of Baoba’s challenges and heavily invest in improving your Wasteland Area. Plus, the Safari Zone’s mechanics make the usual held item farming techniques useless, and catching Solrock themselves much more difficult.

On average, you’ll need to catch 20 Solrock to find a Sun Stone.
Remember, throwing mud makes Safari Pokémon easier to catch, but also more likely to flee. Throwing bait makes them less likely to flee, but harder to catch.
Good luck!
Pokémon HGSS
- How To Get Sun Stones in Pokémon HGSS (All Methods)