How To Get Magnets in Pokémon ORAS

The 5th puzzle in the Trick House (Pokémon Alpha Sapphire)

There is only one Magnet obtainable in ORAS, and you’ll get it as a reward from the Trick Master after completing his fifth challenge. To complete this challenge you’ll need to answer a series of questions correctly in order, and the questions are randomized each time.

Unlike most of the puzzles in the Trick House, the fifth one will not require any specific Pokémon to complete it. Instead, you will encounter five Mechadolls that will each ask a question. Every time you answer incorrectly, the puzzle will restart from the beginning.

This guide will cover all the questions each Mechadoll may ask you, including their correct answers.

Magnet Location (Step-by-Step)

You can find the Trick House on Route 110, just north of Slateport City.

On your fifth visit, you will encounter a puzzle in the form of a quiz.

To complete it you need to answer questions from five Mechadolls. If you answer incorrectly, the puzzle restarts regardless of your progress.

A Mechadoll reacts like a trainer if it catches sight of you / Pokémon ORAS
A Mechadoll reacts like a trainer if it catches sight of you.

The Mechadolls react similarly to trainers, so if they see you or if you interact with them, they will approach. But instead of challenging you to a battle, they will ask you a question – each Mechadoll asks a random question from a pool of 3.

The Trick Master will give you the Magnet as a reward for completing the puzzle.

The signboard outside the Trick House on Route 110 / Pokémon ORAS
The signboard outside the Trick House on Route 110.

To start the fifth challenge, just return to the Trick House on Route 110 and follow these steps:

Inside the Trick House, investigate the cupboard to your right (circled below). That’s where the Trick Master is hiding.

The cupboard where the Trick Master is hiding / Pokémon ORAS
The cupboard where the Trick Master is hiding.

Enter the puzzle area and you’ll find that it’s a small room where you will encounter five Mechadolls.

To reach the scroll with the secret code on the northwest side of the room, you need to answer each question correctly.

The first Mechadoll asks a question / Pokémon ORAS
The first Mechadoll asks a question.

Trick House Quiz Answers

Listed in the table below are the answers to 3 potential questions that each Mechadoll might ask you.

The questions are randomized every time you begin the challenge.

Mechadoll Question Answer
Mechadoll #1 One of these Pokémon is not of the Grass type. Which one is it? Nincada
One of these Pokémon is not found on Route 103. Which one is it? Nincada
One of these Pokémon uses Scratch. Which one is it? Nincada
Mechadoll #2 Which Pokémon was offered for a trade at the Pokémon Trainers’ School? Seedot
What Pokémon was the Devon Researcher looking for in Petalburg Woods? Shroomish
In Professor Birch’s Bag, there were three Pokémon. Which one was at the right? Mudkip
Mechadoll #3 Which costs more? Three Poké Balls or one Super Potion? The Super Potion
Which would cost more, a Full Heal plus a Great Ball, or one Revive? Revive
Sell one Escape Rope and buy one Antidote. How much money remains? P175
Mechadoll #4 Rustboro Gym Leader Roxanne used a Geodude. Was it female or male? Female
Was the first Trainer in Dewford Gym male or female? Female
In Dewford Hall, were there more men or women? More men
Mechadoll #5 How many Bikes does Rydel have on display outside his cycle shop? Two
How many people give you Berries at the Pretty Petal flower shop? One
How many signs are in Lilycove City? Eight
Answering a Mechadoll incorrectly / Pokémon ORAS
Answering a Mechadoll incorrectly.

Each time you answer a question incorrectly, you will return to the beginning of the puzzle room and the questions will be randomized again.

Getting Your Magnet

After answering all the Mechadolls’ questions, interact with the scroll to get the secret code (pictured below).

You’ll then find the exit to the puzzle area in the northeast corner of the puzzle room.

Finding the scroll with the secret code / Pokémon ORAS
Finding the scroll with the secret code.
The secret code of the fifth challenge / Pokémon ORAS
The secret code of the fifth challenge.

Then speak to the Trick Master and obtain the Magnet as your reward.

Obtaining the Magnet / Pokémon ORAS
Obtaining the Magnet.

You can return to the Trick House again the next day for the sixth and last puzzle, where you can obtain a Red or Blue Tent for your Secret Base.

Magnet Uses

The Magnet’s in-game description / Pokémon ORAS
The Magnet’s in-game description.

When held by a Pokémon, the Magnet boosts the power of the holder’s Electric-type moves by 20%. This effect also stacks with STAB, or Same-Type Attack Bonus, so it is most useful when held by Electric-type Pokémon to maximize their damage.

In Gen II and III, the Magnet only gave a 10% power boost. But for the Gen VI games you’ll get the 20% power boost.

Fun Fact: In FRLG, it is possible to obtain multiple Magnets repeatedly as held items from wild Magneton. No other gens allowed you to acquire multiple Magnets until Gen VII.

Jon Soluna

41 articles

Jon is a game development student pursuing a career in video game writing. When he’s not working on his thesis, you could often find him playing open-world games, reading classic novels, rewatching Game of Thrones, or on occasion, playing Pokémon Alpha Sapphire on his old 3DS.

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