HM02 Fly is located in Veilstone City, and you can get it immediately after defeating Gym Leader Maylene and earning the Cobble Badge.
After the battle, when leaving the Gym, Professor Rowan’s assistant will ask for your help in retrieving his Pokédex from the Team Galactic henchmen who stole it. After battling a couple of Galactic Grunts, you will find HM02 Fly inside the warehouse they were guarding.
HM02 Fly Location (Step-by-Step)

After defeating Maylene, the Leader of the Veilstone City Gym, Professor Rowan’s panicked assistant will meet you outside. He tells you that some Galactic Grunts outside Team Galactic’s local warehouse have stolen his Pokédex, and then he runs off to try taking it back.
Follow him to help.
Team Galactic’s warehouse is just northeast of the Gym, north of the building with the big multicolored balloons on the roof.

Speak with Professor Rowan’s assistant, and he will ask for your help in taking his Pokédex back by force.
Agree to his request, and a Pokémon battle will ensue.

These Grunts are like any of the others you’ve fought. They have only a couple of low-level Zubats, a Croagunk, and a Stunky, and they won’t take long to beat.

After taking a sufficient beating, the Galactic Grunts will curse their weak Pokémon and run away, leaving the warehouse unguarded.
Immediately after they leave, Looker from the International Police will show up to investigate.
Rowan’s assistant, still rattled by the experience, leaves you and Looker to check out the warehouse by yourselves.

The two of you enter the Galactic warehouse, where HM02 Fly is sitting openly between two shipping containers on the eastern side of the room.

When you can control your character, simply walk over and pick it up.

Fly Details + Uses

Using Fly in Battle
In battle, Fly is a damage-inflicting, Flying-type physical move that unfolds in two phases.
First, the user soars into the sky and remains in a semi-invulnerable state for the rest of the turn, before dive bombing the target in the next turn’s phase.
Fly Move Details | |
Type | Flying |
Category | Physical |
Power | 90 |
Accuracy | 95% |
PP | 15 (max. 24) |
As with other two-part moves, like Dig and Dive, the user cannot normally be hit by most attacks in the semi-invulnerable first turn.
The exceptions to this are the moves Thunder, Whirlwind, Sky Uppercut, Gust, and Twister, with the latter two dealing double the damage.
Note: If either the user or the target Pokémon have the ability No Guard, the user can be hit by any move, even in the semi-invulnerable state. This is also true if the target has previously used the moves Lock-On or Mind Reader on the user.
Using Fly Outside of Battle
When used outside of battle, the Pokémon using Fly will take you to the Pokémon Center of any town or city you have already visited.
To use Fly, first open your Pokémon party list from the menu, then select the Pokémon who knows the move.

The Town Map will open.
Simply select where you want to go, and your Pokémon will Fly you there.

Miscellaneous information about Fly:
- In Fly’s semi-invulnerable phase, if the user experiences full paralysis or hurts itself because of confusion, Fly will end without damaging the target.
- When used in a Pokémon Contest in the Smart category, Fly usually earns one appeal point, but it will earn three bonus appeal points if no other contestant has selected the same judge in that round.
Pokémon Platinum
- How To Get HM02 Fly in Pokémon Platinum