How To Get a Forge & Crafting Table in Rune Factory 4

Holding a Crafting table & Forge in Blacksmith Shop (RF4)

The Forge and Crafting Table are two furniture items that allow you to craft and improve your weapons, tools, armor, and accessories. You can buy a Forge & a Crafting Table from Bado at “the Meanderer” Blacksmith after you complete the Yokmir Forest dungeon.

The forge will cost you:

  • 3000 Gold
  • 30 Lumber
  • 25 Material Stone

While the crafting table costs:

  • 3000 Gold
  • 50 Lumber
  • 10 Material Stone

In this guide, we’ll cover the prerequisites for unlocking them and how to pass the license exams.


Bado’s dialogue that unlocks the ability to purchase a forge/crafting table from him in Blacksmith “Meanderer” / Rune Factory 4
Bado’s dialogue that unlocks the ability to purchase a forge/crafting table from him in Blacksmith “Meanderer”

You cannot purchase a forge or crafting table until you’ve cleared the Yokmir Forest dungeon.

So before consulting the steps below, make sure you have already beaten the Yokmir Forest dungeon boss.

Spoiler Warning: Unlocking the forge and crafting table goes hand in hand with advancing the plot, so beware of possible spoilers below!

Unsure of Where You Left Off?

The last conversation with Venti will also give you access to the next dungeon, the Water Ruins. If you have access to the Water Ruins, you have already finished the steps below and can skip straight to Step 7!

How To Unlock the Forge & Crafting Table

The Forge and Crafting Table are not available immediately after clearing the dungeon.

Because first, you need to trigger a few plot-advancing scenes before Bado thinks you are ready to purchase them from him.

More specifically, you’ll have to must watch the following cutscenes in order. So no skipping that precious Rune Factory worldbuilding!

Step 1: Mystery Girl

Lest brings the mysterious girl to Tiny Bandage Clinic / RF4
Lest brings the mysterious girl to Tiny Bandage Clinic

After you beat the Yokmir Forest boss, immediately head to the Tiny Bandage Clinic for Jones to take a look at the girl.

There, a brief scene happens where you update Jones and Nancy on what happened in Yokmir Forest.

Jones, still perplexed, requests that you update Lady Ventuswill on the situation.

Step 2: Talk to Venti

Lest breaking Venti the news in the Dragon Room / Rune Factory 4
Lest breaking Venti the news in the Dragon Room

As per Jones’ request, head to the Dragon Room to tell Venti about the mysterious monster that turned into a girl.

Step 3: Check Up on the Mystery Girl

Jones telling Lest that the mysterious girl is awake in the Tiny Bandage Clinic / RF4
Jones telling Lest that the mysterious girl is awake in the Tiny Bandage Clinic

The next day, head to the Tiny Bandage Clinic any time after 7:00 AM to meet the newest resident of Selphia.

Step 4: Talk to Venti (again)

Lest starting a conversation with Venti in the Dragon Room / Rune Factory 4
Lest starting a conversation with Venti in the Dragon Room

Two days after Amber has settled into Selphia, talk to Venti in the Dragon Room where you learn about Venti’s concerns about living so closely alongside humans.

The scene ends rather abruptly with Venti saying that they should wrap up their conversation before someone sees them speaking so casually with one another.

However, triggering the next scene is quite easy – all you need to do is end the day!

Step 5: Strange Sound

Lest woken up in the middle of the night from a sudden roar in his room / RF4
Lest woken up in the middle of the night from a sudden roar in his room

While the normal “day end” jingle plays a ferocious roar wakes up Lest/Frey in the middle of the night. A short scene will play where Lest/Frey also hears Venti talking in her sleep.

They wish Venti a good night and head back to bed.

Step 6: Worried Villagers

Lest finds Arthur, Blossom and Margaret speaking with Venti in the Dragon Room / Rune Factory 4
Lest finds Arthur, Blossom and Margaret speaking with Venti in the Dragon Room

A full day after hearing the strange sound in the middle of the night (not the same day it happens, but the day after), head to the Dragon Room.

There, Arthur, Blossom, and Margaret have already gathered to consult Venti about the cursed voices they have been hearing over the past few days.

Venti, upset that you would speak of her so casually in front of the townsfolk, decided to assign you to the task of dealing with the cursed voices.

Once this conversation ends, you’ll unlock the Water Ruins and also be able to purchase the Forge and Crafting Table!

Step 7: Unlocking The Forge & Crafting Table

Bado telling you he thinks you’re ready to start forging on your own in Blacksmith “Meanderer” / RF4
Bado telling you he thinks you’re ready to start forging on your own in Blacksmith “Meanderer”

Talk to Bado while he’s in his shop and he’ll tell you that it’s time to you learned how to forge stuff yourself.

Congratulations, you can now purchase a Forge and Crafting Table!

Step 8: Getting a License

After you’ve unlocked the forge and crafting table, you now need a license to be able to use them.

To obtain a license, head to the Order Symbol in the Dragon Room then select the option “Licenses”.

The forging license and the crafting license are totally separate, but they each cost 200 Prince/Princess Point.

The good news is that points aren’t deducted until after you’ve successfully passed the exam.

This means you don’t have to stress about wasting any precious Prince/Princess Points.

Forging License Exam Answers

License Menu at the Order Symbol in the Dragon Room the cursor highlights Forging License / Rune Factory 4
License Menu at the Order Symbol in the Dragon Room the cursor highlights Forging License

The correct answers to the forging license exam are:

Question Correct Answer
If you have a valid recipe and enough RP to craft, you will: Definitely Succeed
When you fail to craft something, you will: Get scrap metal
When you craft a weapon with a known recipe, or which you’ve possessed before, it requires: Less RP. Much easier!

Crafting License Exam Answers

License Menu at the Order Symbol in the Dragon Room the cursor highlights Crafting License / RF4
License Menu at the Order Symbol in the Dragon Room the cursor highlights Crafting License

The correct answers to the crafting license exam are:

Question Correct Answer
With a crafting table, you can craft: Hats, shoes, armor, etc.
When equipment is augmented with materials, it: Gains an added effect.
To get Recipe Bread for accessories, you must: Buy it from Porcoline.

Step 9: Purchase the Forge and/or Crafting Table

Bado’s shop menu at Blacksmith “Meanderer” with the cursor on the option “I want a forge.” / Rune Factory 4
Bado’s shop menu at Blacksmith “Meanderer” with the cursor on the option “I want a forge.”

With the proper license(s) under your belt, you can purchase a forge or crafting table from Bado.

As previously mentioned, here are the requirements for each purchase:

Furniture Requirements To Purchase
The Forge 3000 Gold
30 Lumber
25 Material Stone
The Crafting Table 3000 Gold
50 Lumber
10 Material Stone

Talk to Bado and select the option “I want a forge.” or “I want a crafting table.”

Then Bado will list the materials he will need from you to build the option you selected.

The numbers for each material will be in either blue or red, where blue means that you have enough of that material and red means you have less than the required amount.

What If Bado’s Not Home?

Lest approaching Bado’s counter with no Bado in sight… / RF4
Lest approaching Bado’s counter with no Bado in sight…

You can purchase (and re-purchase) a forge and crafting table at any time after unlocking the ability to do so.

Sometimes, Bado likes to leave “The Meanderer” unattended, but don’t fret! You can still purchase a forge/crafting table by interacting with his desk, as shown in the screenshot above – make sure the marker is red (not blue) when pressing “A”.

Note: There is no difference in price when purchasing from Bado whether he is there or not, it’s just one of Bado’s get-out-of-work schemes. Lucky for him, you’re someone who respects the honor system.

Learning Forging & Crafting Recipes

Lest learning basic forging recipes after purchasing a forge from Bado / Rune Factory 4
Lest learning basic forging recipes after purchasing a forge from Bado

After you have purchased a forge or a crafting table, Bado will provide you with some basic craftable recipes to help you get started:

Item Purchased Recipes Learned
Forge Broadsword, Claymore, Spear, Cheap Hoe, Cheap Waterpot, Cheap Sickle, Cheap Hammer, Cheap Axe, Cheap Pole
Crafting Table Small Shield, Leather Boots, Headband, Shirt, Charm

To learn more recipes, you need to eat recipe bread: weapon bread to learn more forging recipes and accessory bread for crafting recipes.

You can buy the recipe bread from Porcoline’s Kitchen while Porcoline is working.

You can also learn new recipes by choosing the “do not use recipe” option and using the correct materials to craft the desired product. However, it costs more RP to craft an unknown recipe. And if your skill isn’t close enough to the target recipe’s skill, you will fail to craft the recipe as well.

However, once you successfully craft a new recipe for the first time, it’s added to your recipe books and costs the normal amount as if you had learned it from a recipe bread.

Emily Hinz

14 articles

Emily is a Portuguese (BR) -> English translator and a long-time video game enthusiast. Raised on a farm, the charming gameplay of Rune Factory sowed the seeds of her interest in video games. After all, fighting off monsters and tending to virtual fields was more fun than helping out with real farm work. Now, Emily enjoys playing her favourite RPGs in her cozy apartment in Brazil.

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