Story of Seasons: FoMT Concert Festival Guide

Playing the ocarina during the concert in SoS:FoMT
Concert Festival
Date Autumn 3rd (annual)
Time 6:00 PM to 12:00 AM
Location Mineral Church
Special Requirements None
Prizes Friendship Points

Every year on Autumn 3rd, the annual Music Concert is held at Mineral Church.

You can either join the band yourself, or sit back and relax to watch the concert.


Carter’s Invite

On Autumn 2nd, the day before the concert, Carter will visit the farm and invite you to tomorrow’s event.

You’ll meet him when you exit the farmhouse in the morning.

He will ask you if you want to play in the band, which is an offer you can either accept or reject.

Carter invites the farmer to join the concert. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
Carter invites the farmer to join the concert.

After getting your response, Carter will leave and you can continue with your errands for the day.

Regardless of your response, you can still attend the festival either way.

Event Details

After 6:00 PM on Autumn 3rd, head to Mineral Church to start the festival.

To get there, head north from the path above your farm and turn right when you reach the very end. Keep walking until you get to the eastern side of Mineral Town, and you’ll see Carter waiting outside.

Map of Mineral Town with a white line directing you to the Church. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
Map of Mineral Town with a white line directing you to the Church.

Talk to Carter to receive your ocarina, and enter the Church together for the concert. Once you’re inside, you can walk around and interact with any of the villagers present.

Once you’re ready, return to Carter at the altar to finally begin the concert.

Note: If you rejected his previous offer to play with the band, you’ll simply join the rest of the villagers in the pews and watch the others play.

The farmer watches the concert. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
The farmer watches the concert.

Prizes & Benefits

Like any other event, just showing up will earn you a decent amount of Friendship Points with all of the villagers.

But here are the things you can do to earn FP during the Concert Festival:

Action FP Earned
Interacting with an NPC during the festival +5 FP
Joining the band +10 FP

Kal S.

344 articles

Kal S. is a part-time med student and full-time nerd. Connect with them over all things fantasy, science fiction, and art!

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