Summer Sun Recipe Guide (SoS: FoMT)

Holding a Summer Sun in SoS:FoMT
Summer Sun Recipe
Where to Learn Zack
  • Small Fish
  • Medium Fish
  • Large Fish
  • Pirate Treasure
  • Ancient Fossil
Kitchen Equipment
  • None

Summer Sun is a rare and expensive item that you can make in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. There are a lot of ingredients needed to make Summer Sun, so be prepared to stock up on a lot of Fish and other miscellaneous items throughout the year.

In the other Story of Seasons or Harvest Moon Games, the seasonal Suns could be used in the greenhouse so that you could plant the crops from that particular season.

But you don’t have a greenhouse in the Switch remake of Friends of Mineral Town – so the purpose of the Sun items is mainly for completion and selling to Huang for a nice profit.

The farmer stands on the Beach with a Summer Sun. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
The farmer stands on the Beach with a Summer Sun.

Where To Learn the Recipe

Zack will teach you the recipe for Summer Sun once you reach 4 friendship notes with him.

Zack offers to teach the farmer the recipe for Summer Sun. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
Zack offers to teach the farmer the recipe for Summer Sun.

If you want to become quick friends with Zack, a great way to gain friendship points is to give him Strawberries, Baked Apples, or Curry Bread!


The farmer catches a Large Fish in the Ocean. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
The farmer catches a Large Fish in the Ocean.

Ingredients Needed

This recipe will require you to catch multiple variations of Fish, as well as special fishing items. Since these rare fishing treasures can only be caught in different seasons and locations, make sure to stock up on multiples of each so you can make Summer Sun.

Ingredients Where to Get
Small Fish Fish in any body of water using the Iron Fishing Rod or higher
Medium Fish
Large Fish Fish in any body of water using the Golden Fishing Rod or higher
Pirate Treasure Fish in the Ocean using the Mithril Fishing Rod (or higher) in the Summer
Ancient Fossil Fish in the Ocean using the Mithril Fishing Rod (or higher) in Autumn

Zack will give you an Iron Fishing Rod during the early days of your game. Like the rest of your tools, you can bring the Fishing Rod to Saibara for upgrades which will allow you to catch bigger Fish.

The minimum upgrade required to catch a Large Fish is the Gold Fishing Rod.

But you’ll need at least a Mithril Fishing Rod for the rare items (Ancient Fossil and Pirate Treasure).

The farmer buys a Fishing Rod upgrade from Saibara at the Forge. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
The farmer buys a Fishing Rod upgrade from Saibara at the Forge.

Check out this quick guide to Fishing Rod levels and the materials needed to upgrade them:

Upgrade Price Materials Needed Experience Needed
Copper Fishing Rod 1,000 G Copper Ore 10%
Silver Fishing Rod 2,000 G Silver Ore 28%
Gold Fishing Rod 3,000 G Gold Ore 55%
Mithril Fishing Rod 5,000 G Mithril Ore 100%

How To Sell Summer Sun

Any dishes made in your kitchen can’t be shipped through Zack and the Shipping Bin. The Summer Suns aren’t food, but they can only be sold to Huang. You can start selling items to Huang once you become friends with him at 4 friendship notes.

To sell a Summer Sun Stone to Huang, stand in front of his counter while holding the item. Don’t interact directly with his sprite as that will register as a gift instead.

The farmer stands in front of Huang’s counter while holding a Summer Sun Stone. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
The farmer stands in front of Huang’s counter while holding a Summer Sun Stone.

Huang will then offer you a price, which you can actually reject for a chance at getting him to bid higher.

The price range for Summer Sun is anywhere between 18,000 G and 27,000 G.

If Huang offers you 18,000 G for the item, for example, you can turn him down and try again to get a higher price.

Huang offers to buy a Summer Sun Stone from the farmer. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
Huang offers to buy a Summer Sun Stone from the farmer.

Keep in mind that his bids will never go lower or higher than this defined range, so 27,000 G is the maximum price you can get for selling a Summer Sun.

Kal S.

344 articles

Kal S. is a part-time med student and full-time nerd. Connect with them over all things fantasy, science fiction, and art!

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