Casserole Recipe Guide – Spiritfarer

Cooking a Casserole in Spiritfarer
Dish Type Comfort Food
  • 1 Meat (Any Type)
  • 1 Grain (Any Type)
Where to Make Improved Kitchen
Selling Price 320 Glims

Casserole is a regular-sized comfort dish in Spiritfarer. You can make it by combining any type of meat and any type of grain in the upgraded kitchen.

What You Need

To make this dish, you will need:

  • The Improved Kitchen
  • 1 Meat
  • 1 Grain (Any Type)

You can easily get the blueprint for the kitchen improvement via Atul’s “Big Stove” request. Getting the upgrade increases the ingredients you can use to cook in the Kitchen.

Where To Get Meat

The Raccoon Shop in Oxbury sells all types of meat. / Spiritfarer
The Raccoon Shop in Oxbury sells all types of meat.

There are three types of meat you can choose from in Spiritfarer, which includes:

  • Beef (Oxbury Shop, 250 Glims)
  • Chicken (Nordweiler Shop, 100 Glims)
  • Pork (Furogawa Shop, 150 Glims)

Out of all these options, the Pork in Furogawa is the easiest to get, because visiting the island itself requires no ship improvement on your part.

Alternatively, the shop in Oxbury sells all three kinds of meat.

Where To Get Grains

Growing all three different kinds of grain. / Spiritfarer
Growing all three different kinds of grain.

You can choose from three different kinds of grain in this game, and the seeds to grow them are purchased in these locations:

  • Corn Seeds (50 Glims, Hummingberg Shop)
  • Rice Seeds (70 Glims, Furogawa Shop)
  • Wheat Seeds (100 Glims, Oxbury Shop)

Out of these three locations, both Hummingberg and Furogawa require no prior ship upgrades to reach.

After getting the seeds, plant them in your Garden and water regularly.

Alternatively, you can make them grow within seconds by playing the “Plantasia Fantastica” minigame.

How To Cook Casseroles

Cooking Casserole in the kitchen. / Spiritfarer
Cooking Casserole in the kitchen.

Take your choice of meat and grain to the kitchen oven to start cooking.

A timer will appear at the top to indicate how long you need to wait, and the dish is ready once the timer is done counting down.

Just remember to not leave any cooked dish inside the oven unattended for too long, as it can end up burning.

Once it’s finished, you can give your Casserole to these spirits:

  • Atul
  • Stanley
  • Buck
  • Gwen

Or in case you don’t have spirits that want to eat it, you can also sell this dish to Raccoon Shops for 320 Glims.

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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