Cough Drops Recipe Guide – Spiritfarer

Making Cough Drops in the kitchen in Spiritfarer
Cough Drops
Dish Type Healthy Stimulant
  • 1 Fireglow
  • 1 Honey
Where to Make Improved Kitchen
Selling Price 200 Glims

Cough Drops are a healthy, snack-sized stimulant that you can cook in Spiritfarer. The recipe requires 1 unit of honey and fireglow.

What You Need

To make this recipe, you will need:

  • Improved Kitchen
  • 1 Fireglow (this requires Gustav)
  • 1 Honey

For the Kitchen Improvement, you will need the blueprint given by Atul during his “Big Stove” request.

How To Get Fireglow

To start, sail towards Furogawa to find and recruit the spirit Gustav. He will ask you to retrieve a specific art piece in a quest.

After getting Gustav aboard, follow his questline until you get introduced to the Firefly event.

You can trigger this location-based event here:

  • X: -98, Y: 98
  • X: 114, Y: -45
  • X: 236, Y: -49

Once you have Fireglow seeds, plant them in the Field until you can harvest them.

Playing “Plantasia Fantastica” will help your Fireglow grow faster.

Honey is given as a reward from one of Francis’ quests / Spiritfarer
Honey is given as a reward from one of Francis’ quests.

How To Get Honey

With honey, you have two options:

  • Harvest it from the Beehive
  • Get it as a reward from one of Francis’ errands

For the first option, you will first need to recruit the spirit Jackie from Overbrook. Do note that Jackie’s questline is directly intertwined with Daria, so this process will be lengthy.

Once Jackie is on the ship, follow his questline until you get the “Feeling the Buzz” request. This allows you to build the Beehive upgrade in your Field, and you can easily harvest Honey shortly after.

Tuna fishing sites are marked by this logo / Spiritfarer
Tuna fishing sites are marked by this logo.

If you can’t recruit Jackie just yet, you can also get Honey from Francis’ “Honey, I Shrunk the Fishes” request.

For this errand, simply give these fishes to Francis:

  • 1 Albacore Tuna
  • 1 Bluefin Tuna
  • 1 Yellowfin Tuna

Note that tuna fishing locations are indicated by a large tuna logo in the waters. Completing this rewards you with 5 bits of honey alongside 5,000 Glims.

How To Make Cough Drops

Making cough drops in the kitchen / Spiritfarer
Making cough drops in the kitchen.

Take the honey and fireglow into your kitchen oven to start cooking.

The dish will be ready once the timer finishes counting down after a few seconds, so don’t leave it inside for too long to avoid burnt food.

You can give Cough Drops to any of these spirits:

  • Atul
  • Giovanni
  • Gustav

Aside from that, each Cough Drop can be sold to any Raccoon Inc. shop for a good 200 Glims.

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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