Dust Shades Event Guide (Spiritfarer)

Dust Shades Event getting Bottled Ectoplasm in Spiritfarer

The Dust Shades event is a minigame that the child spirit Stanley will introduce to you.

This event is the only instance where you can collect Bottled Ectoplasm, which is a useful resource in a number of ship facilities and upgrades.

Unlocking the Minigame

Stanley is recruited by fishing for a mysterious seed and planting it in the garden / Spiritfarer
Stanley is recruited by fishing for a mysterious seed and planting it in the garden.

You can unlock this minigame after the spirit Stanley joins the ship.

Before you can recruit Stanley, you need to first send four spirits to the Everdoor. From there you can fish for a mysterious seed purely by chance and plant it on your field.

After a couple of in-game days, this seed will grow into Stanley.

Once you finish a few of Stanley’s requests, he will then introduce you to the Dust Shades event via his pet ghost beetle Jacob, found in an aquarium inside his room.

You can use facilities like the zipline to catch the dust shades / Spiritfarer
You can use facilities like the zipline to catch the dust shades.

Stanley will tell you to get rid of the dust shades since he doesn’t like them, and the minigame will start as your surroundings turn purple.

Minigame Details

The game itself is very simple, but very tricky.

The dust shades are tiny purple creatures that move very quickly. And you will need to touch them during the event.

Each dust shade you catch will give you Bottled Ectoplasm.

To make the most out of this minigame, we suggest having the Bounce ability, as this will help you catch up to them easier.

Another tip is to build a Windmill and place it high up on the ship. Dust Shades will usually gather up on the Windmill, and you can wait for them to jump down at the bottom of the ladder.

Using Bounce in combination with high buildings will also help you “corner” the dust shades / Spiritfarer
Using Bounce in combination with high buildings will also help you “corner” the dust shades.

Other than that, meeting them head-on instead of chasing them is also a good strategy.

Once Stanley leaves for the Everdoor, you can trigger the event by going inside his room and interacting with the beetle.

Since the event is manually-triggered, there’s no location you need to sail to. Rather, you just need to wait a while until the ghost beetle can be interacted with again to trigger the event. The indicator for this is whenever the beetle is glowing blue.

Bottled Ectoplasm Usage

You can still interact with Jacob the Beetle after Stanley leaves for the Everdoor / Spiritfarer
You can still interact with Jacob the Beetle after Stanley leaves for the Everdoor.

Once you collect a good amount, bottled ectoplasm is required in these buildings & upgrades:

Building/Improvement Materials
Beverly’s Farmhouse Improvement
  • 5 Bottled Ectoplasms
  • 3 Ash Planks
  • 3 Glasses
  • 350 Glims
Chicken Coop Improvement
  • 5 Bottled Ectoplasms
  • 14 Ash Planks
  • 12 Wool Fabrics
  • 4 Zinc Ingots
  • 450 Glims
  • 10 Bottled Ectoplasms
  • 20 Linen Fabrics
  • 3 Comet Rocks
Cellar Improvement
  • 7 Bottled Ectoplasms
  • 12 Silk Fabrics
  • 1 Hematite
  • 795 Glims
Mist Cleaner 1000
  • 3 Bottled Ectoplasms
  • 8 Silver Ore
  • 22 Silk Fabrics
  • 6 Crystal Glass Sheets
  • 3 Spirit Flowers

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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