Flamin’ Firebirdz Recipe Guide – Spiritfarer

Cooking Flamin Firebirdz in Spiritfarer
Flamin’ Firebirdz
Dish type Stimulant
Ingredients Fireglow
Where to Make Kitchen
Selling Price 100 Glims

Flamin’ Firebirdz is a dish that you can make in Spiritfarer. It’s one of the few meals where the only ingredient you need (Fireglow) can only be obtained from a mini-game.

What You Need

A pretty straightforward dish, Flamin’ Firebirdz requires:

  • The Kitchen
  • Gustav
  • Fireglow

The Kitchen gets introduced during the game’s tutorial, so you should already have one in your ship at this point.

And then for recruiting the spirit Gustav, head towards Furogawa (X: 150, Y: 67). Once there, Gustav will ask you to retrieve a specific art piece that he’s missing, and will join your ship shortly afterwards.

Fireglow seeds are taken from the Firefly Event introduced by Gustav. / Spiritfarer
Fireglow seeds are taken from the Firefly Event introduced by Gustav.

Once Gustav is on the boat, simply follow his quest line until he introduces the Firefly event to you.

This is a location-based event, and you can trigger it at any of these coordinates:

  • X: -98, Y: 98
  • X: 114, Y: -45
  • X: 236, Y: -49

The event itself consists of catching fireflies for both Glims and Fireglow seeds.

After getting the Fireglow seeds, simply plant them in the Field and regularly water until they’re ready to harvest. Alternatively, playing “Plantastia Fantastica” will make the plant grow significantly faster.

How To Cook Flamin’ Firebirdz

Cooking Flamin’ Firebirdz. / Spiritfarer
Cooking Flamin’ Firebirdz.

Put your harvested fireglow inside the kitchen oven to start the cooking process. You’ll know that it’s ready once the timer that appears at the top runs out.

From here, it’s just a matter of making sure you get the dish from the oven before it becomes burnt food.

Once it’s ready, you can feed this dish to:

  • Atul
  • Giovanni
  • Gustav

Additionally, each Flamin’ Firebirdz can be sold to any Raccoon Inc. shop for 100 Glims.

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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