Spiritfarer Loom: How To Use + Upgrade

Standing outside of the Loom in Spiritfarer
The Loom
Unlocked By
  • Gwen’s “Cut from the Same Cloth” Request
  • Hobbyist Blueprint Station
Construction Materials
  • 10 Maple Logs
  • 8 Quartz
Improvement Materials
  • 10 Maple Planks
  • 18 Linen Threads
  • 8 Bright Jellies
  • 120 Glims

The Loom works by inputting different kinds of fibers into the machine, where you’ll then play a minigame to create a related thread or fabric. These materials are then used for a number of boat improvements, facilities, and spirit houses.

How To Unlock the Loom

Gwen will initially teach you how to use the Loom. / Spiritfarer
Gwen will initially teach you how to use the Loom.

The Loom is introduced to you automatically early in the game, through the “Cut from the Same Cloth” request from Gwen.

Before that, you need to first finish these requests:

  • Set Sail, Captain!
  • I Get Cranky When I’m Hungry
  • Seeds for the Future
  • The More, the Merrier
  • Spring Feet
  • Usonia 1

Once these requests are complete, Gwen will ask you to build the Loom. This requires the Hobbyist Blueprint Station, so head on over to Albert’s Shipyard and purchase the upgrade. This needs:

Once the upgrade is purchased, you can go ahead and build the Loom.

Note that one of its material requirements is Quartz, which is only available once the spirit Summer is on the ship and has introduced you to the Quartz Dragon event.

How To Build the Loom (Blueprint Details)

Loom Building Guide
Material Where to Get
10 Maple Logs Maple logs are made by cutting down maple trees, found in:

  • Greenhalten Bay (X: -8, Y: 75)
  • Mosstein Cove (X: 78, Y: 130)
  • Barkensheim Creek (X: 5, Y: 117)
8 Quartz Harvested from the Quartz Dragon that Summer introduces to you, found at X: -24, Y: 75.

Should you wish, you can also build more than one Loom. Each new one you build doubles the cost of the materials, until you reach the fourth copy of the building.

Guide to Using the Loom

Align Stella’s tool with the indicator to output the maximum amount of fabric everytime. / Spiritfarer
Align Stella’s tool with the indicator to output the maximum amount of fabric everytime.

The Loom is naturally introduced to you by Gwen through her “Cut from the Same Cloth” request.

Here’s a quick step-by-step breakdown of how to use this facility.

Step 1: Start by entering the Loom and interacting with the sewing machine.

Step 2: Once your inventory appears, choose from any of the sewable items you have. The regular Loom can only weave fibers, while the improved version can also process different kinds of threads. You can add up to 70 pieces of the same item.

Step 3: Confirm the material you’re weaving, and Stella’s everglow will turn into a part of the machine.

Step 4: Weave by holding the interact button until Stella’s tool reaches the red indicator in the table. The closer you get to the indicator before releasing, the more output you produce.

Step 5: Repeat this until you run out of items to process. Maximum output per item is 3, while minimum is 1.

The Loom inventory shows all of the materials you can weave. / Spiritfarer
The Loom inventory shows all of the materials you can weave.

And here’s all of the craftable items you can weave using the regular Loom:

Input Output
Linen Fibre 1-3 Linen Thread
Wool Fibre 1-3 Wool Thread
Cotton Fibre 1-3 Cotton Thread
Nebula Fibre 1-3 Nebula Thread
Silk Fibre 1-3 Silk Thread
Copper Ore 1-2 Metal Rope
Leek, Lime Powder, Honey Failed Experiment

You can unlock the “failed experiment” through one of Stanley’s requests. Meanwhile, Gwen will also use the Loom if she’s in a good mood.

Loom Improvement + Blueprint Location

The Loom improvement is found in a treasure chest at a balcony in Villa Maggiore. / Spiritfarer
The Loom improvement is found in a treasure chest at a balcony in Villa Maggiore.

The Loom improvement is automatically unlocked by following Gwen’s storyline. This happens during the “More than Meets the Eye” request.

Once Gwen gives you this request, head to Villa Maggiore (X: -58, Y: 117) and use the stairs inside to reach the treasure chest atop the villa balcony (pictured above).

This gives you the blueprint for the Loom upgrade.

Once you have the upgrade, then you can improve the Loom with these materials:

Loom Improvement Guide
Material Where to Get
10 Maple Planks Cut from Maple Logs in the Sawmill.

Maple logs are made by cutting down maple trees, found in:

  • Greenhalten Bay (X: -8, Y: 75)
  • Mosstein Cove (X: 78, Y: 130)
  • Barkensheim Creek (X: 5, Y: 117)
18 Linen Thread Input linen fiber into the Loom to make linen thread.

You can grow linen fiber from linen seeds planted in the field, bought from:’

  • Hummingberg (X: 39, Y: 139)
  • Furogawa (X: -150, Y: 67)
  • Bottom Line Corp. (X: 137, Y: 59)
8 Bright Jellies Farmed from the Bright Jelly event that Gwen introduces to you.

Event locations are at

  • Stage 1 – X:80, Y: 92
  • Stage 2 – X: 63, Y: 163
  • Stage 3 – X: -8, Y: 92
120 Glims Glims are acquired from finishing quests, selling items, and completing tasks.

Once the Loom has been improved with the blueprint, you can now weave these fabrics inside:

Input Output
Linen Fibre 1-3 Linen Thread
Wool Fibre 1-3 Wool Thread
Cotton Fibre 1-3 Cotton Thread
Nebula Fibre 1-3 Nebula Thread
Silk Fibre 1-3 Silk Thread

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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