Muesli Recipe Guide – Spiritfarer

Making Muesli in the kitchen in Spiritfarer
Dish Type Breakfast Dish
  • 1 Berry (Any Kind)
  • 1 Yoghurt
Where to Make Improved Kitchen
Selling Price 260 Glims

Muesli is a breakfast dish in Spiritfarer that requires the Kitchen upgrade to make. It uses 1 berry and 1 yoghurt as ingredients.

What You Need

Making this breakfast dish requires:

  • Improved Kitchen
  • 1 Berry (Any Kind)
  • 1 Yoghurt

To improve your kitchen and make dishes with two ingredients, get the blueprint from Atul during his “Big Stove” request.

Where To Get Berries

Berries are easily picked from berry bushes / Spiritfarer
Berries are easily picked from berry bushes.

Berries are picked from bushes found in different islands. Here are all the locations of each bush:

  • 1 Strawberry Bush at Iwashima Countryside
  • 1 Strawberry Bush at Resuteno Meadows
  • 2 Raspberry Bushes at Barkensheim Creek (where you find Atul)
  • 2 Raspberry Bushes at Greenhalten Bay

These berries refresh whenever you leave the island and come back at a later time, just in case you want to stock up. All of these berries can be used on the dish.

Where To Get Yoghurt

Yoghurt that’s left really long in the Cellar will turn to Cheese / Spiritfarer
Yoghurt that’s left really long in the Cellar will turn to Cheese.

First, unlock the Cow Stall building by going to Albert’s Shipyard and purchasing the Master Blueprint Station upgrade. The full list of this upgrade’s required materials can be found in our complete Blueprint Station guide.

We also have a guide on the Cow Stall including all the materials required to build it.

Once you have the stall on your ship, you can interact with the cow inside to get milk. This will give you 3 bottles of Milk each time, and you will need to feed the cow in order to milk it again.

Then you’ll need to build the Cellar, which is also unlocked by the same blueprint upgrade you purchased earlier.

Once built, take the milk inside your Cellar to start the fermenting process.

Note: You can ferment up to five at a time, and the yoghurt will be ready once the timer turns from red to green. However, leaving milk in the Cellar for too long will turn it into cheese instead.

How To Make Muesli

Making Muesli in the kitchen / Spiritfarer
Making Muesli in the kitchen.

Take your berries and yoghurt to the kitchen to make Muesli. The dish will be ready once the timer is finished counting down. This should take less than a minute.

Once cooked, Muesli can be given to these spirits:

  • Atul
  • Astrid
  • Stanley
  • Elena

You can also sell Muesli to Raccoon stores for 260 Glims each if you need some money.

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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