Thunderstorms Event Guide (Spiritfarer)

Catching the lightning during the Thunderstorms event (Spiritfarer)

The Thunderstorm event is a minigame that the spirit Atul will introduce to you. During this event, you’ll be able to farm for both Glims and Lightning in a Bottle, used for upgrading your ship and building a number of facilities.

Below we’ll teach you everything you need to know about this minigame.

Unlocking the Minigame

The Thunderstorm event is introduced to you by Atul / Spiritfarer
The Thunderstorm event is introduced to you by Atul.

During the request “Big Stove,” the spirit Atul will comment about the state of your kitchen, and will ask you to fix it.

Since one of the materials needed for the upgrade is Lightning in a Bottle, Atul will then introduce you to the Thunderstorms event.

First, Atul will direct you to a location on the map, marked by a stormy cloud logo. Upon arriving, you will need to interact with Atul.

Minigame Details

Once the minigame starts, the screen will zoom out and Atul will start playing music.

Thunderstorm events are marked by a stormy cloud on the world map / Spiritfarer
Thunderstorm events are marked by a stormy cloud on the world map.

Areas where the lightning will hit will then be marked by a glowing indicator. What you need to do is go to these marked spots so Stella can “catch” the lightning before it hits the ground.

Doing so will yield you with Lightning in a Bottle and some Glims.

During this particular event, it helps having good platforming skills. Especially since you will need to run and jump around to catch as much lightning as you can.

Below is a screenshot just to show you how the lighting spots are marked:

Places where the lightning will hit are marked by glowing indicators / Spiritfarer
Places where the lightning will hit are marked by glowing indicators.

The event itself lasts for about 80 seconds, and you can find the next ones all over the Hummingberg and Oxbury region.

Once Atul leaves the ship, you can start any Thunderstorm event by sailing to one of the locations and interacting with the door of his workshop.

You can start the Thunderstorm event after Atul leaves by interacting with the door of his workshop / Spiritfarer
You can start the Thunderstorm event after Atul leaves by interacting with the door of his workshop.

Lightning in a Bottle Usage

Lightning in a Bottle is a useful crafting item used in these improvements/upgrades:

Building/Improvement Materials
  • 5 Lightnings in a Bottle
  • 10 Maple Logs
Kitchen Improvement
  • 8 Lightnings in a Bottle
  • 5 Bright Jellies
  • 12 Linen Fabric
Foundry Improvement
  • 8 Lightnings in a Bottle
  • 5 Bright Jellies
  • 12 Linen Fabric
  • 510 Glims
Sawmill Improvement
  • 12 Lightnings in a Bottle
  • 18 Maple Planks
  • 8 Aluminum Ingot
  • 285 Glims
  • 4 Lightnings in a Bottle
  • 8 Maple Plamks
  • 8 Linen Thread
  • 250 Glims

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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