Toffee Recipe Guide – Spiritfarer

Making Toffee in the kitchen in Spiritfarer
Dish Type Dessert Dish
  • 1 Milk (Dairy)
  • 1 Sweetener (Any Type)
Where to Make Improved Kitchen
Selling Price 680 Glims

Toffee is one of the desserts you can make in Spiritfarer. Its ingredients include milk and any sweetener.

What You Need

For this dish, make sure you have a few things first:

  • The Improved Kitchen
  • 1 Milk (Dairy)
  • 1 Sweetener (Any Type)

To improve your kitchen and make dishes with two ingredients, follow Atul’s storyline until you reach the “Big Stove” request. Here, you’ll get handed the blueprint for the improvement.

Where To Get Milk

The Cow Stall automatically comes with a cow inside / Spiritfarer
The Cow Stall automatically comes with a cow inside.

You’ll only get milk from cows on your ship in the Cow Stall, but that requires the Master Blueprint Station (if you don’t already have it).

If you need help upgrading to that Blueprint Station then we have a guide just for that with all the required materials.

This upgrade then unlocks the Cow Stall, which you’ll need for milk.

Once you have the building, enter and interact with the cow inside to get 3 bottles of milk. Just make sure to feed the cow now and then in order to milk it again in the future.

Where To Get Sweetener

Maple Syrup is exclusively acquired from Francis’ “Sugar Shack’s Delight” errand / Spiritfarer
Maple Syrup is exclusively acquired from Francis’ “Sugar Shack’s Delight” errand.

You can choose from any of the three sweeteners you can make in Spiritfarer, which include:

  • Honey
  • Maple Syrup
  • Sugar

The first type of sweetener is honey, and the quickest way to get this is via Francis’ “Honey, I Shrunk the Fishes” errand. To complete this errand, just catch these fish:

  • 1 Albacore Tuna
  • 1 Bluefin Tuna
  • 1 Yellowfin Tuna

Each region contains 1 fishing location for tuna marked in the map. Just keep in mind that tunas are the trickiest fishes to catch in the game, so be patient when reeling and watch your line.

Here’s one of the tuna fishing locations in the game / Spiritfarer
Here’s one of the tuna fishing locations in the game.

Other than this errand, you can also get honey from the Field’s Beehive upgrade. However, this isn’t available until much later in the game when you already have Jackie on the boat.

The next option is maple syrup. This sweetener is exclusively acquired via Francis’ Sugar Shack’s Delight” errand. Completing this errand requires these sea creatures:

1 Sole A fish caught in the Hummingberg, Furogawa, and Crow’s End region during Dawn and Midnight.
1 Squid Caught in the Hummingberg and Furogawa Region at any time and any weather.
1 Sockeye Salmon Caught in the Crow’s End region during noon or midnight.

Finally, the last kind of sweetener is sugar.

For this, head over to the Edgeborough Raccoon Shop and purchase sugar cane seeds for 200 Glims. Then grow these seeds in your Field, and once they’re ready to harvest, take them to the Crusher to make sugar.

How To Make Toffee

Making toffee in the kitchen / Spiritfarer
Making toffee in the kitchen.

For the last step, combine your sweetener of choice and milk in the kitchen oven and wait for the timer to finish. The dish will be ready once smoke is coming out, but make sure you don’t leave it inside to avoid getting burnt food.

You can serve this dessert to these spirits:

  • Atul
  • Astrid
  • Stanley
  • Summer
  • Alice

Other than serving this to spirits, you can also sell Toffee to Raccoon Shops for 680 Glims apiece.

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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