Cities: Skylines Eiffel Tower Unlock Guide

The Eiffel Tower building in Cities: Skylines
Eiffel Tower
DLC Deluxe Upgrade Pack (or Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition)
Building Type Unique Building
Level/Category Landmarks
Build Cost ₡180,000
Upkeep Cost ₡1,440/week
Milestone Required Worthy Village
Entertainment Value 100
Noise Pollution 75
Visitor Capacity 350

The Eiffel Tower is a Landmark unique building that’s available with the Cities: Skylines Deluxe Version (or the Deluxe Upgrade Pack DLC for those who purchased the standard version of the game.)

To unlock the Eiffel Tower, you’ll need to do 2 things:

  • Have 30,000 squares of industrial zone built
  • And reach the Worthy Village milestone (240 – 950 population, depending on the map)

Once you’ve met these requirements, you’ll be able to build the Eiffel Tower from the Landmarks tab of the Unique Buildings menu.

Until then, you can check your progress towards unlocking it by hovering over its silhouette in the menu.

Although the Landmarks tab is unlocked at Worthy Village, expect to be well into late game by the time you unlock this as 30,000 entails a lot of industrial zoning.

Creating Industrial Zoning & Demand

Industrial zones are created simply by using the Industrial Zoning Tool (orange).

The Industrial Zoning tool / Cities: Skylines
The Industrial Zoning tool.

However, your industrial zoning needs to grow buildings in it (i.e., not be empty) in order to count towards this unlock.

So the real challenge lies in creating demand for that much industrial zoning, since zones won’t grow buildings without demand.

Industrial demand in the game is largely determined by a need for jobs. This basically means you’ll need to grow your population in general in order to create more need for industry.

The demand indicators: green for residential, blue for commercial, and orange for industry/office / Cities: Skylines
The demand indicators: green for residential, blue for commercial, and orange for industry/office.

*Note: Although office zoning shares the same orange demand bar as industry, and fulfills the need for jobs, it does not count towards the 30,000 squares for this unlock.

Oftentimes, a low or empty industrial demand bar will coincide with at least some residential demand bar (green)–that’s your sign that you need more people to move in!

(On the other hand, if the orange demand bar is high and there’s none for residential, it means people are hesitant to move in because there are no jobs.)

In fact, if you neglect residential zoning while zoning more and more industry, you may run into the problem of industrial buildings not having enough workers.

You’ll also need to zone some commercial along with it as well, or else your industrial buildings may start complaining that there aren’t enough buyers for their goods (since goods are sold in commercial buildings).

Tip: Use Specialized Industry to Cut Down on Pollution

Zoning such a large amount of generic industry can mean massive ground pollution.

If you’d like to cut down on this pollution, you can use the farming and forestry industry specializations, which don’t pollute.

Step 1: Check for the location of your fertile land (for farming) or forestry resources by clicking on the Natural Resources view.

Fertile land will show up as bright green, and forestry as dark green / Cities: Skylines
Fertile land will show up as bright green, and forestry as dark green.

Step 2: Use the Paint a District tool from the Districts and Areas menu to create a district over the resource-rich area.

A district on top of fertile land / Cities: Skylines
A district on top of fertile land.

Step 3: Click on the Industrial Specializations tab, and select either forestry or farming industry (depending on which type of natural resource you’ve created your district on top of). Click on the district to apply the specialization.

Apply either forestry or farming, depending on which resource you’re on / Cities: Skylines
Apply either forestry or farming, depending on which resource you’re on.

Step 4: Create roads and zone industry as usual. Any industrial buildings that will grow within that district will be specialized.

Both the farming and forestry industries are non-polluting. The tradeoff is that compared to generic industry, farming consumes more water and forestry consumes more electricity.

Tip #2: Use the Infinite Demand Mod for an Easier Unlock

If you’d rather not deal with so much industry in any of your cities, and are ok with using mods, you can use the Infinite Demand Mod.

As the name implies, the mod makes it so there’s always demand for the different zone types, so buildings will grow no matter what zoning you create.

You can simply create a new game, zone a large swathe of industry, and wait until it grows 30,000 squares’ worth of buildings and the Eiffel Tower is unlocked.

Even if you close that game without saving, the Eiffel Tower will still be available to build in your other games. (Unique buildings, once unlocked, remain unlocked across your different saves.)

Liz Villegas

174 articles

Liz is a writer and photographer with a love for building and strategy games. Her spare time is often split between lifting, reading, drawing, annoying her dog Mr. Porky Butt, and squinting at stat tables on the wiki pages of whatever game she's currently playing.

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