Expo Center Unlock Guide (Cities: Skylines)

The Expo Center Unique Building in Cities: Skylines
Expo Center
Cost to Build ₡100,000
Upkeep ₡1,600/week
Tourism Value 150
Entertainment Value 150
Noise Pollution 75

The Expo Center is a level 5 unique building in Cities: Skylines.

To unlock it, you need to have 2,000 tourists visit your city. You’ll also need to have reached the Big Town population milestone (can be anywhere from 1,800 to 7,500 citizens, depending on the map).

When these requirements have been met, you’ll be able to build the Expo Center from the level 5 tab of the Unique Buildings menu for ₡100,000.

It provides 150 entertainment value and produces 75 noise pollution. It is a requirement for the Space Elevator Monument.

Below are some tips to get those 2,000 tourists!

Tip #1: Give Tourists Reasons to Visit Your City

To get tourists into your city, your first task is to make sure they have reasons to visit.

Tourists come into your city for the following:

  • Unique buildings
  • Monuments
  • Parks & plazas
  • Park areas (Parklife DLC)
  • Commercial zones (where they spend money like citizens would)

So make sure you have as many of the above leisure establishments as you can reasonably afford, and that you’re zoning as much commercial as there is demand for.

The Opera House (also a unique building), with a botanical garden and some plazas across the street from it. / Cities: Skylines
The Opera House (also a unique building), with a botanical garden and some plazas across the street from it.

Tip #2: Boost Your Outside Connections

At the start, tourists can only come into your city by driving in through the highway.

Upon reaching the Big Town milestone, you’ll have access to buses, and be able to build an intercity bus station. This can allow more tourists to come into your city at a time (each intercity bus can carry up to 60 passengers).

An intercity bus station built near highways. / Cities: Skylines
An intercity bus station built near highways.
You can build the intercity bus station from the Bus tab of the Transport menu for ₡38,000. / Cities: Skylines
You can build the intercity bus station from the Bus tab of the Transport menu for ₡38,000.

As you progress further into the game, provided that your map has the necessary connections for it, you can use trains, harbors, and even airports to further boost the amount of tourists that come in.

Whichever intercity transport you choose, make sure to support it with local public transport lines (such as buses, metros, and monorails) so that tourists can easily commute to various places within your city.

Tip #3: Apply Tourism Specialization

If you have the After Dark DLC, you can apply the tourism specialization to some of your commercial zones. Here’s how:

  1. Draw a district around the desired area
  2. Then click on the Commercial Specializations tab of the Districts and Areas menu
  3. Select “Tourism” and then click on that district on the map.

Any commercial buildings that grow on that map will have the specialization, which can boost the number of tourists that come there.

In tourism specialized commercial zones you’ll find plenty of hotels, restaurants, and other establishments ready to serve your city’s visitors. / Cities: Skylines
In tourism specialized commercial zones you’ll find plenty of hotels, restaurants, and other establishments ready to serve your city’s visitors.

While tourism commercial zones generate more tax income, they also produce more noise and tend towards a higher crime rate. So keep these well away from your residential buildings and make sure to have a police facility nearby.

Liz Villegas

174 articles

Liz is a writer and photographer with a love for building and strategy games. Her spare time is often split between lifting, reading, drawing, annoying her dog Mr. Porky Butt, and squinting at stat tables on the wiki pages of whatever game she's currently playing.

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