How To Get TM10 Hidden Power in Pokémon Platinum

Inside the Veilstone Prize Exchange in Pokémon Platinum

In Pokémon Platinum, you can only get TM10 Hidden Power from the Game Corner Prize Exchange building in Veilstone City. Each copy of the TM costs 6,000 Coins.

Hidden Power is a damage-dealing special move.

Although it is listed as a Normal-type move, its actual type and base power are determined by the Individual Values (or IVs, the Pokémon equivalent of genes) of the user.

TM10 Hidden Power Location

TM10 Hidden Power’s location on the Town Map / Pokémon Platinum
TM10 Hidden Power’s location on the Town Map.

TM10 Hidden Power is found in the Veilstone City Prize Exchange building, next door to the Game Corner, on a raised strip to the south of the Pokémon Center.

From the Pokémon Center, climb down the staircase and head southward on the main paved street.

Heading southward from the Veilstone City Pokémon Center / Pokémon Platinum
Heading southward from the Veilstone City Pokémon Center.

Ascend the next staircase you see, and the blue-roofed building in front of you will be the Prize Exchange building.

Entering the Prize Exchange building / Pokémon Platinum
Entering the Prize Exchange building.

Speak to the clerk in the booth, and find the listing for TM10 Hidden Power.

The Prize Exchange listing for TM10 Hidden Power / Pokémon Platinum
The Prize Exchange listing for TM10 Hidden Power.

Each copy of TM10 Hidden Power costs 6000 Coins.

You can get Coins at the Game Corner next door, either by winning them from the slot machines, or by buying them from the clerk there using PokéDollars.

The PokéDollar-to-Coin exchange rate is 1,000 dollars for 50 coins (or 10000 for 500). So to buy enough Coins for TM10, it would cost 120,000 PokéDollars.

Hidden Power Details and Uses

In-game description of TM10 Hidden Power / Pokémon Platinum
In-game description of TM10 Hidden Power.

Hidden Power is a damage-dealing special move. Although it’s listed as a Normal-type move, its actual type and base power depend on the user’s Individual Values (IVs).

Hidden Power Move Details
Type Normal
Category Special
Power 30-70, depending on the user’s IVs
Accuracy 100%
PP 15 (max. 24)

IVs are like the genes of Pokémon.

They’re mostly hidden from players, and they determine the strength of a Pokémon’s various stats.

The move Hidden Power takes these IV characteristics and calculates them into a base power and type for a Pokémon’s Hidden Power.

In this way, it is possible for certain Pokémon to use a type of move they would normally be barred from using—like a Grass-type Pokémon with a Fire-type Hidden Power, for instance.

IV Checker NPC

IVs are mostly concealed in all but the vaguest sense.

But there is an IV checker in Pokémon Platinum: a Scientist NPC in the Battle Frontier’s Battle Tower.

This NPC will tell you in (a circuitous way) how high your Pokémon’s stats are, and which stat has the highest IV.

Hidden Power Checker NPC

A man with blonde hair in the Prize Exchange building will tell you which type of Hidden Power a Pokémon will have if they learn the move.

Speaking to the man who reveals Hidden Power types / Pokémon Platinum
Speaking to the man who reveals Hidden Power types.

After speaking to him, you can then choose a Pokémon from your party to find out their Hidden Power type.

Selecting a Pokémon to be evaluated / Pokémon Platinum
Selecting a Pokémon to be evaluated.
Discovering the selected Pokémon’s Hidden Move type. / Pokémon Platinum
Discovering the selected Pokémon’s Hidden Move type.

Using Hidden Power in your Team

Hidden Power doesn’t do much damage—it has a base power of 30-70, depending on IVs.

But it can be used to improve type coverage in battle, and it can help land surprise super-effective attacks.

If a Pokémon’s Hidden Power is the same type as its own, it will also do STAB (Same-Type Attack Bonus) damage. So there are situations where it could be worth using in a regular playthrough.

Miscellaneous information about Hidden Power:

  • A Fire-type Hidden Power can be used to thaw a frozen Pokémon.
  • Although it isn’t recommended due to its initial costliness, a copy of TM10 Hidden Power can be resold for 1000 PokéDollars.
  • If Hidden Power is used in a Pokémon Contest, it will earn the user 1 Appeal Point, plus 3 bonus Appeal Points if the user gets the lowest score.

Chris Haygood

270 articles

Chris is an American freelance writer and lifelong gamer. RPGs have been his genre of choice ever since he got Pokémon Blue in 1867, but if he finds a good rhythm game, he will prioritize playing it over both eating and breathing.

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