The Move Deleter (Pokémon Crystal)

The Move Deleter's House in Blackthorn City

The Move Deleter is an NPC in Blackthorn City that can help your Pokémon forget any moves. You’ll find his house just left of the Pokémon Center and PokéMart in Blackthorn.

To forget a move, simply talk to the Move Deleter and choose the move you want to forget from the pop-up menu. He’ll remove it free of charge.

Visiting the Move Deleter is the only way to remove HM moves like Cut and Whirlpool from your Pokémon’s four-move memory.

You can also use his service to remove Gen 2 moves from any Pokémon you plan to send to Pokémon Red, Blue, or Yellow through the Time Capsule.

Finding the Move Deleter

You’ll find the Move Deleter’s House a few steps to the left of the Pokémon Center and PokéMart in Blackthorn City.

Approaching the Move Deleter’s House from the Pokémon Center at Blackthorn City. / Pokémon Crystal
Approaching the Move Deleter’s House from the Pokémon Center at Blackthorn City.

You’ll find the Move Deleter inside at any time. And you can work with him to delete as many moves as you want — all at no cost.

Facing the Move Deleter. / Pokémon Crystal
Facing the Move Deleter.

Nelson Chitty

171 articles

Nelson Chitty is a Venezuelan expat living in Argentina. He’s a writer and translator passionate about history and foreign cultures. His ideal weekend is spent between leisurely playing games of Civilization VI and looking for the next seinen anime to marathon.

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