You’ll be able to get a free ExtremeSpeed Dratini as a gift from the Master at the Shrine in the Dragon’s Den. But you’ll only get this gifted Dratini if you answer a series of questions in a specific way.
You can also technically breed an ExtremeSpeed Dratini yourself, but this is quite time consuming.
So as a quick cheat sheet, here’s all the quiz questions and their correct answers to get your special Dratini:
Question | Correct Answer(s) | Incorrect Answer(s) |
What are Pokémon to you? |
What helps you to win battles? |
What kind of Trainer do you wish to battle? |
What is most important for raising Pokémon? |
Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. Which is more important? |
How To Get the ExtremeSpeed Dratini (Step-by-Step)

Aside from breeding, which is a much longer process, there is a way to be gifted a Dratini that knows ExtremeSpeed.
You’ll have to make your way through Blackthorn City to do this though, which means you’ll need to win all 8 Johto gym badges.
Step #1: Beat the Blackthorn City Gym Leader

The first step towards the ExtremeSpeed Dratini would be to defeat the Blackthorn City Gym leader Clair.
This is necessary to gain access to the cave behind the Gym, named the Dragon’s Den.
Once you defeat Clair, she won’t give you the Rising Badge right away. She’ll insist that you need to prove yourself worthy, and so you’ll need to travel to the Dragon Shrine within the Dragon’s Den.
Tip: We have a guide on how to beat Clair if you’re looking for some help with her gym puzzle or with beating her in battle.
Step #2: Travel to the Dragon Shrine in the Dragon’s Den

You’ll need HM03 Surf and HM05 Whirlpool to reach the Master at the Dragon Shrine.
To find the entrance to the Dragon’s Den, surf on the body of water directly behind the Blackthorn Gym. It’s not very far, so you should spot it quickly.
Note: If you haven’t defeated Clair yet, you won’t be able to access the Dragon’s Den. An old man will be blocking the way.
Once inside the Dragon’s Den, make use of the ladder to travel to the lowest level. Here you’ll find a Trainer that’s looking to battle, and just beyond him an underground lake.
You’ll need to surf on the lake and make your way towards the rocks on the left, passing between them until you find the whirlpool spot.

Once you’ve found the whirlpool, cross it by using Whirlpool, and continue surfing down.

You should soon reach a small flight of stairs that leads to a door.
This is the entrance to the Dragon Shrine and the location of the Master.

Enter the Dragon Shrine and speak to the Master.
He’s going to ask you several questions at this point. If you answer these questions in a specific way, you’ll get your ExtremeSpeed Dratini.
Tip: Save your game before attempting the Master’s quiz, just in case you mess up and have to start over.
Step #3: Answering the Master’s Quiz

Once you’ve reached the Master, you’ll need to answer several of his questions to prove yourself worthy.
To get your ExtremeSpeed Dratini, follow the table below to provide the correct answers:
Question | Correct Answer | Incorrect Answer |
What are Pokémon to you? | Ally OR Friend |
Junior |
What helps you to win battles? | Strategy OR Training |
Cheating |
What kind of Trainer do you wish to battle? | Anyone | Strong OR Weak |
What is most important for raising Pokémon? | Love OR Knowledge |
Violence |
Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. Which is more important? | Both | Strength OR Weakness |
After you’ve completed the quiz, Clair will appear and dialogue will ensue.
At this point she’ll give you the Rising Badge for passing the test.
But don’t worry if you haven’t received a Dratini yet. It won’t be given to you immediately, so you’ll have to return for it after seeing Clair once more.
Step #4: Returning for your Dratini

After Clair leaves, you’ll need to exit the Dragon Shrine by surfing back to the entrance.
Clair will stop you before you exit the cave and present you with the move TM59, Dragon Pulse.
Tip: If you use an Escape Rope to exit the Dragon’s Den before Clair has the opportunity to give you the TM, you should be able to find her again at her Gym and she’ll give you the TM there.
Once you’ve received Dragon Pulse from Clair, you can now leave the Den & re-enter to return back to the Master. You will then receive your ExtremeSpeed Dratini – just remember to keep a slot open in your party for it.
If the Master doesn’t present you with an ExtremeSpeed Dratini when you return, then you most likely answered his questions incorrectly. If that’s the case you’ll need to reload your save and attempt to do it again.
What is ExtremeSpeed?
ExtremeSpeed is a Normal-type damaging move. In almost all cases, it will outspeed your foe & be used before other moves in battle.
Dratini can’t usually learn the move ExtremeSpeed normally.
So obtaining a Dratini that knows this move gives you an interesting option for your party right before the Elite Four. And getting the free Dratini from the Master saves you time that you would’ve had to spend attempting to breed a Dratini that knows ExtremeSpeed.
Most players are looking for a Dratini with ExtremeSpeed with the end goal of evolving it into a Dragonite that knows the move.
Pokémon HGSS
- How To Get the ExtremeSpeed Dratini in Pokémon HGSS (Answer Table)