All Contest Scarves in Pokémon Platinum (Locations + Uses)

The Scarf Guy in Pastoria City (Pokémon Platinum)
All Contest Scarves
Scarf Method
Blue Scarf Show the Scarf Guy a Pokémon with a 200+ Beautiful stat
Green Scarf Show the Scarf Guy a Pokémon with a 200+ Smart stat
Pink Scarf Show the Scarf Guy a Pokémon with a 200+ Cute stat
Red Scarf Show the Scarf Guy a Pokémon with a 200+ Cool stat
Yellow Scarf Show the Scarf Guy a Pokémon with a 200+ Tough stat

There are five contest scarves in Pokémon Platinum, and you can get one of each color of Contest Scarves from the Scarf Guy. This is an NPC who lives in the house to the east of Pastoria City’s Pokémon Center.

But to prove you’re worthy of each Scarf, you will need to show the Scarf Guy a Pokémon whose corresponding Contest condition stat is 200 or higher (as explained in the table above).

Acquiring Contest Scarves

In Pastoria City lives a man known as the Scarf Guy who will give you colored Scarves if your Pokémon have stats of 200 or more in any of the game’s Contest conditions.

Therefore, the first step in obtaining each Scarf is raising one of your Pokémon’s Contest condition stats.

Improving a Pokémon’s Contest Conditions

Contest condition stats don’t rise automatically like battle stats do. You’ll need to feed your Pokémon special treats called Poffins to raise their contest condition stats.

This means you’ll first need to obtain the Poffin Case from the Fan Club Chairman in Hearthome City.

There are two ways to acquire Poffins:

  • Creating them at Hearthome City’s Poffin House using Berries
  • Purchasing them at the Veilstone Department Store for 6,400 Poké Dollars each
Choosing a Poffin from the Poffin Case / Pokémon Platinum
Choosing a Poffin from the Poffin Case.

Buying the pre-made Poffins at the Department Store is by far the simpler option, especially since they’re all high quality Poffins that can raise two stats at once.

Just make sure to feed your Pokémon the Poffin flavor associated with the Contest condition stat you would like to improve:

Poffin Flavors
Flavor Condition
Dry Beautiful
Bitter Smart
Sweet Cute
Spicy Cool
Sour Tough

As you feed Poffins to your Pokémon, be aware of the Pokémon’s Sheen rating as well.

Poffins that are higher in Smoothness contribute to your Pokémon’s overall Sheen. At maximum Sheen (indicated by full stars on tab 5 of the Pokémon’s summary page), your Pokémon will no longer be able to eat any Poffins and its Contest condition stats will become permanent.

If you feed your Pokémon enough of the right types of Poffins, the desired Contest condition stats should eventually exceed 200.

Note: The game will not explicitly state the exact numerical measurements of your Pokémon’s Contest condition stats. However, you can see a helpful Contest stat gauge on tab 5 of your Pokémon’s summary page.

A Banette with a Toughness of over 200 / Pokémon Platinum
A Banette with a Toughness of over 200.

When you’re reasonably certain you have a Pokémon with a high enough Contest condition stat, you’re ready to head for the Scarf Guy’s house in Pastoria City.

Where To Find the Scarf Guy

Fly to Pastoria City and make sure to add a Pokémon to your party that you think will impress the Scarf Guy.

Then head east from the Pastoria City Pokémon Center.

Traveling east from the Pastoria City Pokémon Center / Pokémon Platinum
Traveling east from the Pastoria City Pokémon Center.

Pass by the Great Marsh and enter the next house over on the right.

Entering the Scarf Guy’s house in Pastoria City / Pokémon Platinum
Entering the Scarf Guy’s house in Pastoria City.

The Scarf Guy will be sitting at the table inside.

Approaching the Scarf Guy so he can appraise a Pokémon / Pokémon Platinum
Approaching the Scarf Guy so he can appraise a Pokémon.

Speak to the Scarf Guy with the Pokémon you would like to appraise in your party’s first slot.

Preparing to show Banette to the Scarf Guy by placing it in the first slot / Pokémon Platinum
Preparing to show Banette to the Scarf Guy by placing it in the first slot.

If none of your Contest condition stats is at 200 or above, he will (somewhat rudely) express his disappointment and tell you to feed your Pokémon more Poffins.

But if one of your Pokémon’s stats is at the adequate level, he will lavish it with praise. He will then provide you the Scarf associated with that particular stat.

Receiving the Yellow Scarf from the Scarf Guy / Pokémon Platinum
Receiving the Yellow Scarf from the Scarf Guy.

Remember that there is only one Scarf of each color in the game. Once you receive one, hold onto it.

Using a Contest Scarf

The in-game description of the Yellow Scarf, which affects Toughness / Pokémon Platinum
The in-game description of the Yellow Scarf, which affects Toughness.

The Contest Scarves are held items that boost a Pokémon’s Contest conditions by 10%. They serve no purpose outside of helping a Pokémon perform better in Hearthome City’s Super Contests.

Each color represents a different condition that will get increased:

Scarf Associated Condition
Blue Scarf Beautiful
Green Scarf Smart
Pink Scarf Cute
Red Scarf Cool
Yellow Scarf Tough

Wowing the judges becomes far harder at higher Super Contest difficulties, so every little boost to your Pokémon’s appeal helps.

Winning a Tough Contest with help from the Yellow Scarf / Pokémon Platinum
Winning a Tough Contest with help from the Yellow Scarf.

Chris Haygood

270 articles

Chris is an American freelance writer and lifelong gamer. RPGs have been his genre of choice ever since he got Pokémon Blue in 1867, but if he finds a good rhythm game, he will prioritize playing it over both eating and breathing.

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