On Spring 11th of your first year in Mineral Town, Huang will visit your farm and present a rare item for sale: a Flower Vase for 5,000 G. He will only appear on the farm if you have 5,000 G or more in your wallet.
This Flower Vase has the power to restore a small amount of stamina or fatigue every day if a blooming flower is placed into it.
Buying this item is also one of Huang’s marriage requirements.
If you don’t buy the Vase the first time Huang offers it to you, he will come back every 11th day of each season so you can buy it again. But after you reject his offer for the 5th time, he will not come back with the Flower Vase again for the rest of the game.
Here’s a detailed guide on how to get the Flower Vase & what it does.
Step 1: Getting 5,000 G

If you want to get the Flower Vase as early as possible in your first Spring, you’ll need to grind for a lot of early game G’s.
There are many ways to do this; but the easiest option is to choose Simple Mode at the start of your game.

In Simple Mode, you start the game with 2,500 G. This is already half of what you need for your goal, so you don’t need to do as much work.
You will also have 18 Turnips pre-planted on your farm with no extra cost: 9 will be ready to harvest, and the other 9 crops will be ready in 4 days.
Selling all 18 Turnips will get you 1,080 G.
To earn the remaining Gs to be eligible for Huang’s visit, you can buy 3 bags of Turnip seeds for 360 G.
Then, if you can sell the resulting 27 Turnips for 1,944 G before Spring 11th rolls around, you’ll be able to get the Flower Vase as early as possible with 5,164 G in your wallet.
Step 2: Buying the Flower Vase

On the 11th day of each season, Huang will show up at your door for another sales pitch. He will greet you as you step out of the farmhouse, and will always offer you the Vase for 5,000 G.
Huang will do this 5 times for 5 seasons with the Flower Vase, but after the 5th time he gives up trying to sell it to you.
So even if you can’t buy it on Spring 11th, you still have more chances if you missed him the first time around.
Note: Remember that he will only appear if you have more than 5,000 G in your wallet. And even if he showed up when you had less money, you wouldn’t be able to afford the Flower Vase anyway.
What Does the Vase Do?

After your purchase, the Flower Vase will be placed next to your TV set.
The purpose of the vase is initially just decorative, but you can unlock a special feature by keeping a flower inside of it.
You can add any flower to the vase to get extra healing effects, and you can use any flower in the game. So the flower can be grown on your farm or foraged around Mineral Town.
When the flower is blooming in the vase, it will restore a small amount of stamina or fatigue every morning when you wake up.
The exact healing benefits vary with each type of flower, so here’s a quick chart to reference:
Flower Vase Benefits | ||
Flower | Effect | Bloom Time |
Sunsweet Flower | -20 FAT | 2 days |
Moondrop Flower | +10 STA | 7 days |
True Magic Red Flower | -10 FAT | 5 days |
Toy Flower | -7 FAT | 5 days |
Pink Cat Flower | -5 FAT | 5 days |
Blue Magic Red Flower | +3 STA | 10 days |
Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
- Huang’s Vase in SoS: FoMT (How To Get It + Uses)