All Leftovers Locations | ||
# | Location | Repeatable? |
1 | Victory Road—Across a lake in the large chamber that opens after you receive the National Pokédex (requires Rock Climb, Surf, and Waterfall) | No |
2 | Obtained via the Pickup Ability with a Pokémon level 81 or higher (1% chance) | Yes |
3 | 100% chance of being held by wild Munchlax. You can only find wild Munchlax by attracting them using special Honey Trees in Sinnoh | Yes |
The easiest Leftovers to obtain is on Victory Road. You’ll find this in a back room on 1F in the cave.
Alternatively you can also get Leftovers repeatedly from wild Munchlax, or as an item via Pickup. Both of these methods require hours of repetitive tasks, but they are the only ways to acquire more than 1 copy of the item.
All Leftovers Locations
Method 1: Victory Road (Step-by-Step)
By far the easiest way to obtain Leftovers is to find the one in Victory Road.
This method is only available after you’ve entered the Pokémon League Hall of Fame and received the National Pokédex.
Getting this Leftovers also requires Pokémon that know the following HMs:
- Rock Climb
- Surf
- Waterfall
Defog is recommended, but not strictly necessary.
Fly to the Pokémon League once you’ve prepared and we’ll guide you on exactly where to find the Leftovers here.
Start by using Surf at the water to the south and ride down the waterfall.

Step ashore and turn eastward to enter Victory Road.

Once you’re inside, head southward down the wide corridor at the entrance.

Cross the bridge to the south and use Rock Climb to slide down the rocky wall.

Once you’re down the rock climb spot, head to the west, then turn up north to pass under the bridge.

Make a left turn at the Veteran trainer and head up the stairs behind him.
Then cross the bridge you’ll see up the stairs, taking you towards the right.

Keep going right and you’ll pass under the bridge from earlier. You can then go through the newly-accessible entrance to the next cave chamber on the far right-hand wall.

Once you’re in the new chamber, climb down the staircase and head northeast.

Descend the staircase and head through the next doorway.

In this next room, use Surf on the lake to your right.
Note: If this is your first time passing through this section of Victory Road, Marley will accompany you at this point and you will be unable to use Surf until she takes her leave.

Surf all the way towards the right and you’ll find a Poké Ball item on a small patch of ground at the southeastern corner of the lake.
Pick up this Poké Ball to add the Leftovers to your bag.

Method 2: The Pickup Ability (Repeatable)
Any Pokémon over level 81 with the Pickup ability can obtain unlimited Leftovers.
Pickup gives a Pokémon a 10% chance of obtaining a new held item after each battle. The item you get will vary based on the Pickup Pokémon’s level.
Common Pokémon with Pickup in Platinum include Aipom, Pachirisu, and Munchlax.

Which item the Pokémon picks up depends on both the Pokémon’s level and random chance.
In the case of the Leftovers, a level 81-100 Pokémon has about a 1% chance of acquiring Leftovers after a battle.
When you factor in the initial 10% probability of Pickup even activating after each battle, this places your odds of picking up Leftovers at 0.1% per encounter.
This method is endlessly repeatable, but it can take a long time because of its low success rate.
Bear in mind that there are no alerts when a Pokémon successfully picks up an item; you will need to check your party every so often to find out.

Method 3: Wild Munchlax (Repeatable)
Wild Munchlax can also be found holding Leftovers—with one huge caveat.
Munchlax can only be found in Honey Trees. These are the standalone trees with the golden foliage you find all throughout Sinnoh. If you slather Honey on one of these trees and return six real-life hours later, you should find a wild Pokémon in it.
The problem is that only 4 of the 21 Honey Trees in Sinnoh have the potential to attract Munchlax.
And even then, you’ll only encounter a Munchlax at a rate of 1% per use of Honey on these trees.
To make matters worse, these exact trees differ from game to game – and finding them is largely a matter of luck.

Even if you manage to identify all 4 of the Munchlax Honey Trees and slather Honey on all of them, that still only gives you a 4% chance of finding a Munchlax every six hours.

That’s why this is not only the most tedious way to find Leftovers, but possibly the most frustrating method of finding an item in the whole game.
The good news:
If you do find a wild Munchlax, it is guaranteed to be holding Leftovers.

Leftovers Details and Uses

The Leftovers is a held item that restores one sixteenth of the holder’s maximum HP at the end of every turn.
And tere’s a reason why Leftovers is so hard to find in Pokémon Platinum:
It’s a really great item.
This is in large part due to its versatility.
Leftovers works well for nearly every species, and there are no real downsides to the healing effects aside from your enemy stealing it.
This isn’t the case for similar items.
The Shell Bell, for instance, heals the holder for an HP amount equal to one-eighth of the damage each of its attacks inflicts. On the surface this can seem like a better deal, but that’s assuming the holder’s attacks always work as intended.
The opponent can switch Pokémon, use moves to increase its defenses, deploy a substitute, and use many other tactics to keep a Shell Bell holder from healing effectively.
To look at it another way:
Leftovers can keep the holder in battle for one or more extra turns without depending on external conditions or having to waste time healing manually—and in Pokémon, the value of having even one extra turn cannot be overstated.
Pokémon Platinum
- Where To Get Leftovers in Pokémon Platinum