The Blue Power Berry in SoS: FoMT

Kappa giving us the blue power berry

The Blue Power Berry is a special item that will permanently cut the fatigue points you earn in half. You can get it as a gift from Kappa as early as Spring of your first year!

To get this special Power Berry you just need to offer Kappa 10 Cucumbers by throwing them into his lake. But you can only offer him 1 cucumber per day for this to work, so it will take a minimum of 10 days before he gives you the berry.

Kappa’s Location

The player stands in front of Kappa’s lake / SoS: FoMT
The player stands in front of Kappa’s lake.

To get to Kappa’s lake, you’ll need to hike up the mountain behind your farm and go west.

Go down the bridge south of your farm and take the second left, then follow the path until you see a small lake with a cave in the center.

Tip: Alternatively, you can head directly towards the Hot Spring and take the stairs on the left.

Map of Mineral Town with directions to the mountain lake / SoS: FoMT
Map of Mineral Town with directions to the mountain lake.

Getting the Blue Power Berry

The farmer offers a Cucumber to Kappa / SoS: FoMT
The farmer offers a Cucumber to Kappa.

To get the Blue Power Berry you’ll need to befriend Kappa by offering him 10 Cucumbers.

Kappa is the spirit that resides in the mountain lake and will only appear when you throw a Cucumber into the waters of his lake.

Tip: Cucumber seeds can be bought from the General Store and take 9 days to grow. They’ll also keep giving fruit every 5 days for the remainder of Spring.

The farmer stands in the middle of a field of Cucumber plants / SoS: FoMT
The farmer stands in the middle of a field of Cucumber plants.

Once you’ve collected your Cucumbers, you can start throwing in one daily into Kappa’s lake as an offering.

After you’ve given him 10 Cucumbers, he will appear with the Blue Power Berry.

Kappa speaks to the farmer / SoS: FoMT
Kappa speaks to the farmer.

After the short cutscene where you get the berry, you’ll find it much easier to complete your farming tasks without the fatigue meter weighing you down.

This is also a great early-game unlockable you can get alongside any of the other Power Berries in the game.

Kal S.

344 articles

Kal S. is a part-time med student and full-time nerd. Connect with them over all things fantasy, science fiction, and art!

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