Starlight Night Festival – Story of Seasons: FoMT

Attending the Starlight Night Festival with Elly (SoS:FoMT)
Starlight Night
Date Winter 24th (annual)
Time 6:00 PM to 12:00 AM
Location Varies
Special Requirements At least 30,000 LP with any marriage candidate
Prizes Friendship Points, Love Points, Achievement Ring

Every year on Winter 24th, the Starlight Night Festival takes place in the evening. You get to enjoy a romantic dinner with any marriage candidate of your choice, and with a few close friends.

Festival Requirements

To receive an invitation for the Starlight Night, you’ll need to have 30,000 LP or higher with any marriage candidate.

You can check this by opening the Villagers Relationships tab and looking at each candidate’s heart level.

Interface of the Villagers Relationships tab. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
Interface of the Villagers Relationships tab.

You’ll be able to attend the Starlight Night with any of the candidates that have a green heart level (or more).

Getting Mayor Thomas’ Invite

On the morning of Winter 23rd, Mayor Thomas will visit and present all the invites sent to you for tomorrow’s Starlight Night.

You’ll run into him when you exit the farmhouse.

Mayor Thomas talks to the farmer about Starlight Night. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
Mayor Thomas talks to the farmer about Starlight Night.

You can open each of the invitations and read them before choosing a marriage candidate to spend your night with.

If you don’t want to attend any dinners, you can choose not to participate as well.

An invitation from Elly to celebrate Starlight Night. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
An invitation from Elly to celebrate Starlight Night.

Once you’ve decided, tell Mayor Thomas your choice and wait for the next evening’s festivities.

If you’re already married, you don’t need to go through any of the pomp and circumstance here – because you’ll automatically spend the event at the farmhouse with your current spouse.

Note: Kai, Bon Vivant, the Harvest Goddess, Huang, and Kappa will not be available for the Starlight Night Festival unless you marry them.

Starry Night Event Details

At 6:00 PM on Winter 24th, you can go directly to the venue chosen by your preferred marriage candidate.

The farmer enters the Inn on Starlight Night. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
The farmer enters the Inn on Starlight Night.

There are different locations specific to each villager, which should be written on the invite you received from Mayor Thomas the day before.

Starlight Night Locations
Marriage Candidate Location
Brandon The Workshop
Cliff Wine Cellar
Doctor Mineral Clinic
Elly Ellen’s House
Gray The Forge
Jennifer Jennifer’s Tent
Kappa (if married) Kappa’s Lake
Karen General Store
Marie Basil’s House
Popuri PoPoultry
Ran Inn
Rick PoPoultry

Once you arrive, you can interact with everyone there and enjoy a small, intimate dinner.

The farmer spends Starlight Night with Ran and Dudley. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
The farmer spends Starlight Night with Ran and Dudley.

Prizes + Benefits

#1: Extra Friendship & Love Points

Attending Starlight Night will earn you +2,000 LP with the marriage candidate you chose, and +30 FP with the other villagers that were also present for the dinner.

#2: Achievement Ring

If you haven’t received an Achievement Ring from this event before, you’ll be able to get one from the marriage candidate you chose for this event.

If you chose to spend Starlight Night with any of these villagers:

  • Brandon
  • Cliff
  • Doctor
  • Gray
  • Jennifer

Then they’ll present the Ring to you themselves with some special dialogue.

Doctor gives the farmer an Achievement Ring. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
Doctor gives the farmer an Achievement Ring.

There won’t be any special dialogue if you chose any of the remaining marriage candidates. You’ll simply wake up the next morning with the new Achievement Ring in your profile.

Kal S.

344 articles

Kal S. is a part-time med student and full-time nerd. Connect with them over all things fantasy, science fiction, and art!

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