International Trade Building Unlock Guide (Cities: Skylines)

The International Trade Building next to the Level 5 Stock Exchange (Cities: Skylines)
International Trade Building
DLC Financial Districts
Building Type Unique Building
Level/Category Financial Buildings
Build Cost ₡125,000
Upkeep Cost ₡2,000/week
Milestone Required Big Town
Entertainment Value 100
Noise Pollution 25
Visitor Capacity 300

The International Trade Building is a unique building that you can build with the Cities: Skylines Financial Districts DLC.

To unlock the International Trade Building, you need to do a few things:

  • Reach the Big Town population milestone (between 1,800-8,000 population, depending on the map)
  • Build a Stock Exchange
  • Have the Stock Exchange reach level 5 (₡1,500,000 in investment gains)

Once you meet these requirements, you’ll be able to build the International Trade Building from the Financial Buildings tab of the Unique Buildings menu for ₡125,000.

The International Trade Building in the menu / Cities: Skylines
The International Trade Building in the menu.

Step 1: Build a Stock Exchange Building

You can build a Stock Exchange building from the Financial Buildings tab of the Unique Buildings menu.

It costs ₡60,000 to build, and ₡960 per week in upkeep.

Building the Stock Exchange / Cities: Skylines
Building the Stock Exchange.

Step 2: Earn From Investments to Level Up

You’ll now have a level 1 Stock Exchange building. But to level it up, you’ll need to make profitable investments.

Here’s how:

Open the Economy panel to view the Investments tab.

The Investments tab of the Economy panel / Cities: Skylines
The Investments tab of the Economy panel.

You can also access this by clicking on the Stock Exchange Building and the Manage Investments button.

From this tab, you’ll be able to buy and sell stocks.

The left side of the window shows you the companies from which you can purchase stocks. More companies become available as your Stock Exchange building levels up.

The list of companies selling stocks is on the left hand side / Cities: Skylines
The list of companies selling stocks is on the left hand side.

Clicking on the Buy button lets you select how many stocks to purchase from any given company.

You’ll also be able to see recent trends in its stock price.

Clicking ‘Buy’ on a listing brings up this panel where you can choose how much you want to invest / Cities: Skylines
Clicking ‘Buy’ on a listing brings up this panel where you can choose how much you want to invest.

To make money, you’ll want to follow the same rule as real life: buy stocks when the price is low and then sell when high.

Any stocks you purchase will be listed on the right side of the panel. You’ll also see how much money you’d gain or lose if you were to sell your stocks at that moment.

On the right side of the panel you’ll see the stocks you own, as well as how much you’d gain or lose / Cities: Skylines
On the right side of the panel you’ll see the stocks you own, as well as how much you’d gain or lose.

Any profits you make will count towards leveling up your Stock Exchange.

On the other hand, losses will not count against your progress.

But you’ll want to avoid taking losses (of course) since that means your city loses money.

Step 3: Upgrading Your Stock Exchange Building

The Stock Exchange can be upgraded four times.

To unlock each upgrade, you’ll need to hit a milestone in the amount of money you’ve made from your investments.

Every time you hit a milestone, you can click the Upgrade button to upgrade your Stock Exchange to the next level. The cost to upgrade increases with each level.

Tip: Levels 2-4 also unlock other unique buildings as well.

Level Investment Gains Target Cost to Upgrade Unique Building Unlocked
2 ₡50,000 ₡15,000 Bronze Cow, Bronze Panda
3 ₡250,000 ₡30,000 Elevated Plaza
4 ₡750,000 ₡60,000 Underground Garden Plaza
5 ₡1,500,000 ₡120,000 International Trade Building

Once you’ve made ₡1,500,000 in investment gains, you’ll have the option to upgrade your Stock Exchange building to level 5. The upgrade costs ₡120,000.

You’ll then be able to build the International Trade Building from the Financial Buildings tab.

Liz Villegas

174 articles

Liz is a writer and photographer with a love for building and strategy games. Her spare time is often split between lifting, reading, drawing, annoying her dog Mr. Porky Butt, and squinting at stat tables on the wiki pages of whatever game she's currently playing.

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