Lt. Surge’s Team – Vermilion City Gym (Pokémon FRLG)

Challenging LT Surge
Gym Leader Lt. Surge
Pokémon Voltorb Lv. 21 Pikachu Lv. 18 Raichu Lv. 24
Type Electric Electric Electric
Ability Soundproof Static Static
Held Item None None None
  • Ground (2x)
  • Ground (2x)
  • Ground (2x)
  • Shock Wave
  • Tackle
  • Screech
  • SonicBoom
  • Shock Wave
  • Thunder Wave
  • Quick Attack
  • Double Team
  • Shock Wave
  • Thunder Wave
  • Quick Attack
  • Double Team

Gym Puzzle Solution

Lt. Surge’s puzzle involves looking through a bunch of trash cans for two switches. You have to activate both switches in order to battle Surge.

A few things to note are:

  • The first switch is completely random
  • The second switch will always be adjacent to the first one
  • If you choose the wrong switch when looking for the 2nd adjacent one, the switches will all reset and the first switch will change places
  • After finding the first switch, you can save your game, then check an adjacent trash can, and then reset the game until you find the correct second switch
The second switch will be in one of the circled trash cans. It is always in a trash can next to the first switch, which is randomly placed. / Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
The second switch will be in one of the circled trash cans. It is always in a trash can next to the first switch, which is randomly placed.

After finding the second switch, the gate in front of Lt. Surge will open and you will be able to challenge him for the Thunder Badge.

The gates to Lt. Surge opening after finding both switches in his Gym Puzzle / Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
The gates to Lt. Surge opening after finding both switches in his Gym Puzzle

Tips for Beating Lt. Surge

  • Level up your party to at least Level 21. Lt. Surge’s team ranges from Level 18 – 24. Your party should be ranged from Level 21 – 26, depending on how strong / weak they are to Electric moves.
  • Counter Electric Types. Usually Gym leaders will have a few different Type combos but all of Surge’s Pokémon are pure Electric types, so bring a Ground Type or two of your own to completely decimate his team.
  • Stop By Diglett’s Cave if you have no Ground Type Pokémon in your party. You’ll find plenty of wild Diglett and Dugtrio in the cave that will help clear the path to the Thunder Badge easier.
  • Be Careful of Static. Pikachu and Raichu both have the Static ability. If you attack Pikachu or Raichu with a move that makes contact, then there is a 1/3 chance that the attacking Pokémon will be Paralyzed. It’s best to avoid moves that make contact when fighting Lt. Surge if at all possible.
  • Don’t let Raichu use Double Team too much. If Raichu uses Double Team three or four times then it will be extremely hard to hit, which can easily lead to losing the battle. Either hit Raichu with a move that lowers its speed or a move that continuously hurts it (Poison, Leech Seed, Burn, etc) so that even if you miss, it will continue to take damage.

Rewards for Defeating Lt. Surge

After defeating Lt. Surge, you’ll be rewarded with the following:


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A jack of all trades when it comes to gaming. I can sit down for hours in a casual playthrough of Pokémon, or I can spend months trying to hit Diamond in League of Legends. I love and appreciate everything about games, and love sharing that passion with my readers.

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