Where To Get the Galactic Key in Pokémon Platinum

Finding the Galactic Key in Pokémon Platinum

You’ll start exploring Team Galactic’s Veilstone Headquarters shortly after defeating Leader Candice at the Snowpoint City Gym. However, you’ll find much of the building blocked off by hi-tech security doors.

The Galactic Key is deep inside the Galactic HQ, and it will unlock the unaccessible areas of the Veilstone Headquarters. It opens up the most important passageways and ultimately allows you to battle Cyrus for the Lake Guardians’ freedom.

Acquiring the Galactic Key Inside Galactic HQ

After winning the Icicle Badge from Candice at the Snowpoint City Gym, your next objective is to investigate Team Galactic’s Headquarters in Veilstone City.

But you won’t be able to enter the Galactic HQ through the front—you’ll need to get Officer Looker to let you in through the Galactic Warehouse using the Storage Key.

Looker showing up with the Storage Key / Pokémon Platinum
Looker showing up with the Storage Key.

After Looker opens the Warehouse door for you, follow him inside.

Entering the security door and heading down the warehouse stairs / Pokémon Platinum
Entering the security door and heading down the warehouse stairs.

Now that you’re within the walls of Team Galactic’s base, head east down the hallway.

Walking along the eastern hallway / Pokémon Platinum
Walking along the eastern hallway.

At the first corner, you will come across one of several Galactic Grunts to battle. Defeat this Grunt and continue heading northeast.

Note: None of these Grunt battles is particularly hard; the Grunts generally use the same Golbat, Houndour, Stunky, etc. that you’ve come to expect. But keep in mind that they’re all around level 40 and can wear out your team if you’re not careful.

Heading past the first Galactic Grunt after trouncing him / Pokémon Platinum
Heading past the first Galactic Grunt after trouncing him.

A second Grunt is guarding the next corner. Defeat him and continue up the stairs.

Passing the second Grunt and heading upstairs / Pokémon Platinum
Passing the second Grunt and heading upstairs.

The Grunt in the next room has no Pokémon and can’t battle you, so pass him and head up the opposite staircase.

Climbing the next set of stairs / Pokémon Platinum
Climbing the next set of stairs.

In the northwest corner of the next room are a pair of yellow circles on the floor. These are warp tiles; stepping on one will teleport you to another warp tile elsewhere in the building.

Fight the Galactic Grunt guarding the hallway, then step on the left-hand warp tile.

Heading to the warp tile on the left / Pokémon Platinum
Heading to the warp tile on the left.

Step on the warp tile in the next room to continue.

Stepping on the next warp tile / Pokémon Platinum
Stepping on the next warp tile.

Then head up the stairs in the next room.

Crossing the tiny room and heading upstairs / Pokémon Platinum
Crossing the tiny room and heading upstairs.

You will emerge on the next floor in the middle of a hallway. Head to the left end and step on the warp tile.

Heading left toward the warp tile / Pokémon Platinum
Heading left toward the warp tile.

Now cross the next hallway and go down the staircase to your right.

Heading down the eastern staircase / Pokémon Platinum
Heading down the eastern staircase.

Downstairs, circle around and head west.

Turning westward on the next floor / Pokémon Platinum
Turning westward on the next floor.

There is a Scientist trainer here for an optional battle. Head around him and take the staircase at the northwest corner of the room.

Passing the Scientist trainer and heading for the stairs / Pokémon Platinum
Passing the Scientist trainer and heading for the stairs.

Go west down the dim dank hallway.

Traveling west through the shady hallway / Pokémon Platinum
Traveling west through the shady hallway.

Defeat the Galactic Grunt you’ll find here, then circle around the boxes to the west to find a Poké Ball item on the ground.

Examining the item behind the boxes / Pokémon Platinum
Examining the item behind the boxes.

Examine this Poké Ball to obtain the Galactic Key.

Picking up the Galactic Key / Pokémon Platinum
Picking up the Galactic Key.

Galactic Key Details and Uses

The in-game description of the Galactic Key / Pokémon Platinum
The in-game description of the Galactic Key.

You can use the Galactic Key to open up all the locked doors inside Team Galactic’s Headquarters.

To use it, simply walk up to a security door and press A.

Using the Galactic Key to unlock a security door / Pokémon Platinum
Using the Galactic Key to unlock a security door.

Then select Yes to open the door permanently.

Walking through a new shortcut created by using the Galactic Key / Pokémon Platinum
Walking through a new shortcut created by using the Galactic Key.

The Galactic Key will open shortcuts (including through the front entrance of the Galactic HQ) and lead you to new items.

But the Galactic Key’s most vital purpose is unlocking the door to Cyrus’s office so you can defeat him in battle a second time.

Facing Galactic Boss Cyrus in his office / Pokémon Platinum
Facing Galactic Boss Cyrus in his office.

Victory in this battle will result in Team Galactic leaving Veilstone City for good.

It will also allow you to free the three Lake Guardian Pokémon, whose power Team Galactic has been attempting to harness.

Releasing the Lake Guardian trio from captivity / Pokémon Platinum
Releasing the Lake Guardian trio from captivity.

Chris Haygood

270 articles

Chris is an American freelance writer and lifelong gamer. RPGs have been his genre of choice ever since he got Pokémon Blue in 1867, but if he finds a good rhythm game, he will prioritize playing it over both eating and breathing.

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