How To Get TM49 Snatch in Pokémon Platinum

TM49 Snatch location in Team Galactic HQ (Pokémon Platinum)

TM49 Snatch is located in the Team Galactic Headquarters in Veilstone City, and is visible in one of the rooms as an overworld item. This area is accessible only after Looker has used the Storage Key on the Galactic Warehouse’s security door.

Snatch is a non-damaging Dark-type status move with an increased priority.

If Snatch is used during a turn in which another Pokémon attempts to use a beneficial status-changing move, the Snatch user steals the move and uses it on itself instead.

TM49 Snatch Location (Step-by-Step)

TM49 Snatch’s location on the Town Map / Pokémon Platinum
TM49 Snatch’s location on the Town Map.

After you have defeated Leader Candice in Snowpoint City, you can visit Lake Acuity.

This is where Team Galactic’s Commander Jupiter will mention that the next phase of their plan is set to occur at their Veilstone City Headquarters.

You can then travel to Veilstone City and speak to a Galactic Grunt outside the HQ to trigger a short scene, after which Looker of the International Police will show up and offer to unlock the security door in the Galactic Warehouse.

Talking to a Grunt to trigger Looker opening the Warehouse door on the other side of town / Pokémon Platinum
Talking to a Grunt to trigger Looker opening the Warehouse door on the other side of town.

Heal your Pokémon if you need to, since there are a bunch of Galactic Grunt battles ahead, and then travel to the Warehouse by moving west from Veilstone City’s Pokémon Center.

Heading west from Veilstone’s Pokémon Center / Pokémon Platinum
Heading west from Veilstone’s Pokémon Center.

Turn north once you pass the Veilstone Department Store.

Turning north at the corner / Pokémon Platinum
Turning north at the corner.

Turn east, and climb the staircase to enter the Warehouse.

Turning east, and ascending the Galactic Warehouse’s staircase / Pokémon Platinum
Turning east, and ascending the Galactic Warehouse’s staircase.

Looker will meet you inside and open the door for you, before sprinting down the stairs.

Looker opening the Galactic Warehouse door / Pokémon Platinum
Looker opening the Galactic Warehouse door.

Follow him down the staircase.

Going through the security door and down the stairs / Pokémon Platinum
Going through the security door and down the stairs.

On the next floor, walk straight east down the hallway.

Heading down the eastern corridor / Pokémon Platinum
Heading down the eastern corridor.

Battle the first Galactic Grunt you encounter.

All the Grunts here have the standard Grunt Pokémon (Golbat, Stunky, Houndour, etc.), with levels in the high-30s and low-40s, and shouldn’t pose much of a threat.

Passing the first Galactic Grunt / Pokémon Platinum
Passing the first Galactic Grunt.

Continue up the corridor, and you will come across another Grunt to fight.

After the battle, climb the staircase at the end of the hall.

Passing the second Galactic Grunt to reach the staircase / Pokémon Platinum
Passing the second Galactic Grunt to reach the staircase.

There is a Grunt in the new room, but you can’t battle him, so just head up the next staircase.

Passing the third Galactic Grunt and ascending the staircase / Pokémon Platinum
Passing the third Galactic Grunt and ascending the staircase.

In this next area, there is another Galactic Grunt to battle. And behind her are two orange circles.

These are teleportation portals; if you step on one, it will teleport you to another portal somewhere else in the building.

To reach TM49 Snatch, step on the right-hand teleportation portal.

Passing the fourth Galactic Grunt and taking the right-hand teleportation portal / Pokémon Platinum
Passing the fourth Galactic Grunt and taking the right-hand teleportation portal.

The portal will take you directly to the room where you can find TM49 Snatch.

You’ll see it as a Pokéball item in the upper-right corner of the room, so just walk over and pick it up.

Obtaining TM49 Snatch / Pokémon Platinum
Obtaining TM49 Snatch.

This is the only copy of TM49 Snatch in the game, so use it wisely.

Snatch Details and Uses

In-game description for TM49 Snatch / Pokémon Platinum
In-game description for TM49 Snatch.

Snatch is a non-damaging, Dark-type status move with a +4 increased priority. If used during a turn in which the target attempts a status move with a positive effect, the user of Snatch will steal the move and use it instead.

Snatch Move Details
Type Dark
Category Status
PP 10 (max. 16)
Priority +4

Snatch is a fun and interesting move, but its efficacy in competitive play depends on the target, as well as the user’s ability to determine if status moves are likely to be used.

For example, one strategy is to make a quick powerful Pokémon like Garchomp spam Swords Dance to boost its Attack stat to astronomical levels; a Pokémon with Snatch can pull that strategy right out from under them and repeatedly boost their own Attack instead.

Here’s a few tidbits of information about Snatch:

  • In Double Battles, Snatch can be used to steal a partner’s status move, making sharing moves possible as a battle strategy.
  • If more than one Pokémon uses Snatch in a turn, only the last Pokémon to use it—that is, the slowest Pokémon—will steal the status move.
  • If Snatch is used in a Pokémon Contest in the Smart category, it will not generate any Appeal Points, but it will steal the Voltage of the Pokémon that acted before it.

Chris Haygood

270 articles

Chris is an American freelance writer and lifelong gamer. RPGs have been his genre of choice ever since he got Pokémon Blue in 1867, but if he finds a good rhythm game, he will prioritize playing it over both eating and breathing.

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