The Blue Feather in SoS: FoMT

Holding up the Blue Feather
Blue Feather
Location Jeff’s General Store (sold for 1,000 G)
Unlocked At After you’ve seen the orange heart event for any marriage candidate
Uses Proposing marriage

The Blue Feather is only purchasable after you’ve seen a marriage candidate’s orange heart event (or after you’ve gotten a special marriage candidate to an orange heart).

At this point the feather will become available in Jeff’s General Store for 1,000 G.

The Blue Feather is the Story of Seasons version of an engagement ring. Give it to your love interest once you hit 60,000 Love Points (red heart level), and you’ll get married in a few days to live happily ever after in Mineral Town.

Step 1: Reach Orange Heart Level (50,000 LP)

The farmer participates in Popuri’s orange heart event / SoS: FoMT
The farmer participates in Popuri’s orange heart event.

The Blue Feather will be unlocked once you reach the orange heart level with any marriage candidate. Remember that you need to be dating someone (by giving them the Preserved Flower) and have successfully viewed all previous heart events.

To raise Love Points with a marriage candidate, you can do any of the following:

  • Give favorite or loved gifts (500-800 LP)
  • Speak and interact with them daily (200 LP)
  • Attending romantic festivals (1,000-2,000 LP)

Once you hit 50,000 LP, the Blue Feather will be automatically unlocked.

Step 2: Purchase the Blue Feather

Shop inventory of the General Store showing the Blue Feather / SoS: FoMT
Shop inventory of the General Store showing the Blue Feather.

After Jeff informs you that he now carries the Blue Feather in stock, you can head directly to the General Store to buy it for 1,000 G.

You can only buy one Blue Feather for each save file, since you can only get married to one villager.

Step 3: Complete All Other Marriage Requirements

The farmer gives Popuri a favorite gift / SoS: FoMT
The farmer gives Popuri a favorite gift.

Once you have the Blue Feather in your possession, you can go ahead and propose to your chosen candidate. However, all marriage requirements must be completed before they’ll actually say yes.

These are all the things you need to complete before asking for someone’s hand in marriage:

  1. Reach 60,000 LP (red heart level)
  2. View all 7 heart events
  3. Complete all house upgrades
  4. Buy the Big Bed

For special marriage candidates, the process is different:

You’ll need to complete their individual marriage requirements and achieve 60,000 LP before proposing. There will be no heart events to participate in for any special marriage candidates, so in this case you have to track your relationship progress yourself.

Once you’re sure that you’re qualified to propose to a special marriage candidate, then you can directly offer them the Blue Feather.

Step 4: Propose

The farmer proposes to Popuri / SoS: FoMT
The farmer proposes to Popuri. Source

If all the listed requirements have been met, the proposal will be successful and you’ll get married in 7 days after proposing with the Blue feather.

Carter will officiate the wedding with all the villagers in attendance.

Kal S.

344 articles

Kal S. is a part-time med student and full-time nerd. Connect with them over all things fantasy, science fiction, and art!

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